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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

I would definitely say that he is my best character. I've tried to play Fox recently, but I've lost my touch with the space animal. I'm significantly more consistent with Mario now. Even against big as heck swords like Marth and Corrin, I have more wins with Mario against those characters than I do with Fox, ironically. As of late, concerning the top tiers I'm better with Fox in the Sonic matchup, but other than that it's a toss up or I'm better with Mario.

And aw, that's lame. I hope you had fun though. Brawl was an interesting game concerning competitive balance haha. Here's my own general tier list concerning competitive viableness for the Brawl cast:
Overpowered/If you don't pick one of these characters, you're doing it wrong :p : :metaknight: > :popo:
Top tier/not quite overpowered but close: :diddy:=:olimar:=:marth:>:snake:>:pikachu2:=:falco:
High tier/good characters: :zerosuitsamus:>:wario:>:lucario:>:dedede:=:toonlink:>:gw:>:fox:=:wolf:>:rob:
Middle tier/average/still appears in top 8: :pit:> :kirby2:=:peach:>:ike:=:sonic:>:ness2:=:sheik:
Low tier/struggle is real: :luigi2:>:pt:=:lucas:=:yoshi2:>:mario2:=:samus2:>:bowser2:=:falcon:>:link2:>:zelda:>:jigglypuff:>:ganondorf:
Well that's a shame. It might be better to have less characters to worry about getting good with/mastering, though. I play a lot of characters regardless. I think it all depends on how much time you can and are willing to put into each of them, along with which ones suit your preferred playstyles the best. Out of curiosity would you consider trying to pick Fox up again sometime?

I feel like I've lost my touch with Bowser sometimes, but I think it's probably just that he's not the best pick against some characters regardless of skill level. He isn't exactly the best character to perform combos and while I've found that he's super-resistant to knock-back (I often survive at very high percentages while playing as him, unless someone manages to get in an early meteor smash or something like that) he's also a really big target. So avoiding attacks and escaping enemy combos isn't a very easy thing to do as him. I'm still decent with him, but a character's flaws can overwrite one's skill with them.

I did have fun, haha. I might've even kept playing it, had the Wii's online not been shutdown. And for as much fun as I had playing the game, I won't deny it wasn't very well balanced. And that tier list is accurate enough imo.

My gaming time in the past week has been focused on Specter of Torment now that it came out on Steam, and Banjo-Kazooie for a very obvious reason (though it'll be some time before I get to playing Yooka-Laylee). I definitely played Smash way more in 2015, the time took a hard drop like around mid-2016 and hasn't recovered since. And yep, real life's a thing. Preparing for college, and other interesting and strange discoveries in life.
I still need to beat the main campaign. I'm refusing to let myself play any of the additional campaigns until I beat the main one. I'll probably do Specter of Torment next because Specter Knight bias (my favorite the knights by far.)

All simply things that are apart of growing up, really. A lot of people don't have as much time for gaming as they used to as young adults, and the same could probably be said for a lot of other people with different sorts of hobbies like that.

How quickly are we talking here? :p
I fought about 2 or 3 people IIRC lol. I only won against 1 of them and I thus got eliminated rather shortly.

9 foolish samurai warriors wielding a magic sword
That reminds me, have any of you guys here been watching the new season of Samurai Jack? (it sounds like you might be lol)
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Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship

And now for a random statement about my characters in Smash:

So I think it's a pretty safe bet to say Mewtwo's my best character at the moment. I play a lot of 1v1 matches, and when I get really good opponents I do try to test out most of my characters against them, but it's usually Mewtwo who has the most success, either beating them or holding up far better than any other character of mine. Greninja and King Dedede follow behind him somewhat closely.

He's also one of the few characters I can perform any combos with. I'm very not good at doing combos otherwise.
If you want we could try playing Smersh on 3ds :lol: I haven't played in a while though lol


Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship

Knowing myself, I may or may not get destroyed regardless lol. But sure, I'd be down for some matches. Would you be available to play tomorrow?
Unfortunately no.. I have a movie review that I need to do.. So I could try it sometime next week if you are able to play but I have two classes from 12:35 to about 1:55 (Tuesday and Thursday) and 2 to 5 (Wednesday) but if I can get some time tomorrow I'll try to let you know :lol:

Kneutronic Kneutronic just found a shiny timid Cottonee :b:.. And it has the HA -_-
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Unfortunately no.. I have a movie review that I need to do.. So I could try it sometime next week if you are able to play but I have two classes from 12:35 to about 1:55 (Tuesday and Thursday) and 2 to 5 (Wednesday) but if I can get some time tomorrow I'll try to let you know :lol:
In that case I think I should be available next week. Weekends are usually the best for me but really, I could still fit time in at most points during the week for some gaming, so yeah.

