Brian Move List
A: Staff Swing
AA: Staff Cross
AAA: Head Stave
Running A: Homing Arrow 2
Forward A: Rock 1
Down A: Staff Trip
Up A: Wind Cutter 1
Smash A: Rock 2(Rock 3 full charge)
Smash Down A: Hot Steam 1(Hot Steam 2 full charge)
Smash Up A: Wind Cutter 2(Wind Cutter 3 full charge)
Air A: Wind Wall(if it hits an enemy, it may give them more weight, and slow them down)
Air Forward A: Large Cutter(he swings his staff forward, creating a large blade of wind, slicing forward for a few seconds)
Air Down A: Ice Knife(he points his staff downward and 4 blades of ice appear around him, cannot freeze, or do much, but looks rather sweet)
Air Up A: Fire Pillar
Air Back A: Homing Arrow 1(he stabs his staff backwards, creating three red arrows that spin around it, doing mediocre damage)
B: Fireball 1(Fireball 2 with slight charge, Fireball 3 with full charge)
Down B: Water Pillar 1(Water Pillar 2 with slight charge, Water Pillar 3 with full charge)
Forward B: Cyclone
Up B: Return/Exit(Return teleports him a certain distance equal to 1/3 inches times his current damage, directly towards the edge, and it will grab the edge if
applicable. Exit is the same as Mewtwo's Teleport, but only is in use while on the ground.)
Z: Grab
Z + A: Head Stave
Z Forward: Fire Bomb(he launches them forward in a lowball shot while they're encased in flames)
Z Downward: Ice Wall(light blue clouds appear around Brian, possibly freezing the enemy, doesn't move them very far or do much damage though)
Z Upward: Wind Walk(just throws them high into the sky, and the character launched goes much slower for 5 seconds than normal)
Z Backward: Rolling Rock(the character is send rolling on the ground backwards a few feet, if it hits someone, there's a small chance the hit character may join the
opponent in a rolling frenzy)
Air Dodge: Escape(similar to Mewtwo's, slightly longer, and isn't seeable where he happens to be like Mewtwo is)
When Brian grabs the Smash Icon, he gets 2 seconds to choose a following move by pressing Up, Back, Down, or Forward on the Control Stick. Default is
Up: Extinction(The ultimate fire spell selects the highest damaged opponent, and if they have over 100% and more than 1 Life, then lose a stock(but stay in the same
Back: Avalanche(The extremely powerful rock spell launches Boulders in a similar fashion to Onix's Rock Throw from SSB64, with wider range, but much less
height. The damage is 10% per boulder)
Down: Walking Water(This giant water spell starts by creating a Water Pillar 3 itself, and sending it forward for tremendous damage, but little knockback. Causes
about 20% to each opponent)
Forward: Ultimate Wind(Unlike the other spells, this one targets all opponents, including weak monsters if applicable. They take 30% damage each.)
If Brian has 150% or more, the moves change to these.
Up: Power Staff 2(A red beam appears below Brian and shoots upwards...doing no damage, though. For 30 seconds, he does double the damage he normally
would for pure Physical attacks only)
Back: Magic Barrier(a small red bubble creates over him, and then a somewhat larger bubble goes around him. For 20 seconds, all non-physical attacks, including
items, do absolutely nothing to Brian. However, Fans will break his shield even with a weak attack or throw. And Shield Breaker destroys it automatically.)
Down: Healing Level 2(Brian heals 30% damage onto himself.)
Forward: Weaken All(all opponents cannot use their normal shield for 10 seconds)
Taunt: He lifts his staff above his head, and circles it, then slams it into the ground.
Winning Taunt 1: He spins his staff and jumps up, via his classic winning taunt from Quest 64.
Winning Taunt 2: He puts his hand up to his staff and his staff is in a horizontal position, then creates a Red X that falls onto him, basically backfiring a Silence spell
and casting it on himself.
Winning Taunt 3: He quickly runs, then falls on his face. His staff stands up by itself, and glows a bright yellow, then finally dances for a little bit.
Weight: 2
Power: 4
Speed: 3
Jump: 2
Usage: 1