It was. I really wish I could've seen this guy's face when we all showed up as blue Pit the round after he'd joined lol. Bet he had fun, though.
Yeah same here. I wouldn't be one of those hackers who ruins it for everyone else just because I can. Hell, even when I went into basic on P:M to watch the desyncs, I only did it once. It lasted for two rounds before the group DC'd, and then I was done. I've been the victim of cruel hacking as well, so I wouldn't do it to others.
Shut it.. he'll hear you.
Hm, mine was brown last night when I had blue Marth selected.
Still running around, mostly as dark Zelda and blue Marth.
Edit; wow. I enter a group with another dark Zelda, and the neutral Marth and blue Ike go to slaughter us. How nice.