I'll wait for an answer tomorrow on that last part. :p

Blossom ✿

Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2015
Switch FC

I still need to beat the main campaign. I'm refusing to let myself play any of the additional campaigns until I beat the main one. I'll probably do Specter of Torment next because Specter Knight bias (my favorite the knights by far.)

All simply things that are apart of growing up, really. A lot of people don't have as much time for gaming as they used to as young adults, and the same could probably be said for a lot of other people with different sorts of hobbies like that.
I imagine that you don't have much left to go so it wouldn't take too long to beat (unless the final stages give you serious trouble). Oh, and Co-op (originally a Wii U/amiibo exclusive feature) is available now along with Body Swap. And it increased in price from $15 to $25, still a good deal though considering you get 3 campaigns (later to be 4) out of it.

Yeah, that's just how it is with life. You get busy, you focus on the social aspect of your life, so on.
I fought about 2 or 3 people IIRC lol. I only won against 1 of them and I thus got eliminated rather shortly.
Ah, so pretty quickly, just like you said. :p
That reminds me, have any of you guys here been watching the new season of Samurai Jack? (it sounds like you might be lol)
Yes, but I just managed to get around to watching the third episode today, I'll be watching the 4th one later tonight.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC

Well that's a shame. It might be better to have less characters to worry about getting good with/mastering, though. I play a lot of characters regardless. I think it all depends on how much time you can and are willing to put into each of them, along with which ones suit your preferred playstyles the best. Out of curiosity would you consider trying to pick Fox up again sometime?

I feel like I've lost my touch with Bowser sometimes, but I think it's probably just that he's not the best pick against some characters regardless of skill level. He isn't exactly the best character to perform combos and while I've found that he's super-resistant to knock-back (I often survive at very high percentages while playing as him, unless someone manages to get in an early meteor smash or something like that) he's also a really big target. So avoiding attacks and escaping enemy combos isn't a very easy thing to do as him. I'm still decent with him, but a character's flaws can overwrite one's skill with them.

I did have fun, haha. I might've even kept playing it, had the Wii's online not been shutdown. And for as much fun as I had playing the game, I won't deny it wasn't very well balanced. And that tier list is accurate enough imo.
I haven't even dropped Fox though. It's just that I don't use him as much anymore. Mario's now my number 1 solid rather than competing for number 1 with Fox. Fox is my number 2 and Ness is my number 3. Mewtwo is now a "for funsies" character only, so if I've dropped anybody concerning competitive play, it's Mewtwo.

Back when I played smash 3ds with you last summer, I thought your Bowser was your best character. Oh, how the times have changed...

and that's good! I'm glad you like my tier list haha.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California


I imagine that you don't have much left to go so it wouldn't take too long to beat (unless the final stages give you serious trouble). Oh, and Co-op (originally a Wii U/amiibo exclusive feature) is available now along with Body Swap. And it increased in price from $15 to $25, still a good deal though considering you get 3 campaigns (later to be 4) out of it.

Yeah, that's just how it is with life. You get busy, you focus on the social aspect of your life, so on.
I'm already having trouble with Tinker Knight's stage and I'm still dreading Propeller Knight's stage. Make of that what you will lol.

And that sounds neat! (And I'll admit I wasn't even aware any version of that game had co-op at all until just now...)

And I have to say I agree with that sentiment.

Ah, so pretty quickly, just like you said. :p

Yes, but I just managed to get around to watching the third episode today, I'll be watching the 4th one later tonight.
Yep, haha.

Being behind by that many episodes you didn't miss too much. The 4th episode's premiere date got pushed out by a week because of an April Fool's joke the network decided to pull (it's original premiere date just so happened to be scheduled on April 1st) Even if there wasn't a prank that caused it's delay, it's still better to be late than never. :p

I haven't even dropped Fox though. It's just that I don't use him as much anymore. Mario's now my number 1 solid rather than competing for number 1 with Fox. Fox is my number 2 and Ness is my number 3. Mewtwo is now a "for funsies" character only, so if I've dropped anybody concerning competitive play, it's Mewtwo.

