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& Brawl+: The Montréal Weekly Poutine Thread...With More Sauce!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
Montreal, Canada
I lost to kage 1st round :( but I won way more friendlies. I'm finally reaching a decent level of skill! thanx guys for showing me that I suck with more chars than I thought lol.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I lost to kage 1st round :( but I won way more friendlies. I'm finally reaching a decent level of skill! thanx guys for showing me that I suck with more chars than I thought lol.
Nah you're improving really well.

Just stop suiciding like every ten seconds. You'll never be as good as ''C''let.

Of course, losing to my or joel's falcon is nothing to be ashamed of.


Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Check out Agony, he'll tornado for me.
Ohwait, his is broken.
You know you love my tornado. Plus, mine are well placed compared to most MK xD

Thanks for the training Kev, helped me alot.

Nice games everyone !!!

Kirt, I let you off those 30 pull ups or watever just because it was your birthday yesterday. /jk

Gg's and I think I proved my point a bit on MK and my brawl skills. Next time the whole community is with you except for a few I'll know the few ones are the ones that have the best jugdment, haha.

Joel: I guess you didn't notice it, but I had a nice KO on your falcon with side B > Ledge cancel > dair, was to good. Your falcon ***** me badly, haha. Those matches made me laugh sooooo hard.

Mystic Viper

Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2003
Well, I don't know were to start.

First I'm sorry I let down the entire community, so I feel that apologies are due:

Sorry Guys, I had a big weight on my shoulder and it got to me and I cracked.

Second, congratulations Agony on proving everybody except for a select few wrong. I think this also should be an eye opener for many people: people who were at the bottom of the ladder are moving up fast. Nonetheless, I set my goal a few days ago to be in the top 5 of Montreal at this game. It's ambitious, I know. I'm a long way there, I know, but I love this game and I love this scene. I'm gonna ask help from the better players to improve any way I can and as fast as I can. And if they don;t want to help me, I'll do it myself.

And when I feel that I have gotten to the level I want to be at, I'll challenge you again, this time without the pressure of a dozen of people behind me and a short time frame. I advise you keep it up as well.

Good Game.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Well, I don't know were to start.

First I'm sorry I let down the entire community, so I feel that apologies are due:

Sorry Guys, I had a big weight on my shoulder and it got to me and I cracked.

Second, congratulations Agony on proving everybody except for a select few wrong. I think this also should be an eye opener for many people: people who were at the bottom of the ladder are moving up fast. Nonetheless, I set my goal a few days ago to be in the top 5 of Montreal at this game. It's ambitious, I know. I'm a long way there, I know, but I love this game and I love this scene. I'm gonna ask help from the better players to improve any way I can and as fast as I can. And if they don;t want to help me, I'll do it myself.

And when I feel that I have gotten to the level I want to be at, I'll challenge you again, this time without the pressure of a dozen of people behind me and a short time frame. I advise you keep it up as well.

Good Game.
Start by beating me, then we'll see hehe. =)


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Thanks a lot to both everyone who came and everyone who watched the stream. Hope you enjoyed the commentary and matches. Steb recorded a lot on another TV so we'll have some random friendlies/tourney matches up as well (SKYWORLD!).

P.S. this was probably my worst night in months luck-wise. Glad it didn't act up during a tournament or something.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
I think i have a good idea for the next weekly event.

everyone bring like 6 quarters with them
mm people with your quarters, as many as you want a set.
with a minimum of 1 quarter per set
we all play until everyone is out of quarters
you cant play the same person twice


EDIT: a great idea to add, from bento
BentoBox says:
we could make it so the one who has the most quarters by 10pm gets the whole "pot"

EDIT2: My idea

if you are not playing you have to bet with someone else who isnt playing
on matches being played

this way quarters go faster


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2009
****ing Repentigny, QC, Canada
Kirt and Agony: let's take a deeper look into their past few posts! I took the liberty of adding some minor alterations in order to make the subtle non-verbal messages clearer for all to see. Enjoi!

this s in NO way serious and should not be taken seriously. If anyone does indeed think I'm dumb enought to actually go out of my way to make fun of people, they earn my douche seal of approval :D

Tornado talk.

Thanks for the training Kev, now I know that Weegee sucks amazingly vs. MK.

Nice games everyone !!!

Not relevant.

''The moral of this story is blah blah blah''

Joel: I'll joke about it and point out a nice kill I landed to try and hide the fact you ***** me. Hard.
Well, I don't know were to start. Getting owned this hard ****s up your writing skills.

First I'll try to write something intelligent and responsible to hide the fact that losing this pissed me off, so I feel that JOHNS are due:

Sorry Guys, I had JOHNS.

Second, congratulations Agony on proving everybody except Kev! wrong. I think this also should be an eye opener for many people: Kev! is moving up fast. Nonetheless, I set my goal a few days ago to be in the top 5 of Montreal at this game. It's veeeeeeeeeery ambitious, I know. I'm a long way there, I know, but I love this game and I love this scene. I'm gonna ask for help from the better players to improve in any way I can and as fast as I can. And if they don't want to help me, I'll do it myself.

And when I feel that I have gotten to the nearly impossible level I want to be at, I'll challenge you again, this time without the JOHNS. I advise you keep it up as well.

I hate this Game.

Edit: I love the quarters idea, only it's gonna make me even poorer than just friendlies :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Horrible, horrible Weekly. Let us not speak of it again.

I guess I'm down with the quarters idea. Bento's mod seems right, although we might all have played everyone by then.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Horrible, horrible Weekly. Let us not speak of it again.

I guess I'm down with the quarters idea. Bento's mod seems right, although we might all have played everyone by then.
Seemed fine on the stream though. Dunnow what happened XD I found it pretty good/fun overall, even with the jokes directed at me(which i found pretty original)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2004
A shame Agony missed such a fine chance to earn himself a dollar, making his miserable financial situation slightly less miserable.


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Well, I don't know were to start.

First I'm sorry I let down the entire community, so I feel that apologies are due:

Sorry Guys, I had a big weight on my shoulder and it got to me and I cracked.

Second, congratulations Agony on proving everybody except for a select few wrong. I think this also should be an eye opener for many people: people who were at the bottom of the ladder are moving up fast. Nonetheless, I set my goal a few days ago to be in the top 5 of Montreal at this game. It's ambitious, I know. I'm a long way there, I know, but I love this game and I love this scene. I'm gonna ask help from the better players to improve any way I can and as fast as I can. And if they don;t want to help me, I'll do it myself.

And when I feel that I have gotten to the level I want to be at, I'll challenge you again, this time without the pressure of a dozen of people behind me and a short time frame. I advise you keep it up as well.

Good Game.
Quack on Kirt...

Quack on
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