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Bayonetta Summons the Climax! Updated OT. - (Old Bayonetta Support Thread)

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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021

To start, a BIG Thank You for the previous owners Rosalina suporter Rosalina suporter and @Skyfox2000. Great job at starting this thread and also great job to the second owner for the improvements. Now, this is WhiteEaglePL welcoming all Members & Guests to-

Who are you? And don't you dare say my long lost sister.

*ahem* well without further ado...

The Witch is Here!!
The Umbran Witch Bayonetta, is a loved and quickly growing character from the critically acclaimed Bayonetta series created by PG* and owned by SEGA. Nintendo's basically saved the franchise and they've pretty much made Bayonetta one of thier own as seen by many Ninty fans. Always enjoying fighting angels and demons alike and getting the job done in style, she has a adorable fun side to her as well. Bayonetta is also very caring to her close companions, even going through hell to try and bring Jeanne back - sometimes she enjoys banter with them too! After being locked inside an Umbran coffin for 500 years, Bayonetta has forgotten much of her past, and who she really is, but quickly went on a quest to find out while meeting new friends along the way. She uses “Bullet Arts” as the main form of fighting, which combines melee attacks with guns as well as having a plethora of magical abilities. Throughout both of her games, Bayonetta has grown into a confident, strong and determined heroin, keeping her cool in the face of the enemy. Ultimately, she has a undeniably rich move-set potential to become a fun and unique character for everyone to enjoy - and be the perfect second SEGA rep.

I didn't ask you to tell me what I already know.

Oh, and she’s Hideki Kamiya approved. He just doesn't like to be bombarded with requests on his personal twitter. -- Source
“So it’s not something that I could comment on. In fact, you could probably ask Mr.Sakurai! If Mr.Sakurai wanted to put her in the game it probably would happen and I’d be more than happy to!” - Hideki Kamiya, 2013.
Brief History of the Bayonetta Games & Other Appearances
  • SEGA publishes Bayonetta for the Xbox 360 & PS3 - 2009 for Japan, 2010 for the West.
  • Becomes a DLC character for Anarchy Reigns
  • Bayonetta 2 announced on September 13 2012 as an exclusive to the Wii U
  • Rodin, Jeanne & Bayonetta appear as secret characters in the Wonderful 101
  • Bayonetta anime film 'Bloody Fate' by Gonzo releases in Japan - 2013.
  • Nintendo allows PG* developers to use Nintendo - based costumes, suggests to show more skin.
  • Bayonetta 1 and 2 released in 2014, published by Nintendo for the Wii U
  • Angel Land browser game as a Easter-egg on the PG website - 2015
Supporters List
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Good to know some of you are keeping your part of the contract. Let's do this!
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Possible Series Icons

Stage Ideas
  • Vigrid
  • Noatun & Fimbulvinter
  • The Sunrise & Crescent Valley
  • Training Grounds
  • Trinity of Realities
How odd. You seem to know where I'm going before I do.

Below, stage ideas with images. (click to expand)

Noatun & Fimbulvinter

The Sunrise & Crescent Valley

Training Grounds
Counter Arguments
”Bayonetta is way too mature and sexy for the kid-friendly game!!”
You'll have to do better than that to earn a tip, my dear
Bayonetta's sexuality is only a very small slice of her in-depth character. You do not mention strength, confidence, sympathy ect and besides she flaunts it to her will. A lot of people don't see sexuality the 'core' of her character. Look beyond. The standard costumes from both Bayonetta games as well as most of the additional costumes are no more revealing than some of the costumes which are already in Smash Bros. Inherently she’s no more sexual than Zero Suit Samus when acting normally as usual. There's only about 4 over the top close up cutscenes in each of her two games anyways. She is much less revealing than a Shulk or ZZS and with Lady Palutena on the sexy poses list already, some potential taunts would also be perfectly acceptable. If anything, all you’d have to do is make the Wicked Weaves not strip her while showing the epic hair effects similar to the process in Bayonetta and cut the cursing - that is, if Wicked Weaves do come into play. Bayonetta not stripping (or, if possible, limited striping) will also just make it EASIER to get her in as less valuable resources are wasted creating unnecessary animations.
Another thing I'd like to add is that Nintendo was able to incorporate Solid Snake into Brawl, whose original fighting style involved pistols and rifles, which if you ask me, would be even harder to tone down than unrealistically massive, colourful fantasy guns.. Graphic finishers? Does Snake use his graphic finishers in smash? She does not need to, either, nor any lines using swear words. But they were able to make him work nonetheless, so I'm pretty confident that they can make Bayonetta work in Smash.

