(Listen to me in the background)
Bingo Mafia: Ridiculously Deluxe
Are you ready to play?
You'll find that this game builds upon the first Bingo game, found here. This is a 13-man closed setup.
Bingo Mafia: Ridiculously Deluxe
Are you ready to play?

You'll find that this game builds upon the first Bingo game, found here. This is a 13-man closed setup.
The rules have spoken. They said:The Basics:
Voting and Lynching:
- I am your Mod.
- Please enjoy this game and do not personally attack other players in a manner that is offensive.
- If you believe a simple mod mistake has occurred, please address this in the thread and in bold. If you believe a large moderation mistake has occurred, or you'd like to get in touch, send me a private message.
- Dead men tell no tales. Once you have died in the game, you are no longer allowed to post in the thread.
- Unless your role states otherwise, no communication outside the game's thread is allowed with players, non-players, and players who are dead. This applies even if you yourself are dead.
- Editing your posts is not allowed. Feel free to double post instead.
- Mod communication outside the game's thread, real or fake, cannot be quoted or image captured. This communication can only be paraphrased.
- You are not allowed to post or refer to any images in the private message containing your role, nor may you post metadata about any private message I send you (e.g. message IDs, timestamps, etc.). This rule covers profile customisation options, like avatars, custom titles, locations etc.
- Screenshots cannot be posted.
- Posts must be visible and readable in English. Spoiler tags are permitted.
- Night actions sent passed their deadline will result in no action being taken.
- Failure to adhere to the rules will result in replacement or modkill based on my discretion.
Activity and Deadline:
- Each Day you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command, e.g. Vote: Player A.
- You can unvote, e.g. Unvote: Player A, which removes your vote from the player you were voting. You do not have to unvote if you wish to vote someone else.
- No lynch is a viable lynch choice, e.g. Vote: No Lynch. A majority voting for this choice will end the Day with no player being lynched.
- The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a deadline is reached. If a deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be a no lynch.
- No posts can be made during the Night.
Game Specific:
- You are required to post at least once every 48 hours. You will be prodded otherwise.
- An accumulation of too many prods (3) will result in your replacement or a modkill, depending on the circumstances. I will tell you if I'm considering replacing or modkilling you. If you have a pre-planned absence, please notify me ahead of time and you will not be prodded. However if your absence is for an unreasonable amount of time, you will be forcibly replaced.
- A single deadline extension will be granted if a majority of players request this, e.g. Request Deadline Extension. This extension will last only 24 hours.
- Days will last for a maximum of 7 real days. Nights will last 48 hours.
Sample Role:
- All roles are assigned entirely at random.
- Modkills only end the Day if the player being killed is town-aligned. All other modkills will continue the game.
- Town win condition: You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
- This ruleset has been streamlined from past rulesets I've used to exclude superfluous info. If you have any questions, get in touch!
Greetings! You are a contestant. You have entered this game as a vanilla townie.
You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.
The PlayersContestants:
- @
#HBC | Gorf
- @
- @
Sarki Soliloquy replaced on Day 4 by @Cassavetes
- @
#HBC | Red Ryu
- @
- @
- @
Dooms replaced on Day 3 by @#HBC | Nabe
- None
- #HBC | Rake., Number 12, [Generous] Town Number Sensor, unfortunately had a giant neon sign explode on top of him, pouring molten mercury all over his face. He was lynched on Day 1.
- Yo! Hardbody The Show!, Number 5, Vanilla Townie, got hardbodied so hard, he hardly saw it coming! *baddum tssshhhhh* He was killed on Night 1.
- Adumbrodeus, Number 3, Vanilla Townie, was just too chatty, causing everyone to strangle him quickly and present him to the Bingo Board, where he was warped into a whirlpool of nothing. He was lynched on Day 2.
- #HBC Macman, Number 13, Vanilla Townie, was getting into the groove as he suffered a sniper shot to the back of the head, dying instantly before he hit the dance floor! He was killed on Night 2.
- Chaco, Number 8, Mafia Goon, published a novel by the amount he spoke in this particular bingo game, but little did he know he'd get mauled to death by it. He was lynched on Day 3.
- #HBC Dark Horse, Number 2, Vanilla Townie, was knocked out CLEAN. He laid on the floor, slowly drifting away to the sounds of the howlin' winds.
Memorable Moments:
Day 1 Start
Day 1 End
Day 2 Start
Day 2 End
Day 3 Start
Day 3 End - Part 1
Day 3 End - Part 2
Day 4 Start
Day 1 End
Day 2 Start
Day 2 End
Day 3 Start
Day 3 End - Part 1
Day 3 End - Part 2
Day 4 Start
Game's Status:
Day 4 has started!
The Magic 8-Ball (introduced on Day 1):
- Reveals a player's number.
- In gameplay, if you have the ball during the Day, you have to give it to someone in here before the Day ends. If you have the ball during the Night, you have to give it to someone else before the Night ends. Numbers are announced at the start of each next phase.

"Hmmm... what is that?"
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