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Beaten by link.....

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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I've honnestly never been more mad at myself over a video game in my whole life.

I got 4 stocked, several times by a guy named Sensei... he was playing link... I dont know whether or not I should even try playing this game again, or if I deserve to after losing to such a lowwwwwwww tierrrrrr character.. bottom even. Sensei tells me samus is lower though, meh.

The point is link is one of the worst if not the worst characters in the game, and I got 3-4 stocked by him more than once, as captain falcon (my main)

Im just honnestly shocked, I was pissed before but now Im shocked, I almost broke my desk Im lucky I was able to fix it.

Anyone else ever have a similar experience??? I feel discouraged enough to quit.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2006
Las Vegas
Wow I really hope your not serious. Any character can beat any character , its COMMON in this game.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
Sensei wasn't winning with character he was winning with skill. Whether he was playing link or fox or luigi the results probably would've been the same. Skill extremely outweighs tier rankings.

Also, link isn't even a bad character if you don't exploit his weaknesses. Top players have the reflexes and skill to be able to avoid grabs a lot more, so one of his biggest weaknesses you wouldn't even be able to use to your fullest.

Point is don't feel bad about losing. Sensei is an extremely good player, and considering I've never heard of you before you shouldn't be concerned about losing to someone like him. Just try to pick up on the things he does.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
California, Sacramento
Don't worry about it, Sensei is good, and Link is NOT a bad character.

No character is bad in this game, just certain match ups really blow.

Don't feel bad you lost to anyone playing any character.

EDIT -- GAY, metroid you beat me to it, our posts are nearly the same :p

... I win in my book, though :p


Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2006
Somerville/Lowell, Massachusetts USA
I don't see a reason to quit.. Winning isn't everything; sometimes its just the experience you have the makes it enjoyable.

The tier list isn't that big of a deal. I actually wish no one ever created tier lists so that people would not over generalize characters.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Bah but im not some gay nub though, I z cancel every move I do, Ive 4 stocked almost every member of that iXi clan there, and he still pwnd me large. I think I dont react fast enough after my z cancelling (which Is perfect) because im used to melee where there still is slight lag as L canceling reduces lag by half where as in ssb the lag is gone completly.

I am relativly new on kaillera though, hence why you havent heard of me I guess.. Ive been playing for maybe 3 weeks, and yeah ive got a controller.

I dont seem to do well falcon vs link, none of my approaches work.. maybe I should work on my kirby, and exploit the extreme brokenness of his moveset.. no way link could beat a properly played kirby I bet.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Ive 4 stocked almost every member of that iXi clan there, and he still pwnd me large.
Heh, you haven't 4-stocked me yet :p. Seriously though, everyone here is right Dylan. I wouldn't take this defeat so seriously, Sensei is amazing at smash 64 (in my humble opinion), and if you keep on playing, you'll get better against him, trust me. Sometimes the hurdle you have to overcome to be that much better at smash 64 is exceedingly large. Try not to get frustrated over it, I've had the same problems going into Kaillera. There were points where I was frustrated to the point of quitting. But it's not worth it. Take a breather, refresh your mind, come back and play again. Sonn you'll get even better.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
it isn't falcon vs link. vs sensei it would be the same vs his everything.

tiers really dont mean much in ssb64. the only reason the low are low I'd say are grabs and recovery, both of which are terrible. link is a great comboer and so long as he has a lot of room to boom and bomb link is a serious nightmare.

Link can outrange kirby extremely easily. run and boom/bomb and there is no chance for kirby. kirby doesn't have an approach really and link takes advantage of it with his range. same for mario. kirby isn't a bad character to pick up if winning is your main intent, beats out everyone who doesn't have a projectile worth using no problem.

I wont comment on the iXi thing but I'll just say smash wise there are much better clans, like 100x better clans.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
ya sorry I mentioned the IxI think, obviously there are better clans if I've beatend like 20 of their members...

does it mean anything if I brought senseis ness down to 2 stocks (almost 1) ?? I found it easier to fight than his link which is weird because he JCd and stuff and generally played a proper ness..