"Sakurai doesn't really like guns"
And your point is?
Guns? She does not require a move to fire them. They can be used as a visual/sound effect just like in her own games during punches and kicks. Plus, the flashy blue/red/purple lights as she does them is very similar to the flashy lights characters show in Smash already to emphasize the attacks. Frankly, more shells falling will be visible than actual bullets flying and all this would probabbly happen really fast. Lastly, the wishy ‘air’ sound and her voice let alone the games music and the rest of the character’s will make sure any gun sound effects won’t be overpowering.

"But...but, only 2 gamez!!!”

That's no way to talk to a lady
It’s 3 games including the cool browser game. She has also appeared in many other titles & mods.
Besides, does it really matter in the end? And it's not like there are characters in Smash who only have 1 game (Duck Hunt Duo) so 2 games is already better. Shovel Knight only have 1, yet that's not stopping people from wanting him. Two games is enough for Bayonetta to be called a series or a franchise. The game's director has plenty of ideas for the third game and a spinoff game is a possibility. Source
A sequel to a Platinum title… I’d have to say Bayonetta 3. I have all kinds of ideas in my head for how to expand the world of Bayonetta in even more sequels, or maybe a spin-off!
”She would need to be toned down so much that she would no longer be the Bayonetta fans love”
You think you've got me figured out, don't you?
As mentioned in the first countered-argument, there honestly isn’t much to tone down at all, therefore the vast majority of Bayonetta shall remain the same. And after all, her personality is arguably much more significant than what she chooses to wear and do. Bayonetta's main personality would easily be able to shine through in her moves; from her brute strength to stylish and confident fighting while using many of her unique abilities.
I’m sure Bayonetta fans like myself would be very happy to see one of their most beloved characters in such a great game like Smash Bros. It would certainly be a huge privilege to Bayonetta’s fans and her developers alike. Afterall, isn’t one of the main reasons why we want characters in Smash Bros because we simply like them that much?

Huh, health full. :p

Here is an article by @BluePikmin11 countering arguments as well. Please, take a look.

If you have played Bayonetta, you would know it is high up in the best soundtracks in gaming list.
Please, take a listen while continuing. :)
Main Vocals:
Fly Me to The Moon
Mysterious Destiny
Moon River
Tomorrow is Mine
Night, I Stand (from anime)

Non / Less Vocal:
Valor in Courage and Gallantry
The Legend of Aesir
Battle for the Umbran Throne
Let’s Dance, Boys!
Beyond Time
Alraune Whisperer of Insanity
You May Call Me Father
After Burner
Mysterious Destiny - Retro Version
Paradiso - Sea of Stars
The Greatest Jubilee
Blood and Darkness
The Lumen Sage

That was bloody amazing!

Costumes & Color Swaps

  • Blue: Bayonetta's default outfit from the second game.
  • White: The outfit Bayonetta wears in the second games prologue sequence.
  • Red: Bayonetta's default outfit from the first game.
  • White: The outfit Bayonetta wears in the first games prologue sequence.
  • Black: Bayonetta's outfit from 500 years ago, seen in flash back sequences in both games.
  • Jeanne/Red: Costume that has Bayonetta replaced with Jeanne. Includes voice clip changes.
  • Rosa/Orange: Costume that has Bayonetta replaced with her mother Rosa. Includes voice clip changes.
  • Umbran Apprentice/Brown: Costume that has Bayonetta replaced with the appearance of an Umbran Witch Apprentice.

By @Ixbran

First off, Moveset for the Wonderful Witch her self. Rather than giving her different attacks based off her various weapons, I feel all of her attacks, outside of Animal Transformations, should focus on what she can use with just her guns.

Yes she is a capable fighter with any weapon, but since her guns are her most iconic weapon, I feel they should be the only ones she’d use in her smash bros appearance. Note if the move she performs in a .gif has a name, it will be listed. If it doesn’t, a name describing the ability will be listed instead.

Note: as a Special Gimmick, when attacking with her standard attacks, holding down the attack button after pressing it will cause her to shoot magical bullets, just like in the Bayonetta series.

