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Beaten by link.....

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Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
yeah DIing out of kirby u-tilts is hard...thus the term "free kirby damage" =/ but i think its possible to DI away from it when you have under 20% and over about 60% (i might be wrong on the percentages).

i disagree. jiggly does require more mindgames than other characters but the approaches are there.

jiggly approach: slide neutral a

and saying that kirby has no approach is incorrect as well. but then again i have no idea what you mean by "approach"


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2003
New York
F-air has too little priority with Jiggly to approach with, use n-air instead. Jiggly has alot of approaches...thing is that noone is creative enough to take advantage of them.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas

well the only approach I ever see from good jigz players is dair and grabs, and if I complteley stop both because they are predictable then I may see them try to bair a bit but then they immediatley go back to the old approach.

@pikashox - really an approach is any attack that you can get in on your opponent before they can do anything. you know, an attack that you use to approach your enemy with. generally using a tilt isn't something you run in and do, what seeing as there is no wavedash and no dash cancels in SSB64. With fox the easiest and most obvious is the fair, but to start your approach on the opponent you may SHL. everyone has one approach move that is the same all around (minus luigi) which is the dash attack.

@yoshifan - lol money match me? where do you live?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
Jiggs can approach with nair, fair, dair, and grab. You can teleport into 3 of those 4 approachs as well. You can push with bair, wait for them to make a mistake or you'll just keep spamming the move. That helps you get your approaches in as well.

BTW felix yoshifan doesn't live in america as you should've been able to tell very easily by his complete and utter **** of the english language.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2003
New York
man, people shouldn't even try approaching anymore. that's too predictable. the best strategy is to kinda walk around a bit so that noone can counter you.

well the only approach I ever see from good jigz players is dair and grabs, and if I complteley stop both because they are predictable then I may see them try to bair a bit but then they immediatley go back to the old approach.
then you clearly haven't played me, LOL


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
so what im hearing from you felix is that every approach is predictable? in your opinion of course
no. an approach is predictable when you do it over and over. thats generally how it goes when you are able to predict someone, its when they do the same thing over and over. and when you have only a few good approaches and your opponent is aware of this then your approach is predictable. You dont need to take things so literal, when I said kirby had no approach and same for jigz I didn't mean literally they had no way to close in on the opponent. I meant it was so limited its hardly worth noting really. such that if your opponent was to use say mario they could easily spam fireballs and run all game and kirby would hardly have a shot of getting an attack in (notably why I mentioned picking mario)

@moocow - read responce to boom as well and is that a challenge? :p
yes I haven't played you. I was just drawing from the people who main jigz that I have played.

@metroid - yes all true. Just not as effective as others I guess. I do remember playing your jigz though and you did do what you stated, you were the only one I had ever played that tryed really using any of jigz other arials, most just spam dair and grabs like I said.


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England

well the only approach I ever see from good jigz players is dair and grabs, and if I complteley stop both because they are predictable then I may see them try to bair a bit but then they immediatley go back to the old approach.
Yoshifan lives in Portugal, I think. And anyways, if that's all the EVER do, then they're can't be good. I admit, I used to do that a lot, but I don't play Jiggs anymore, and plus I was easily punished against anyone with the sense to roll backwards. And since when was a grab an approach o.O


Smash Apprentice
Nov 23, 2006
...jump ?
I didn't say I had a problem against them, I actually find them one of the easiest types of player to beat. They just get on my nerves coz all they do is run around and try and grab you. I just find them very boring and lame to play against.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
I didn't say I had a problem against them, I actually find them one of the easiest types of player to beat. They just get on my nerves coz all they do is run around and try and grab you. I just find them very boring and lame to play against.
same. allthough you can try to make it interesting as link/mario if all they are doing is trying to grab by spamming and forcing them to do something aside from grab.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Yoshifan lives in Portugal, I think. And anyways, if that's all the EVER do, then they're can't be good. I admit, I used to do that a lot, but I don't play Jiggs anymore, and plus I was easily punished against anyone with the sense to roll backwards. And since when was a grab an approach o.O
I'm from spain U^^

@Metroid: I know i have a bad english yet U^^


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
@pikashox - really an approach is any attack that you can get in on your opponent before they can do anything.
I doubt an attack like that exists, but I know what you're trying to say. But usually, a mindgame comes before any approach unless the guy your facing has his controller down and is tieing his shoes. lol


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2007
dude who cares, some guy beat you, and apparently he's good, live with it
This thread is like four months old, why did you revive it? It doesn't even look like you read much past the first post, and your approach was none to helpful either.
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