Im confused I thought the tier list applied and only nubs said it didnt... but like always I suppose skill is the deciding factor.

I guess the tier list is more relevant in melee, link wont beat shiek in melee if shiek gets 4 grabs in since chainthrow - nair >>>> link...

I guess Ill keep on truckin.

I suppose I should also play some of you guys because 4 stocking people isnt helping me, Ive already realized this game goes far beyond ''knowing the combos''

I Just wish I had some ****ING DI X_X


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Ha, you know I'll play you anytime Dylan! just send a PM my way...who knows, you're prolly better than me at this point. When was the last time we played? A month ago?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Ha, you know I'll play you anytime Dylan! just send a PM my way...who knows, you're prolly better than me at this point. When was the last time we played? A month ago?
Dude, I got beaten by LINK. I dont thinK I stand a chance against those rest combos :laugh:

So does the tier list apply or not??? Seems to me like link isnt that bad of a character if hes played perfectly.. but would like a perfectly played pikachu completly pwn him?


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
skill > tiers

the only time tiers will ever matter to any of us is should we get as good as malva and beating him is detramental. until then dont even waste your time worshiping the tier list. I'd be more afraid of counterpicks than anything if I was you.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
you weren't losing to link though, you were losing to the player. characters had absolutely nothing to do with anything, besides who the hands touched at the character select screen and the character entrances. if all you think about is "**** I lost to a low tier character" instead of trying to figure out how it was you lost the game (when you were perdictable, when you missed combos, when you missed DI, when he got combos in, etc) then you aren't going to improve.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Whatever I dont have the time to improve in this game, I play casually and I can beat most people that join my games at least.

I guess I could play with some of you to learn some stuff but no ones gonna wanna play me anyway since I suck and have no reputation. Gimmie a shout if you wanna train an nub.

Wow I've been playing this game since it came out, have owned it for over 7 years.. and im still a n00b. Amazing.

Edit : what defines a ''noob'' in SSB64???? In melee its easy, you can usually tell by a lack of wavedashing and consistency in shffling and the basic techs and all that...

When I play SSB64..

I dont EVER miss a Cancel. Not one, ever.

I understand mindgames / baiting and try to take advantage of them I realize the game goes beyond comboes and that you have to lure your opponent to set up the majority of them

I can beat 90% of the pubbies I play on Kailerra and the only time I lose is when I play someone of HIGH skill like Sensei or someone on his level where you can just see the perfection in his technique..

Am I a ''noob''? Or am I like ''mediocre?" I dont know how to draw the line in this game because im new to the competitive scene, I learned all my 0-death comboes playing with one friend. I dunno where to place myself >.<


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2005
North Hollywood, CA
lol, dont be discouraged xP How do think I felt when I first played Isai? I probably got 5 stocked by him in 50 matches before he finally four stocked me when he accidentally killed himself :p
It's all about knowing how to approach your opponent, exploiting their weaknesses, and capitalizing on that. I remember hearing Isai's advice of "Don't get hit." and that is probably one of the best advices he has given. One thing is that you have to avoid link's boomies and bombs xP. Also link has a horrible recovery so if you just throw me off and edgeguard me or do a big combo or anything else that will send me flying off the stage, I will most likely die. And watch out for link's sword, that sucker has amazing priority that eat through almost any attack you throw at him. Sometimes you to try and psych me out by dash dancing or something and make me do an attack then hit me or grab me afterwards. Captain falcon has amazing speed so you should take full advantage of it. And just practice, practice, practice and you'll see improvement :)


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
lol, dont be discouraged xP How do think I felt when I first played Isai? I probably got 5 stocked by him in 50 matches before he finally four stocked me when he accidentally killed himself :p
It's all about knowing how to approach your opponent, exploiting their weaknesses, and capitalizing on that. I remember hearing Isai's advice of "Don't get hit." and that is probably one of the best advices he has given. One thing is that you have to avoid link's boomies and bombs xP. Also link has a horrible recovery so if you just throw me off and edgeguard me or do a big combo or anything else that will send me flying off the stage, I will most likely die. And watch out for link's sword, that sucker has amazing priority that eat through almost any attack you throw at him. Sometimes you to try and psych me out by dash dancing or something and make me do an attack then hit me or grab me afterwards. Captain falcon has amazing speed so you should take full advantage of it. And just practice, practice, practice and you'll see improvement :)
Thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to playing you again :)

SmashThugZ said:
I dunno. I doubt that though.[that you dont miss cancels]
Umm... ok. You doubt that I miss cancels based on the fact that I lost to someones link, someone being sensei who is apparantly one of the more respected ssb64 smashers.