  • Neutral Special: Charge Bullet

      • • Default: Charge energy to fire several rapid fire shots.
        • Variation 1: Charges a massive orb of magic energy in her gun then fires it. Functions similarly to Samus’s Charge Shot.
        • Variation 2: Instantly rapid fire small magic orbs from her gun. Functions similarly to Palutena’s Autoreticle.
      • Side Special: Panther Within

      • • Default: Transforms into a panther and dashes forward at double standard speed. Press the button again to perform a slashing claw attack.
        • Variation 1: Transforms into a panther and dashes forward at triple standard speed. Transformation lasts only a short period of time, no slash attack.
        • Variation 2: Transforms into a panther and dashes a short distance before performing a powerful slash attack.
      • Up Special: Crow Within

      • • Default: Transforms into a crow and gains height as if from a 3rd jump. She will slowly descent while in crow form, and players are able to maneuver her as she descends. Functions similarly to Palutena’s Jump Glide.
        • Variation 1: Transforms into a crow and feather darts will float around her forming a damaging shield as she descends. Functions similarly to Megaman’s Lief Shield.
        • Variation 2: Transforms into a crow and darts in player generated direction. Functions similarly to Pikachu’s Quick Attack.
      • Down Special: Witch Time

      • • Default: Strikes a pose, and if struck, Bayonetta will both counter the attack and the enemies movement will slow down if the attack hits, as if under the effect of the Timer item, for a short period of time.
        • Variation 1: Strikes a pose, and if struck, Bayonetta will vanish then appear behind opponent and perform a meteor smash on the enemy from behind. Functions similarly to Lucario’s Double Team.
        • Variation 2: Strikes a pose, and gains a temporary boost in movement and attack speed, at the cost of strength.

      • Jab Attack: Standard Punch Combo

      • Dash Attack: Stiletto
      • Ledge Recovery Attack: Arching Heel Stomp
      • Ground Recovery Attack: Rising Spin Kick
Tilt Attacks

      • Forward Tilt: Tetsuzanko
      • Up Tilt: High Kick
      • Down Tilt: Sweeping Spin Kick
Smash Attacks

      • Side Smash: Straight Punch Wicked Weave
      • Up Smash: Uppercut Punch Wicked Weave
      • Down Smash: Stomping Heel Wicked Weave
Aerial Attacks

      • Neutral Aerial: Rotating Heel Gun Kick
      • Forward Aerial: After Burner Kick
      • Back Aerial: Three-Hit Kick Combo
      • Up Aerial: Witch Strike
      • Down Aerial: Long Fall Heel Drop

      • Pummel: Back and Forth Toss Torture Attack
        (a.k.a.”Bayonetta Smash!”)
      • Forward Throw: Spin and Throw Torture Attack
      • Up Throw: Air Bear Trap Torture Attack
      • Back Throw: Iron Maiden Torture Attack
      • Down Throw: Anarchy Reigns Heel Confetti Stomp

      • Dodge Animation: Bat Within Technique
Final Smash
Infernal Demon Summon:Omne The Controller of Creation *SPOILER ALERT*


First off, the Bayonetta Universe symbol, like the Zelda universe having the Triforce, and the Mario universe being the Mushroom, I feel the only suitable symbol for the Bayonetta Universe is the Umbran Witch Insignia.


Assist Trophies have become an essential in terms of items of the Smash Bros. series. So here I’m going to list off Bayonetta characters whom I think would make great Assist Trophies to represent the Bayonetta Universe.


The Biological Father of Bayonetta, and her rival in the second game. As an Assist Trophy, he will attack with his weapon, the Holy Glaive, in conjunction with powerful magics. He will function similarly to Ghirahim and Phosphora, teleporting and performing various different attacks.

      • Attack 1: Holy Glaive combo
      • Attack 2: Light Beam
Attack 3: Giant Glaive Projection
Move-sets from Youtube:

It's a chance for Bayonetta to get her own amiibo! Fans of Smash Bros, Bayonetta and Both will love to have one.
There's a custom ZSS made and a digital art of a Bayonetta Smash Trophy.
(click to expand)
This last one is a real figure on top of a amiibo stand. It's far more expensive than retail-price amiibo's. Obviously, in Smash the pose won't be that suggestive , same can be said for the art above...
Huh? My lipstick

Support Signatures
Click to expand

By @N3ON

By gaitito

By @WhiteEagePL

Oh... Scary... Off with their heads, eh?
Finally, here's some AWESOME
Fan Arts & Other Work
(click to expand)
Share your thoughts & contributions below!

If there's anything I hate in this world, it's cockroaches and crying babies! ... Though, I suppose a crying baby cockroach would be truly terrible.
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
No chance. 2 games (good-bye R.O.B) and not much move-set potential. You should probably update the OP with more information and remember that a shorter I have is I've not iv...

