First of all, Nui is the cutest.
Second, Is Ken's sig acting weird or is it just on my end?
Third, Yesterday was a ruff day, by that i mean it was my dog's birthday.
Why thank you. thank you.
So what did you think of
Bad Company Worse Company? it'll be a long time but i can't wait for See Moon and Repulsive Requests Rendered Rather Inexpensive.
Let's just say I was way less mature back then than I am now.
And that I was rather oblivious.
And that many of my posts were just reaction images.
Same here, if only i had a time machine so i can go back and scream at my face.
First Avi used here was a piece straight from the DiU manga.
Was it something that looks weird with no context? like Rohan licking the Spider?
I think he was making a Star Wars pun.
you people don't know a good horse when you see one
I object.