What the heck do you take me for? He killed me with his superior mindgames and incredible bomb/boomie action, he literally had a combo that involved over 15 bombs, it was nuts.

But ive been playing SSB since it came out, I knew the ''advanced'' techs in ssb long before I was competitive quality in SSBM.

Trust me, I dont miss z cancels, not even fastfalled ones.. the timing isnt that hard, it is after you JUST played melee though :p

My problem is that I dont react IMMEDIATLY after the cancel, I have to do that.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
Yeah I get what you mean by not being able to play anyone good. No one good really joins my games since I don't have a good reputation (yet) so it's a rare chance that I get to play someone like Sensei or Boom (like yesterday, hooray). I'd really like to play more good people since that's the only way I can get better.

Isai's tip about don't get hit... I just realized what it meant yesterday. Boom manipulated the distance between us so well that I almost never had a chance to land a hit on him, and he took full advantage of the downtime after every one of my missed attacks. There were many instances where I thought he was literally reading my mind lol. I think to get to that level, you will need a lot more practice then just a few months.

We can play sometime if you'd like Dylan.


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England
Umm... ok. You doubt that I miss cancels based on the fact that I lost to someones link, someone being sensei who is apparantly one of the more respected ssb64 smashers.

What the heck do you take me for? He killed me with his superior mindgames and incredible bomb/boomie action, he literally had a combo that involved over 15 bombs, it was nuts.

But ive been playing SSB since it came out, I knew the ''advanced'' techs in ssb long before I was competitive quality in SSBM.

Trust me, I dont miss z cancels, not even fastfalled ones.. the timing isnt that hard, it is after you JUST played melee though :p

My problem is that I dont react IMMEDIATLY after the cancel, I have to do that.
What he meant is he doubts that you _never_ miss cancels. I've seen Isai miss cancels, Jonny misses cancels, Boom misses cancels etc. It's very unlikely that you never miss a cancel, even if you get them right 99% of the time.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
^^ OK fine, there might be one here and there missed, but my point was its not something I flub say... 1/5 times 1/10 times or even 1/20 times. Usually pikachus dair, for some reason is the one I screw up and then pikachu faceplants the ground! :p

Yeah for sure. Well its a relief to know sensei is respected I thought it was some random pubbie pwning me up with the worst character and laughing at me.

Id be happy to play any of you, sorry for spasing out so much :) See ya on kaillera I suppose.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2006
San Jose, California
ahahah..OMG...this dylan foo thinks hes all leet n ****. Play me SONS! I WILL OWN U 5 stock...GG STATUS. wHAT..DNT BELIVE Me? i will bomb on u like fuking BOMBERMAN son! wat u know about that..get off this piece! u think ur badass?! IM BADASS! SONSSSSSS:)


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
ahahah..OMG...this dylan foo thinks hes all leet n ****. Play me SONS! I WILL OWN U 5 stock...GG STATUS. wHAT..DNT BELIVE Me? i will bomb on u like fuking BOMBERMAN son! wat u know about that..get off this piece! u think ur badass?! IM BADASS! SONSSSSSS:)
ok then. :dizzy:


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Take tigerbombz for example... he has been 4-stocked by Isai's Link with Pika , despite he's a really good player, but he wouldnt get mad for that , and try his best to get 3-stocked next time.
Its all a matter of skills , not tiers , like everyone said


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2005
D/FW or Lubbock, Texas
Whatever I dont have the time to improve in this game, I play casually and I can beat most people that join my games at least.