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
No chance. 2 games (good-bye R.O.B) and not much move-set potential. You should probably update the OP with more information and remember that a shorter I have is I've not iv...
That's a bit of a shallow reason. I mean, there's a good chance R.O.B. could return for starters. Secondly, to say Bayonetta has not much in the way of moveset potential... Have you even played Bayonetta? Also, with Platinum Games having a good relationship with Nintendo, including making Bayonetta 2 a Wii U exclusive, I can see Bayonetta as a playable character. Will it happen? Probably not, but as of now, she's not out of the realm of possibility.

I do agree that the OP should have more info, such as a moveset though.


You're not going Turbo?
Apr 18, 2009
Somewhere on the globe.
No chance. 2 games (good-bye R.O.B) and not much move-set potential. You should probably update the OP with more information and remember that a shorter I have is I've not iv...
There is always a moveset potential... explain Captain Falcon and Fox.

And i've never played the first Bayonetta, but when i saw the teaser for the sequel on the Wii U broadcast thingy it looked swag. My prediction though? Most likely not going to happen, but it would be interesting. Sort of like how FE got into Smash.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
of all the third party characters to add she is very low in possibility.
only reason i would like to add her is for a new female but even thats not enough reason


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Wow, I'm amazed by not how quickly this thread came up, but for the amount of people who are posting in this thread and have never played the game, including the OP.

She has a lot of moveset potential, easily. You could probably take out most of the torture attacks and censor her "hair attacks" and still have a working moveset.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
She has yet to appear on a Nintendo console, so she is technically impossible at the moment, and since the roster has been most likely decided already, or will be before the Wii U is out she is out of the picture.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
Actually, no, Bayonetta is owned by Platinum Games. The first one was published by Sega. Bayonetta 2 is being published by Nintendo.
No, it is owned by Sega. Watch the trailer for B2..it says Sega at the bottom because they own the IP.


Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Wow, I'm amazed by not how quickly this thread came up, but for the amount of people who are posting in this thread and have never played the game, including the OP.

She has a lot of moveset potential, easily. You could probably take out most of the torture attacks and censor her "hair attacks" and still have a working moveset.
Funny thing is, you don't need to censor her torture attacks seeing as they're not really vulgar. I guessing removing the blood is all one needs to do. Also, I imagine most of her torture attacks being relegated to a Final Smash. I imagine variations to her weave attacks would be the basis for her moveset.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah, but even with taking out the blood, it seems like you'd be pushing it in a Smash game. Obviously, we can't have guillotine, but you might get away with a torture wheel.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Wow, I'm amazed by not how quickly this thread came up, but for the amount of people who are posting in this thread and have never played the game, including the OP.

She has a lot of moveset potential, easily. You could probably take out most of the torture attacks and censor her "hair attacks" and still have a working moveset.
I've played her game and i still dont support her
It's not about her moveset potential. i think she has more potential than a lot of characters a lot of people fully support. its just that she is third party and she's not nearly as deserving as other third parties considered

Deleted member

Yeah, but even with taking out the blood, it seems like you'd be pushing it in a Smash game. Obviously, we can't have guillotine, but you might get away with a torture wheel.
I haven't played the game to know, but surely it wouldn't be too bad, considering Snake snaps necks in his pummel.

EDIT: In my opinion, I don't think Bayonetta should be brought in. I think people are jumping the gun on this with the whole "OMG NINTENDO IS PUBLISHING THIS OMGOMGOMG!" (and I'm not just talking here, which thankfully, it hasn't been that much). Nintendo publishes many games that are 3rd Party nowadays. What makes Bayonetta so special?
She also clashes with the Smash vibe like Snake did, only arguably worse of a clash. She's highly sexualized and comes from a very "adult" setting. Kind of like Travis Touchdown, only more extreme.


Smash Cadet
Aug 9, 2011
No chance. 2 games (good-bye R.O.B) and not much move-set potential. You should probably update the OP with more information and remember that a shorter I have is I've not iv...
Not much moveset potential?

Please tell me you're joking. Bayonetta has almost as many moves as Dante, not to mention she's got all sorts of diffrent styles in the game she's in.

Bayonetta has SOME chance I think. Not saying a big chance, but the fact that she is going to be on a Nintendo Console does give her a boost as far as her third party representation. Not to mention the fact that she is a very popular character amongst fighting game enthusiast's.

In the immortal words of the dark witch herself, I think it's a Smashing Idea.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Not much moveset potential?

Please tell me you're joking. Bayonetta has almost as many moves as Dante, not to mention she's got all sorts of diffrent styles in the game she's in.