Back when I played smash 3ds with you last summer, I thought your Bowser was your best character. Oh, how the times have changed...

and that's good! I'm glad you like my tier list haha.
Ah, my bad. Sorry about that. 3 main characters seem like a nice balanced set to focus on to me.

I think the one character I really play just for fun only is Jigglypuff. I hate to admit it but I find that she really isn't viable compared to the majority of the cast now...

Yeah, things change over time like that. That's just another way of how another part of life works haha. Your opinions on my characters would probably still differ from mine if we fought each other again though.

It'll probably not be too late for a response but also not too early that you won't be online lol
Got it. Tag me when/if you can answer and I'll try to be around to respond to it in return. As a heads-up, I just found out I'll probably be having a game night/afternoon with my family tomorrow so that might affect whether I'd be available myself (at least for the time in which you'd be able to play.)
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Blossom ✿

Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2015
Switch FC

I'm already having trouble with Tinker Knight's stage and I'm still dreading Propeller Knight's stage. Make of that what you will lol.

And that sounds neat! (And I'll admit I wasn't even aware any version of that game had co-op at all until just now...)

And I have to say I agree with that sentiment.
Oh boy, good luck lol

Yep, co-op will be a thing for all consoles once every one of them gets the Specter of Torment update, same with Body Swap which essentially swaps the genders of the knights where you can have the gender be male but have the text refer to them as female. The Shovel Knight amiibo is no longer required but it still has its uses because I think custom knights are still exclusive to it (I could be wrong though) and because of something else added in.

It's especially true when you spend time with someone you know that shares a similar interest with you, either hobby or career wise.
Being behind by that many episodes you didn't miss too much. The 4th episode's premiere date got pushed out by a week because of an April Fool's joke the network decided to pull (it's original premiere date just so happened to be scheduled on April 1st) Even if there wasn't a prank that caused it's delay, it's still better to be late than never. :p
Yeah, I was aware of it. I was too busy not chuckling and flexing my knuckles to care. At least Rick and Morty fans got something good out of April Fool's.

Samurai Jack has been really good, by the way. So glad that it's working out well.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
40 Late replies.


Oh boy, good luck lol

Yep, co-op will be a thing for all consoles once every one of them gets the Specter of Torment update, same with Body Swap which essentially swaps the genders of the knights where you can have the gender be male but have the text refer to them as female. The Shovel Knight amiibo is no longer required but it still has its uses because I think custom knights are still exclusive to it (I could be wrong though) and because of something else added in.

It's especially true when you spend time with someone you know that shares a similar interest with you, either hobby or career wise.

Thanks, I think I'm gonna need it at this rate. :lol:

Huh, that's an interesting addition to the game. Might have to give that a shot as well. More than anything else though, I'm looking forward to playing Specter of Torment.

I very much agree with that as well. Even if my be over the Internet, it's part of the reason why I've been on this site for so long and the main reason why I don't intend to leave it any time soon. At the same time though, having to focus more on other things in life also remains the main reason why I don't post on this site nearly as much as I used to.

Yeah, I was aware of it. I was too busy not chuckling and flexing my knuckles to care. At least Rick and Morty fans got something good out of April Fool's.

Samurai Jack has been really good, by the way. So glad that it's working out well.
That is true. Although I heard even some R&M fans weren't completely happy with it either since they still have to wait for the rest of the season's episodes for a long time IIRC.

Totally agreed btw. The show came back with a vengeance. I've seen a few people say that the show sort of matured along with it's own original audience, and thinking back to how young I was when the first seasons aired, and seeing the content it has now and subjects it's getting into, I have to agree. So far the new episodes and the story in general have been amazing.

Blossom ✿

Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2015
Switch FC

Thanks, I think I'm gonna need it at this rate. :lol:

Huh, that's an interesting addition to the game. Might have to give that a shot as well. More than anything else though, I'm looking forward to playing Specter of Torment.
Remember, make use of the tools that you have.

Not quite sure if you're referring to Body Swap or Co-op, but I'll answer it as if it were both. The devs have been able to make the most of the game and have been very generous. Not making the other campaigns DLC, giving people the option to buy the other campaigns separately if only one of them interests them (it only applies to Specter of Torment, for now anyway), and even doing things that weren't part of the stretch goals for the Kickstarter. Co-op wasn't part of the stretch goals and neither were the exclusive content the Sony consoles and Xbox One versions of the game have. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Co-op is for Shovel Knight only as is Body Swap (and I also forgot to mention that this mode just recently released with the SoT update, my wording on the previous post is a bit jumbled up and I wanted to make sure you didn't get that mixed up).

