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"BRAWL SUCKS", a Smash brothers MELEE tournament


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
I've been saying it since day 1- Brawl is boring and de-volved in terms of competition. Anyone that says otherwise either doesn't understand how the two games differ or is still caught up in brawl's "new" aspect.

I'm basically posting to see what kind of reaction i get from the melee community if i was to try and set up a melee tournament.

Let me know, and based off your posts i'll host one (or not).

knivez for top 5. :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
zhu just likes melee cuz he can 0 to death ppl without looking at the screen.
Zoap unless you were horribly sandbagging against me in our tournament set, then Brawl has no depth. I basically played Meta Knight the day of and a total of maybe an hour before hand while you had plenty of Meta Knight experience. I did not deserve to do nearly as well against you as I did.

Brawl sucks because anyone can be good at it.

zhu just likes melee cuz he can 0 to death ppl without looking at the screen.
So therefore SSB64 is a garbage game because Isai...


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
i would go but alan banned me from my house. His said it's because I'm asian.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
OK people, its nice to see some responses from the community, but more importantly...where are the GOOD players? LOL.

Im not gonna host this for noobs like champ or Atlus ( ==>~ ATLUS)

I wanna see the hugs and kisses, the romeos and juliets, the fatburger kids(lucky), the little fruit boy called mango( he should be have been casted as a wild boy in the lord of the flies), the eDresses with the Pieces, the F UCKING MIKE Ys.

neal sucks.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
i would go but alan banned me from my house. His said it's because I'm asian.
Wow. Alan banned you from your OWN house? that's pretty amazing.

F*ck you alan, I hate you so much I would never go to your tournaments

But I hate Brawl SO MUCH MORE, that i guess I'll go

But Hugo has to come to so i can take him out of winners, AGAIN

I guess I'll ask What is Fear and Fabian to team up to take Alan and Luigi out also.



Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
wow mike, you sure hit the spot.

I ****ING DIDNT HAVE MY CONTROLLER. I was borrowing random ones, but luigi was sucking more than usual. He was playing at 'champ' level.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Wow. Alan banned you from your OWN house? that's pretty amazing.

F*ck you alan, I hate you so much I would never go to your tournaments

But I hate Brawl SO MUCH MORE, that i guess I'll go

But Hugo has to come to so i can take him out of winners, AGAIN

I guess I'll ask What is Fear and Fabian to team up to take Alan and Luigi out also.

I guess I'll be there to take you out in winners as well.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
dude edrees, anyone can play peach with any controller, just like i can play marth with any controller.

CALM DOWN. Besides, you lost to some noobs.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2005
I guess I'll be there to take you out in winners as well.
Alright Ryan, I'll use 11% of my skill this time just to take you out. You should be grateful, it took about 18% to beat Knivez twice, and about 2% to **** Luigi (And I'm rounding up). You can thank m2k for the number crunch.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Zoap unless you were horribly sandbagging against me in our tournament set, then Brawl has no depth. I basically played Meta Knight the day of and a total of maybe an hour before hand while you had plenty of Meta Knight experience. I did not deserve to do nearly as well against you as I did.

Brawl sucks because anyone can be good at it.
I was not sandbagging, I did 2 stock you the first game and did underestimate you alot. You didn't watch my games with Boback, thats the actual way I shoulda played you and I'm pretty sure it wouldve been no where as close as it was if I did. Who's fault is that? Mine but I still won the set and I still got 4th. Lets see who was in the top 8? Lucien, Hella, Kawn, Myself, Hostility, Cedric, Myron(W$W) and Sheridan. Wow your right all these people picked up brawl a week ago! [/sarcasm]No sorry we've all been playing and learning, instead of just saying its not melee I cant do this I cant do this its a bad game it has no depth. Instead of complaining about how "bad" you think the game is try opening your mind to new ideas and ways of playing.

TheZhuKeeper said:
So therefore SSB64 is a garbage game because Isai...
I never said that the ability to 0-death someone makes a bad game. I love melee, it's one of the greatest game ever made. **** I would still enter melee tournaments even if there was no brawl. Now about depth? Of course it has more depth, its been out 7 years. Lets see 2 months vs 7 years, hmm I wonder which will have more depth?!?! Melee is a great game, Brawl is also a great game, but the competition is different. And SSB is a great game, regardless of Isai ****** beyond comprehension.

I was at first just joking but now that you said something and took it seriously I think its time that I got my thoughts out on the subject.

