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Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Ok sorry for the title but it's the first thing that comes to mind when this type of thing happens..

What the heck does "blastoff" mean?!

Ever up-b on the ledge of Yoshi's Island and watch helplessly as Ike gets thrown off the stage by what appears to be his own downward momentum shifted due to the little slope?

The video...

Well yah basically I wanted to know why it was happening, so I tried to make it happen again and it turns out I can consistently make it happen.

Not sure about this 100% but it's the last two hits of Ikes aether that makes him fly off the stage...when the last two hits didn't make contact with anything, Ike slid..but to the end of the stage..he didn't fly OFF.

Also the opponent has to block the last two hits...if the whole Aether hit nothing would happen... The whole aether meaning the spinning sword part. The last two hits are the downward swing when Ike comes down and the hit when he lands.. if those two parts hit, it seems he will fly off the stage.

And of course you have to be on the slope of Yoshi's Island..I'm sure if you go more into the stage it won't happen since of course there is no slope.

Is it only with perfect shielding?!

We thought it was only with perfect shielding at first but it was with any type of shielding in general, as long as they shielded the last two hits of Aether (The downward swing and the landing hitbox) and Ike landed on the slope he would fly off.

Can this happen on other stages?!

Yes it happens on all stages with a slope actually...I'm sure you've noticed..any attack ended on a slope makes you slide. It will only throw you off if you're on the edge and your opponent shields the last two Aether hits.. In theory "blastoff":laugh: will work on one of the side platforms of Lylat Cruise but unfortunately my friend isn't around to test this out for sure.

My advice..?

You don't want to be in a tournament and die from this stupidness. Basically on Yoshi's Island AVOID landing on the slope with his Aether..whether or not your opponent's presence is there shielding or not just don't do it. I'm not 100% about the conditions in which this happens yet..it may still be able to happen without the opponent so once again, just to be on the safe side don't land on the slope with Aether in your tournament matches just Aether to the ledge if you can.


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2008
Yeah, I hate when this happens. I usually pick Yoshi's Island, too.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
this is why i hated yoshi's island..
I hate toon link on yoshi's island when he uses the slope to make only the first strike of his downsmash to hit me when i'm ike, it's basically instant death.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
There should be an "Ike Compendium of Knowledge" thread so that people don't have to keep bumping this in order to find it. Good find.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
I can prob get Roith to add it to the big Ike guide...but imo I feel that topic is a bit sloppy and outdated. The vids there are super old and I'm not even sure he cares about updating it anymore. I'll prob send him a pm though.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
i think i just screwed up your theory on it having to be shielded which i rly wish i hadnt cause this blows hard.

anyways i was fighting XYZ a few mins ago and i did an aether near the ledge because he was actually off the stage. infact the ghost thing saved him and me because the aether actually made me blast off **** i had been recording it i think im going to go spend 70 bucks on a stupid external CD room instead of looking for some1 to let me borrow it.

anyways if you didnt get that i aether there alone XYZ was off the stage and i still got sent flying off the good thing is the ghost was there but like wtf


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2008
I'm not entirely sure what the above poster said, but I know you can recover from this. I've done it before. You get your second jump back.
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