Journal Entry, August 30th, 8:43 a.m.
There's a lot of talk about how people are talking. The joker, Mad Scummy, claiming he's scum. Some guy named Goomba is being very abrasive and aggressive towards everyone. Some people don't like that I keep to my journals. It's interesting to note who is focusing on that and wasting time when we could be finding the bad guys.
I'm particularly interested in Goomba. Hard to get a read on him since he's like two people, but I get a feeling that his intentions aren't pure. He reminds me of how I usually play... make people angry, divert their attention. See who bites, kill those that don't. See who calls against me making people angry. Lynch them if they use it as evidence that I'm scum, consider them town if they call me out on it and then drop it. It's a complex game, rules change with each player, but an effective one. Works more often than you'd think.
But Goomba is going about it differently. Seems different. Seems less important to him to make other people angry... more important to make people think he knows what he's doing. He's also been just as disingenuous as Mad Scummy. I've been taking notes on him for a while now.
There are two players I do not recognize, and therefore I assume they are dumb and they will get the newbie treatment:
@Overswarm, Adumbrodeus: have you ever played a Mafia game before? If so, which games have you played?
also, vote: Tandora
Didn't strike me as odd until I realized this Goomba guy knows both of us fairly well, and had to have picked those names on purpose.
Journal Entry 1, August 27th, 3:19 PM. Mushroom Kingdom Time.
Patrol just ended for me. Walking back and forth all day... sometimes I forget why we do this. Sometimes when Lakitu shows up to make sure I'm doing my job, I'm not. You can't blame me. Walking back and forth all day... it gets repetitive. Walking back and forth all day. You get the picture. But now I remember why we do it. I was just minding my business, making my pass by Joe. Joe was a nice guy. Now he's jam. Patrol ended for him, forever. Out of nowhere, the plumber jumped him. Squat. Dead. I wanted to turn around and high-tail it out, but I couldn't. I had to stick to my path. It's only sheer luck that I'm still standing here. I turned around right at the last second, and he just hopped right over me and continued on. But we'll see who has the last laugh. His princess is in another castle.
Patronizing me.
You do realize that 5 players in this game are hydras, right? You'll probably end up getting two completely different opinions from one and the same player. With this being likely the case five times [one time for each hydra] it's not only a fruitless way to get "things started" as you put [since flavour and scumhunting are strictly kept apart among dGames players and mods] but it's also more confusing than anything else to start discussion like that.
Tells everyone that they should scumhunt rather than talk about flavor.
Here, you say Gordito is probably town for no reason.
Here, you say Gordito has scum mates.
Don't use WIFOM in situations where it's totally useless information. How people spell your name doesn't mean anything about alignment, and therefore someone couldn't bluff or double bluff based on it. WIFOM is a bluff or double bluff or triple bluff based on information or actions.
Tells everyone they should scumhunt rather than use WIFOM.
Do you earnestly expect people to slip up based on talk about the flavour? There is no pressure invloved whatsoever [and pressure is the very basis of a scumslip] when discussing nothing but opinions on a computer game.
Exposing posting styles...well, there's a certain somebody that has already exposed an unusual posting style. Is that not worth mentioning to you at all? I mean if exposing people's posting style is your aim at the early stages of the game I'm sure you have formed an opinion on that player's posting style by now. Mind sharing it?
Tells people they should scumhunt instead of talk about posting style. He adds a goomba to the end of every post.
I'm pretty sure half of Goomba! has spoken to half of Dr. Riddler about Jade Empire before.
Just a hint of flavor, kind of an offside comment towards one of the others here.
FoS Mad Scummy
Not even 12 hours passed since he posted last time and you already try to nudge him so blatantly? Not to mention that there was actually very little concrete pressure on him - more open questions than actual accusations. Trying to act funny [which you are absolutely horrible at] will not change that you're making yourself look stupid.
If you weren't outrageously bad at mafia I would have a much easier time on deciding between the never-ending "dumb" or "scum" issue...
