Good point, King. I really liked most of what I saw!
But yeah, my interest really dropped in the past episodes... I barely care about it...
The second half of S5, right now, is just as disappointing as the first one was awesome...with Crusaders of the Lost Mark being a massive exception.
See that's the thing about shows. Sometimes we'll get a less than an exceptional episode on occasion, and sometimes it's the other way around, with one season not doing so hot but having a gem or two in the middle (and if it's like Spongebob it just eventually delves into complete crap...). The first half of the season is something you really liked, yes? There are plenty of shows out there where most of one season simply isn't written very well, at least to the taste of some folks.
And as I previously brought up the season finale is ahead of us and it's almost over. It's probably better to wait until season 6 to make a decision like that. After all, do you remember when you were first watching it? I know you
had to continue watching it for a while no matter what, but at first you had quite some doubt about actually getting into it from what I recall. And then you started to love it.
Finally, once again, even if you cease actively following new seasons, that doesn't mean you can no longer enjoy the characters or what past episodes have brought.
(As for my own personal thoughts, MLP definitely felt a lot different and, perhaps, more "special" per say when I was first beginning to get into it, as it was a very new and different show that I was trying out at the time, but overall, I still very much enjoy it today)