Hmmm . . .
Yeah, the shield stun is just a wee bit too much.
As you might have read a few pages back, I initially played the minus characters with vBrawl physics. I felt that game was more competative, but I greatly enjoy the challenges of this old school hitstun. I will say that I was able to 0 to death, and do absurd combos with just the speed boosts and reduced lag, WITHOUT hitstun mods, so you can imagine how I felt like easy mode was turned on with the years of hitstun. My complaint is similar to Ulevos, in that you can just keep sneezing out attacks, and once you have a base strategy, it doesn't really matter, because you can drop combos and pick them back up.
I do think that a lot of the complainers are unskilled at combo DI, and proper tech-escaping, because I frequently escape combos, but against some opponents, things still get silly.
More of a complain is the dumb amount of shield stun. Remember, I played the game with both minus and vBrawl physics.
The shield was not overpowered for minus characters in vBrawl. Most attacks were safe on block, especially if spaced correctly. Additionally, the shield is a limited resource. Attacks overall do more shield damage, push it farther, and characters were faster with more range and mobility. Dash in shield was NOT overcentralizing, as it was in vBrawl, even when using it's physics with minus characters.
Consider now, that many minus players have not played, or were not good at Brawl's predecessors. You can crouch out of a dash now. For some characters with small trots, this further serves to increase shield pressure. I have yet to find an aerial that can be spammed on shield and lock the opponent to break it, but I heavily suspect that there is a move that can lock you in shield and break it if executed well.
Now, this isn't necessarily a horrible calamity, just an example of how severe the new shield stun is. The TRUE problem with shield stun, is that coupled with the buffering system, the game is UNCOMFORTABLE to play, because you attempt to act out of shield, and the delay is so massive, it merely results in you getting hit, because your shield action comes out at a time you clearly did not want it to. Dodging becomes an extremely powerful resource, which isn't bad, but the blocking system is horribly underbalanced and uncomfortable.
At the very least, decrease the shield hitstun on projectiles. I understand that they are designed to give some level of frame advantage, which is fine, and I am aware that you can powershield, which I'm skilled at. I don't mind normal attacks doing good shield stun, because I still find uses for my shield, and as I explained to my opponents, you are granted additional mobility which you can use to avoid attacks. However, let us consider some of the more broken characters in this game. If you fail to powershield even ONE tjolt from a Pika who knows what he's doing, you're AT LEAST at 80%, and Pika's new Usmash is silly. You don't have to get hit, you can block it, and you're still screwed. Normally, a good move like Pikachu's Bair isn't something I'd consider over-powered, because I could just block it and resume combat, but NOT with this shielding system.
Luigi is an AMAZING character, in that Fair-Fair can kill everyone off the side, and well placed combo into UpB can kill anyone off the top. Luigi also has a high priority aerial and massive aerial mobility. Normally, I'd shield a stupidly reckless approach like Nair from across the screen. Not in this game.
Seriously, the shield lag is just TOO much. I was already able to shield pressure in vBrawl! Now, characters can cross-up, but this skill never needs to be learned or exercised, because shields are pretty bad. Cross-ups were generally a staple technique in fighters.
Also, I like Marth in this game a lot, but I think we can all agree that he takes a heavy degree of skill to compete (not that he's unable to, but as usual, he has a high learning curve). This is fine, but projectiles are really silly in this game, especially with the shield mechanic. Marth may be able to break a shield with dtilts into breaker, or breaker into breaker, but projectiles remain ever silly. Might Marth be able to reflect a projectile if he tippers it, OR even just give his jab reflection like Ness/Lucas' fsmash? Or if possible, perhaps let Marth's powershield reflect stuff (bring back the tradition of powershield approaches through lasers as was in Melee)