This looks promising at first, until I realized that Mad Scummy's over-reaction at Edrees' weekend silence was nearly synonymous with his normal exaggerated tone... and Goomba knew it. He even went out of his way to say that Mad Scummy was trying to act funny, and then he insults him more.
They get into a back and forth a bit.
Except that you don't have a logical explanation on *how* I'm relieving pressure and *what* pressure you are talking about in the first place. This all just empty talk.
I thought it was obvious that Scummy was trying to get some sort of response from Edrees, and that Goomba blasting Scummy's way of doing so made Edrees' response irrelevant, but I can see Goomba's point here too.
And yet you still fail to show where and how I am "pressuring" him at all. If you knew us as well as you claim then you should know that both of us are known to pressure a lot harder than that but of course you have no clue what you talking about. You don't know **** about either of us.
Scummy might not, but even if he doesn't he's guessed well. I do know both sides of the Goomba coin, and Scummy's right. Goomba's play seeems off.
Buddy much? How do you know that he can be "useful" later on and how does it justify his unbearable behaviour right now?
Exhibit A comes right afterwards; the extent of Goomba's pressure is "elaborate on your previous statement" at this point. Hardly pressing, nothing more or less than Scummy's pressure so far.
Emphasis mine.
Wouldn't that be exactly the same?
More instigating responses.
Just because I question his motives and demand more detailed explanations doesn't mean I "pressure" him. At this point I have no reason to believe that he's scum at all. Nothing about his reaction to my points look out of the ordinary either. Stop making panic over nothing.
Congratulations, you have established yourself as a true master of misinterpretation right now. First you call me out on "pressuring" EP [which you have still not backed up in better detail] and then you also accuse me of getting "defensive". Newsflash: If somebody calls me out for something I didn't actually do it's only *natural* to be defensive because you are *misconstruing* my action and it's only in my - as well as the town's - best intention to fix that mistake.
Be more specific. Randomly mentioning two of my post and slapping your own opinions on them don't substantiate your claim in the slightest. If you want me to be less "defensive" then you should consider starting to be less vague. A vague point can hardly produce an elaborate response.
Seriously Swiss/Mad Scummy why do you even play this game? What good will it do for you to find scum if nobody believes you because you lack all credibility? Finding scum is maybe 50% of what this game comes down to. The most important part is still being able to convince that *others* that your scumtells are accurate. I think it's fairly obvious - even to yourself - that your playstyle directly contradicts this purpose and unless you change it you are no help to the town.
More insults, and claiming that all his posts have been misinterpreted. At least how Scummy interprets them.
According to Goomba, the pressure people have called him out on isnt' actually pressure; his pressure is much more intense. We shouldn't talk about flavor, or posting styles, or whatever; we should try to find scum. Which somehow Goomba hasn't started yet. According to Goomba, no one knows how he works... and everyone is worthy of an insult designed not to belittle the other person, but to push Goomba up. Make him look more like the good guy, the star player. I don't buy it. Both sides of the Goomba coin avoid that kind of play in other games, especially if they have a special ability as town. Quiet as mice then. This Goomba guy is setting off alarm bells in my head. He's acting like he knows something, more than he could possibly know. I don't like it, not one bit. When someone acts like they know something they generally do.
I don't know what game this Goomba guy is playing, but I don't want any part of it.
Vote: Goomba!
That doesn't mean I no longer take notice on GorditoBoy's actions though. He's been going after Mad Scummy too. Wouldn't be surprised if GorditoBoy got too excited and Goomba decided to back him up, thinking he could discredit Mad Scummy's playstyle to legitimize Gordito's play. It doesn't. Gordito's play has been awful and a perfect example of a new scum player getting excited about his role. I don't like it.
I don't know who to trust. Maybe Mad Scummy? It seems the people I distrust distrust him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. Maybe. I don't know. Everyone else is too quiet. Need to hear more.