just my take on the moves:
bthrows FTW!
Worst moves:
Link - hard one, probably grab though. Maybe f-tilt or jab.
grab can be confirmed with ff dair, fair and uair, ftlit can be good after utilt on heavies, so i would personally agree to the jab, though i might say usmash.
Falcon - jab
i feel falcon jab as a lot of potential as a zoning tool, especially against aggressive players. for me, his dsmash is way more punishable and avoidable.
Ness - down-B. If that doesn't count, f-tilt
downb can be used for cancelling on edges, however, if you disregard the recovery aspect, then maybe. ftilts has it uses, i think you can ftilt dash dair, like you can with third hit of jab. i would say dtilt is probably the least useful.
Yoshi - grab
Kirby - u-air or down-B
after breaking a shield, you can uair to grab, useful on hyrule, can move them like that under the platforms and kill with fthrow, but yeah, not that useful. downb can have it uses, but usually has better alternatives, but for some reason i feel B is worse, unless we count teams as well, then the saves come into play.
Fox - f-tilt or dash attack
ftilt can be useful for shield pressure, as you can ftilt and then dtilt (iirc without the opponent being able to grab). upward angled ftilt is also very useful for combos on hyrule. dash attack can be useful for hard to reach edgeguard. if you disregard recoveries, and upb is not a good one at that, it is even worse for attacking purposes, so i think that might be his worst move.
Pika - jab
jab grab is great, and also jab spam vs wall. i would say his dsmash for the same reasons given with falcon