EDIT: I forgot to mention your little line about my experience vs metaknight. As we know Sidefx metaknight = "plenty of metaknight experience". But hey what can I expect from a Falco player, I mean you all play the exact same way in melee, so why would it not be true for brawl. O yea Brawl isnt Melee 2 thats why


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2006
Farmington, NM
Brawl is different. But not to expect that would be naive.

And you can combo 0-50. You can even 0-kill combo someone.

True gamers adapt. No johns son.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
I like this guy and I usually dont like ppl from New Mexico :)

also I was lying about SS, he never said anything like what I said. But his Snake is still good lol


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I was not sandbagging, I did 2 stock you the first game and did underestimate you alot. You didn't watch my games with Boback, thats the actual way I shoulda played you and I'm pretty sure it wouldve been no where as close as it was if I did. Who's fault is that? Mine but I still won the set and I still got 4th. Lets see who was in the top 8? Lucien, Hella, Kawn, Myself, Hostility, Cedric, Myron(W$W) and Sheridan. Wow your right all these people picked up brawl a week ago! [/sarcasm]No sorry we've all been playing and learning, instead of just saying its not melee I cant do this I cant do this its a bad game it has no depth. Instead of complaining about how "bad" you think the game is try opening your mind to new ideas and ways of playing.

I never said that the ability to 0-death someone makes a bad game. I love melee, it's one of the greatest game ever made. **** I would still enter melee tournaments even if there was no brawl. Now about depth? Of course it has more depth, its been out 7 years. Lets see 2 months vs 7 years, hmm I wonder which will have more depth?!?! Melee is a great game, Brawl is also a great game, but the competition is different. And SSB is a great game, regardless of Isai ****** beyond comprehension.

I was at first just joking but now that you said something and took it seriously I think its time that I got my thoughts out on the subject.

EDIT: I forgot to mention your little line about my experience vs metaknight. As we know Sidefx metaknight = "plenty of metaknight experience". But hey what can I expect from a Falco player, I mean you all play the exact same way in melee, so why would it not be true for brawl. O yea Brawl isnt Melee 2 thats why
I didn't mean that people can randomly place top 8, I'm just saying Brawl is much easier game to pick up than Melee because mistakes are not nearly as punishable. You're right though, I really should stop complaining, but I have honestly tried taking Brawl seriously. You said that I learned a lot in a short period of time, and what I learned was that Brawl is a very defensive game. The more I felt I understood the game, the more I didn't want to play it.

But yea... sorry for posting dumb ****. As SRB said, bad reading comprehension LOL. I'm glad you didn't attack me, because I deserved to be flamed.

I just hope there will be more Melee tournaments (yay socal for sudden spurt of Melee tournies), even if it's just some sideshow. That'll be good enough of an excuse to go hang out with people, because for me / a lot of people, Brawl won't be enough.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
OK people, its nice to see some responses from the community, but more importantly...where are the GOOD players? LOL.

Im not gonna host this for noobs like champ or Atlus ( ==>~ ATLUS)

I wanna see the hugs and kisses, the romeos and juliets, the fatburger kids(lucky), the little fruit boy called mango( he should be have been casted as a wild boy in the lord of the flies), the eDresses with the Pieces, the F UCKING MIKE Ys.

neal sucks.
._. noobs still wanna play melee tournaments.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2005
walnut creek, CA
I didn't mean that people can randomly place top 8, I'm just saying Brawl is much easier game to pick up than Melee because mistakes are not nearly as punishable. You're right though, I really should stop complaining, but I have honestly tried taking Brawl seriously. You said that I learned a lot in a short period of time, and what I learned was that Brawl is a very defensive game. The more I felt I understood the game, the more I didn't want to play it.

But yea... sorry for posting dumb ****. As SRB said, bad reading comprehension LOL. I'm glad you didn't attack me, because I deserved to be flamed.

I just hope there will be more Melee tournaments (yay socal for sudden spurt of Melee tournies), even if it's just some sideshow. That'll be good enough of an excuse to go hang out with people, because for me / a lot of people, Brawl won't be enough.

the game is easier to pick up, because its been out for two months. imagine picking up melee now, and going to a tourny to try and beat people, without knowledge of the tactics and techniques. same **** with brawl.. the game hasnt been out long enough for anyone to judge whether or not it could or couldnt be competitive.. there are new things being found everyday.. even in melee!

Brawl = Chess
Melee = Checkers


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2005
Santa Clara, California
I would actually consider Melee chess Blitz...Or speed chess whatever the hell thats called...1 minute chess games...Jesus christ >.<
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