Co-op is certainly interesting, though I don't really have anyone to play it with. You can tell that the game isn't designed for 2 player but it isn't a complete mess unlike certain other games that have this feature.
I very much agree with that as well. Even if my be over the Internet, it's part of the reason why I've been on this site for so long and the main reason why I don't intend to leave it any time soon. At the same time though, having to focus more on other things in life also remains the main reason why I don't post on this site nearly as much as I used to.
Yeah, you can definitely make friends online and share interests but there's nothing better than to be with that person and do things together you can't do online.

Random question but, ever feel like that there's someone you want to get to become acquainted with?
That is true. Although I heard even some R&M fans weren't completely happy with it either since they still have to wait for the rest of the season's episodes for a long time IIRC.

Totally agreed btw. The show came back with a vengeance. I've seen a few people say that the show sort of matured along with it's own original audience, and thinking back to how young I was when the first seasons aired, and seeing the content it has now and subjects it's getting into, I have to agree. So far the new episodes and the story in general have been amazing.
Ah, I don't watch the show nor follow the fanbase so... :/

Yup, it's been great, helps when the original creator is back on board to finish the show. Just caught up, they've all been great, but the second episode of the season is still my favorite as of now.

...oh, and I also forgot something else is going to have its 7th season start soon.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
45 Another late reply (....I need to stop staying up this late on Friday nights unless for some reason I'd legitimately have something important I'd need to or could be doing overnight.)


Remember, make use of the tools that you have.

Not quite sure if you're referring to Body Swap or Co-op, but I'll answer it as if it were both. The devs have been able to make the most of the game and have been very generous. Not making the other campaigns DLC, giving people the option to buy the other campaigns separately if only one of them interests them (it only applies to Specter of Torment, for now anyway), and even doing things that weren't part of the stretch goals for the Kickstarter. Co-op wasn't part of the stretch goals and neither were the exclusive content the Sony consoles and Xbox One versions of the game have. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Co-op is for Shovel Knight only as is Body Swap (and I also forgot to mention that this mode just recently released with the SoT update, my wording on the previous post is a bit jumbled up and I wanted to make sure you didn't get that mixed up).

Co-op is certainly interesting, though I don't really have anyone to play it with. You can tell that the game isn't designed for 2 player but it isn't a complete mess unlike certain other games that have this feature.
Will do.

I meant Body Swap, but thank you for the information on both. Yeah, the devs have done quite a lot with the game since it's release, and they've been really nice to their fans as well, for reasons you've already mentioned. I knew the game was a hit when it released but I never expected it to come this far.

Shovel Knight never once struck me as a game that'd be designed for Co-op, but I can see it still working smoothly enough with it. The original Half-Life never struck me as a possible Co-op game either, but a couple months ago my friends and I got together to play a game called Sven Co-op, which is a mod that allows you to play that game and various fanmade maps for it over an Internet connection with friends. It was absolutely chaotic for sure, but it actually worked pretty nicely and wasn't a near-unplayable mess either. Kinda neat how even if a game isn't really designed for Co-op to begin with it can possibly still play decently if it's added on to it later.

Yeah, you can definitely make friends online and share interests but there's nothing better than to be with that person and do things together you can't do online.

Random question but, ever feel like that there's someone you want to get to become acquainted with?
Agreed. I kinda wish I could see the friends I know IRL more often, but again, real life and growing up makes that a bit harder over time. I'm grateful I can at least still communicate with them distantly and that I can meet others online as well.

To answer that question, honestly, I've felt that way many times in my life.

Ah, I don't watch the show nor follow the fanbase so... :/

Yup, it's been great, helps when the original creator is back on board to finish the show. Just caught up, they've all been great, but the second episode of the season is still my favorite as of now.

...oh, and I also forgot something else is going to have its 7th season start soon.
Neither do I, I've just seen that opinion shared in a few news articles about it and some comments as well, lol. A part of the Internet definitely blew up after that April Fools joke passed.

Definitely. Genndy Tartakovsky has been handling the final season very well. Dunno if I have a favorite episode out of them yet, but I will say I really liked the drama and tension in the second episode. Not to mention the beginning scene which felt like a big burst of nostalgia (and it was also comedy gold, which is normal for most scenes involving Aku.).

I believe it's premiering tomorrow, in fact. ....or, rather, today, technically, considering what time it is by the time I had this posted.
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