Smash Hero
A- Slap
A,A- Double Slap
Rapid A- Rapid Slap
Dash A- Slide
A- Air Slap
Foward A- Reach Air Slap
Back A- Turn Around Slap
Down A- Inflate
Up A- Psywave
Foward Smash- Mega Punch
Down Smash- Psyhcic
Up Smash- Uppercut Slap (This move is stoopid )
SPECIAL MOVES (Explanation of moves)
B- Hydro Pump - Charge up B button to make a water projectile. the more you hold, the more powerful and how fast it goes, etc.
Foward B - Amnessia - Atomatically makes a character dizzy for a while, compared to how much damage they have. People with less damage will stay asleep longer, etc.
Up B- Whirpool - Makes a whirpool around Poliwhirl and flies up for a while, then dies down and you fall. Like combining Pikachu's Up B and Mario/Luigi's Down B
Down B -Body Slam- Basically your generic fall-down move, like Bowser and yoshi
Bubble Beam- Bubbles fly across the screen, and shock people they shock. LOTS OF BUBBLES = LOTS OF PAIN!
Character Symbol - Pokeball
Character's Stage - Cerulean Gym While your fighting on the island in the middle, watrer pokemon come out and attack, something stupid like goldeen, or powerful like Gyrados. Or, bring back Safron city, where pokemon attack from the dloor of Silph co.
What Happens When Kirby Sucks Poliwhirl Up - Gets frog eyes or stomach swirl thingy
Yeah, I know, there are better choices, especially for Pokemon, but I love Poliwhirl, and I think he no has a chance, but would be O.K. as a downloadable fighter.
As long as it doesn't cost money
A- Slap
A,A- Double Slap
Rapid A- Rapid Slap
Dash A- Slide
A- Air Slap
Foward A- Reach Air Slap
Back A- Turn Around Slap
Down A- Inflate
Up A- Psywave
Foward Smash- Mega Punch
Down Smash- Psyhcic
Up Smash- Uppercut Slap (This move is stoopid )
SPECIAL MOVES (Explanation of moves)
B- Hydro Pump - Charge up B button to make a water projectile. the more you hold, the more powerful and how fast it goes, etc.
Foward B - Amnessia - Atomatically makes a character dizzy for a while, compared to how much damage they have. People with less damage will stay asleep longer, etc.
Up B- Whirpool - Makes a whirpool around Poliwhirl and flies up for a while, then dies down and you fall. Like combining Pikachu's Up B and Mario/Luigi's Down B
Down B -Body Slam- Basically your generic fall-down move, like Bowser and yoshi
Bubble Beam- Bubbles fly across the screen, and shock people they shock. LOTS OF BUBBLES = LOTS OF PAIN!
Character Symbol - Pokeball
Character's Stage - Cerulean Gym While your fighting on the island in the middle, watrer pokemon come out and attack, something stupid like goldeen, or powerful like Gyrados. Or, bring back Safron city, where pokemon attack from the dloor of Silph co.
What Happens When Kirby Sucks Poliwhirl Up - Gets frog eyes or stomach swirl thingy
Yeah, I know, there are better choices, especially for Pokemon, but I love Poliwhirl, and I think he no has a chance, but would be O.K. as a downloadable fighter.
As long as it doesn't cost money