@July, Tery: Yo, what do you guys think of the Swiss/Soup interaction so far, if anything at all?
So far I like Swiss, his questions seem legit and like they have good intent behind them. Soup on his own seems like he's trying really hard not to play like he usually does. The interactions with Swiss don't seem genuine to me, but I honestly can't tell if its Soup trying to challenge the biggest name in the game to establish himself or if its just this new playstyle. I want to see Soup's interactions with other people; honestly his answer to my question seemed much more genuine than his interactions with Swiss, so that leaves Soup as null and Swiss leaning town.
@everyone: talk to me about inactives, and your stance on them.
in a situation where there are no leads, are you willing to lynch an inactive or go with your gut?
this can be vice-versa.
My policy on inactives is best demonstrated in Harry Potter Mafia; I will lynch an inactive if there are absolutely no leads, but I will definitely push a player I think is scummy over inactives even in a relatively inactive town. Inactives usually get prodded back to life or replaced so that's also something I heavily consider before supporting an inactive lynch.
@July: Gimme your thoughts on Katrip
I didn't get the sarcasm he claims there was in his vote for Soup, and this:
With regards to inactivity: I think a policy lynch D1 is uncalled for. If we can't make a proper lynch on D1 then we are doing something wrong and most likely setting ourselves up for failure. We need to be able to obtain connections to pursue on subsequent days. Inactives/dead weight are more a good target for vigs or the like, and not something we should waste a lynch on. There are cases when it is warranted, though. I don't see why everyone feels the need to bring up a policy lynch so early in the Day. Are you trying to set one up now, Soup? Or was your question just a useless one trying to see everyone's opinion on the idea?
Seemed unnecessarily accusative, especially after Soup stated that he tended more to RQS than RVS and I wouldn't say the question was useless, its just not applicable right now. I'm not fond of his play so far but as I stated in response to Swiss's question, Kantrip I have reservations about developing a quick read on after Awkward Moments mafia.
I want to see more of Kantrip's response to Adum before I comment on that set of interactions.
Sokr's vote on Swiss and attempt to get a read via reaction looks genuine to me, and I agree with Adum that immediately setting himself up against Swiss would be really daring and frankly really dumb for newbscum.
@Tery, thoughts on Soup so far?