well **** if improvement wasn't your goal in making this topic then what the **** was? what was the point of discussing anything in this topic?

go away plz


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2006
San Jose, California
first of all..i took isai down to 1 stock b4. 2nd of all, in my other vid i took his 2-3 stocks of his link with my kirby! i am sorry but i am fukign LEET


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
the point is that you dont go around braggin you hate Link , thats what I wanted Dylan to know, its all about skillz


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
I didn't say that because you lost to someone's Link
I don't think Link is weak at all, he's my favorite character to use online
I said that because I highly doubt you "never" miss a z cancel
You're only human, you're not a droid


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
don't be angry.Link is a good character and Sensei knew how to use link.Skill outweighs tiers


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2007
A good lesson to learn from this is that losing isn't a big deal, and that the ability to deal with losing is more important than never losing. Because you can't avoid losing. Even Wilt Chamberlain had bad nights.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2005
Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
Whatever I dont have the time to improve in this game, I play casually and I can beat most people that join my games at least.

I guess I could play with some of you to learn some stuff but no ones gonna wanna play me anyway since I suck and have no reputation. Gimmie a shout if you wanna train an nub.

Wow I've been playing this game since it came out, have owned it for over 7 years.. and im still a n00b. Amazing.

Edit : what defines a ''noob'' in SSB64???? In melee its easy, you can usually tell by a lack of wavedashing and consistency in shffling and the basic techs and all that...

When I play SSB64..

I dont EVER miss a Cancel. Not one, ever.

I understand mindgames / baiting and try to take advantage of them I realize the game goes beyond comboes and that you have to lure your opponent to set up the majority of them

I can beat 90% of the pubbies I play on Kailerra and the only time I lose is when I play someone of HIGH skill like Sensei or someone on his level where you can just see the perfection in his technique..

Am I a ''noob''? Or am I like ''mediocre?" I dont know how to draw the line in this game because im new to the competitive scene, I learned all my 0-death comboes playing with one friend. I dunno where to place myself >.<
neither "noob" or "mediocre", you just lack "experience", you said you have owned in this game for 7 years, perhaps all you need is start "losing" to people who might be better than you, that's what will really help you to realize that you weren't as good as you thought and you'll eventually want to get better.

I'll be looking forward to play you, you've just summoned the BEEF!Man! to show you what BEEF! tastes like xP.

oh yeah, btw about what is a noob on SSB, just take a look at "Blaish"

This guy plays in a 3 player game and loses so he complains that we are "teaming" him.
So I say, "Why the hell would i team you when I can own you myself"
and he thinks hes so good he wants to 1v1 so we do...

So I'm up 3 lives with about 100 damage to his last life...
He kills me pauses the game... and says

<Blaish> OWNED
<Blaish> LMAO
* Player 2 (Blaish) dropped from the current game.
* Blaish left the game's partyline.
<whaahppnd> þ0CLOSE
* Player 1 (whaahppnd) dropped from the current game.

dont ever play this guy


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2006
"you don't have the time to improve in this game" - that statement makes this thread pointless

"give me a shout if you wanna train a nub" - but you don't have time?

"what defines a noob" - someone who can't beat isai lol jk. i actually dont know.

"i don't ever miss a cancel" - lie

if what you said is true -- you z-cancel and you can beat 90% of the people on kaillera -- then you're not really a noob. you just lack the competitive experience.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2006
Queens, dont ask for meetups yet
ahahah..OMG...this dylan foo thinks hes all leet n ****. Play me SONS! I WILL OWN U 5 stock...GG STATUS. wHAT..DNT BELIVE Me? i will bomb on u like fuking BOMBERMAN son! wat u know about that..get off this piece! u think ur badass?! IM BADASS! SONSSSSSS:)
I totally love this guy. So much.

Dylan, you cant be serious. Man up. I used to get ***** by gbagcn all the time. yes, gbagcn. fsmash happy. What do you think I did? I didnt ****ing destroy my desk because of this. I kept playing.

If the advice is harsh, suck it up.
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