Heh, ya I've been using d-smash more and more. As we speak I'm working on encorporating Samurai Panda's new AT to give it a little more range and unpredictability. =]
(link in case you don't know what I'm talking about)
Since most people expect you to attack with a fair or dash attack when you come running at them, turning around, and turning BACK around(throwing off their timing for one), and dsmashing is great! If they were originally trying to shield it, your timing may have thrown them off when you pivoted so you have a better chance of getting that first hit in. If they tried to dodge role past you, you end up hitting them on the second hit behind you. If they dodge roll away from you, you MIGHT end up tippering them with the first hit because the AT gives you a slide. If they somehow managed to evade it with a spot, you're probably screwed though cause you're sliding INTO their grab. At least you know it's safe from shielding too since it's bound to hit them away =b