To the MI TOs: please don't fall into old MI habits. We had a string of nice tourneys for a while but this one sucked.
I had a talk with Kyle at the venue and I know he felt bad, but when I ask when the tourney is starting and I get shushed and when after an hour later I see the TO more interested in playing pokemon in the computer than getting the tourney under way I knew I had to take a stand. I asked for my money back in P:M because it took forever to get started and I had to make a statement and I hope more people had followed. It sucks because that's the only reason I went in the first place and I was playing well that day. I know you're al better than that, so step it up.
It was nice seeing you all again, especially those that I hadn't seen in a while (Oblivion, Lain, Thugz and Rizk). Thanks to West MI for being good guests, I hope you enjoyed the home cooked meal, and Kevin for for shooting the **** with me as always.