Well, I don't particularly like the character design. Seems fairly uninspired, and the humanlike traits just seem silly in a pokemon. But, I looked through its movelist and seems like there's definitely things to put into a SSB character.
B moves:
Up- Sky uppercut. Blaziken shoots up like Roy's up b. Anyone he comes in contact with he carries until the end of the move, where the victim will be knocked in whatever direction the player is pointing with the control stick. Low-ish damage, not very far knocking and recovery distance around Roy's. Only grabs one character, but when you toss the victim works like a projectile.
Side- Fire blast. Charges up very small fireballs which can be quickly shot by tapping or held for about a second for larger size and speed. While charging, player can angle the control stick to chose a direction where they would go. Fireballs would have weight so they would fall to the ground fairly quickly, depending on angle chosen to shoot. Low-mid damage.
Neutral- Brick break. Start of an attack set similar to Marth and Roy's sword dance. Each step would be faster, the first four capable of juggling the opponent and the fifth and final attack being a killer.
Down- Mirror Move. A counter type move. Blaziken sidesteps, and if attacked during this will counter with the exact same move but a little stronger. If done when no one attacks, blaziken will stumble a bit if on ground or would work like an airdodge in the air, making him unable to attaack until landing.
A moves-
All generic Kung Fu type moves with flashy fire effects that don't do jack.
EDIT: *snicker* or he could just be a Captain Falcon clone that jumps very high. I'm a little sad at how that would actually work pretty well.