Neutral Jab - Incineroar performs two wide claw swings. Strong, but a bit sluggish.
Forward Tilt: Flamethrower - A quick jet of flame bursts from Incineroar's "belt". This serves as a quick normal hit and cannot be held like

's version.
Up Tilt - Incineroar swipes his claw in an overhead arc.
Down Tilt - Incineroar claws at the opponent while crouched.
Dash Attack - Incineroar performs a lariat.
Side Smash: Fire Blast - Incineroar builds up power in his "belt" and fires a close range blast of flame.
Up Smash - Incineroar crouches low and quickly jumps up, tackling opponents.from below with his shoulder. Think Alex's Crouching HP from SFIII and SFV.
Down Smash: Dark Pulse - Incineroar rears his head back and roars, releasing a pulse of darkness that travels outward around him. Hits close to the ground on both sides.
Neutral Air: Cross Chop - Incineroar faces the camera and folds his arms. He then quickly performs two outward chops, hitting around himself.
Forward Air - Incineroar performs a overhead, downward swipe with both claws. Think Beowulf's jumping LP from Skullgirls.
Back Air - Incineroar performs a dropkick.
Up Air: Ember - Incineroar spits an ember upward as a small projectile attack.
Down Air - Incineroar performs a knee drop, dragging the opponent downward like with

's D-Air.
Grab - Swipes with one of his claws, reaching for opponents. Pretty standard.
Pummel - Headbutts the opponent. One of the slowest, but strongest pummels.
Forward Throw - Incineroar spins and throws the opponent similar to

's Back Throws.
Back Throw - Incineroar performs a suplex.
Up Throw - Incineroar performs a back breaker drop.
Down Throw - Incineroar performs a power bomb.
Neutral Special: Bulk Up - A stat buff special that must be charged. Temporarily boosts Incineroar's attack power and armor, allowing it tank even more moves and overpower them with it's own attacks like Darkest Lariat.
Side Special: Throat Chop - A strong move that puts opponents in a crumple state like

's Focus Attack, but is useless on Shields. Incineroar will take a big step forward when using this move similar to Street Fighter's Alex when using Flash Chop.
Up Special: Flame Charge - Incineroar pauses for a moment, builds up flames around his body and then lunges in the direction pressed.
Down Special: Darkest Lariat - Incinceroar's signature move. A spinning clothesline similar to

's Luigi Cyclone, but slower, and much stronger. This move has armor allowing it to power through weak attacks it collides with. It also continues past opponents even when it hits a shield.
Final Smash: Malicious Moonsault - Incineroar's special Z-Move. A short range attack to stun opponents followed by a cinematic Final Smash that pretty much plays out the same as it does in Pokemon Sun & Moon.