Well, it all started a long time ago.
I'd found some guy who reviewed the worst games (or maybe I just typed in "worst music" I dunno)
And here it is! Ready for all of you!...
...Look I apologize I couldn't have come here earlier you see I went to go watch a movie.
But now I'm here with not even half of my videos gone!
...But, to be serious for a sec.
Honestly I don't really know. I've just been doing it for a while and just kept it as a running gag of mine.
I know it's pointless (if you've seen that little rant I made a while back).
But, like I've said, I felt it would be nice to post something that isn't "dang nabbit mods! I'll get you next time"
or something like that.
And I like to share my music. As not a lot of people I know really care about video game music (or, the kind I listen to).
...Heck, I doubt most of them even know OC Remix exists.