Bayonetta has SOME chance I think. Not saying a big chance, but the fact that she is going to be on a Nintendo Console does give her a boost as far as her third party representation. Not to mention the fact that she is a very popular character amongst fighting game enthusiast's.

In the immortal words of the dark witch herself, I think it's a Smashing Idea.
I think you'll find it no chance, since she has yet to appear on a Nintendo console, so she is technically impossible at the moment, and since the roster has been most likely decided already, or will be before the Wii U is out she is out of the picture.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
She has yet to appear on a Nintendo console, so she is technically impossible at the moment, and since the roster has been most likely decided already, or will be before the Wii U is out she is out of the picture.
They can always do a late "last minute" addition with her, like they did with Sonic in Brawl.
No, it is owned by Sega. Watch the trailer for B2..it says Sega at the bottom because they own the IP.
Huh, you're right.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Of course, she is exuberating popularity. The fact that she is also owned by Sega seals the deal, square-enix is next in line, with other companies like Camelot getting representation before Sega AGAIN!


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
She is currently impossible! She will be impossible when the roster is decided! If she gets slid in, which honestly has 0 chance of happening, then yes NikoPunk, one veteran will go bye-bye...

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Let me know if i need to add more i tryed to find what moves and info i could.I think she cool i'd like to see her get in.
If you can, you should probably play the game, or at least watch gameplay videos of Bayonetta, because she has tons of moves, including her wicked weaves, various guns for her shoes, and even weapons that isn't guns.

Deleted member

She is currently impossible! She will be impossible when the roster is decided! If she gets slid in, which honestly has 0 chance of happening, then yes NikoPunk, one veteran will go bye-bye...
Can't use "not in game yet" excuse.

Roy was added before he even existed in his own series.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
She is currently impossible! She will be impossible when the roster is decided! If she gets slid in, which honestly has 0 chance of happening, then yes NikoPunk, one veteran will go bye-bye...
Just because she is "currently impossible" does not mean there's 0 chance. The fact that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and is being published by Nintendo already gives her a decent chance. Also, did you not read my earlier post about how she could be a late edition the way Sonic was in Brawl? Sonic wasn't in the finalized roster; he was added late in the game due to fan request, and his late appearance in The Subspace Emissary reflects this.

Deleted member

While she could be a late addition, I heavily doubt it will happen for numerous reasons.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Just because she is "currently impossible" does not mean there's 0 chance. The fact that Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive and is being published by Nintendo already gives her a decent chance. Also, did you not read my earlier post about how she could be a late edition the way Sonic was in Brawl? Sonic wasn't in the finalized roster; he was added late in the game due to fan request, and his late appearance in The Subspace Emissary reflects this.
That's what I meant by slid in.


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
she is third party and she's not nearly as deserving as other third parties considered

Not nearly as deserving I can understand, plus her being highly sexualized and her torture moves. But it doesn't mean she has zero chances for ssb4, or she couldn't fit in. I mean if they can find a way to make Solid Snake fit in Smash, then I'm sure they could make Bayonetta fit in.



Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields

Not nearly as deserving I can understand, plus her being highly sexualized and her torture moves. But it doesn't mean she has zero chances for ssb4, or she couldn't fit in. I mean if they can find a way to make Solid Snake fit in Smash, then I'm sure they could make Bayonetta fit in.

I never said there was 0 chance. just very little chance

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I think we can all agree she is a unlikely addition to Smash 4. However, I would not say she is impossible. If Sakurai is interested in the game and character, he will add her in; even if she has yet to formally be introduced into a Nintendo system. There are far more deserving reps that outclass her. Goldenyuiitusin made a point that she image clashes with the Smash Bros. vibe in a wrong way. While Snake didn't fit in; that was his appeal. He didn't fit in to the point he did fit in. However, Bayonette just doesn't have that ability. And jigglover, you are seriously sounding like a broken record.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2006
I think there will be quite a few 3rd party characters this time around, since Nintendo wants exclusives and to be on good terms with other companies to produce games for the wii u... then again they might not even think about that.

On the upside being a stolen exclusive makes her chances decent... hopefully they will port the first game over. Need to finish it still.

Now if only nintendo could announce a katamari game for the wii u.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Sakurai has publicly said that he does not intend to add many ("willy nilly") 3rd party characters in since they are difficult to include into the Smash universe. He did acknowledge how well Snake and Sonic was received though.



Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
She's not the choice they'd approve of.

Snake isn't really a good comparison to her either since he's completely different from her.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Just gonna say "no" due to her overly sexualized attacks/figure.
Oh no, a woman with an appealing figure. Might as well get rid of the guys with broad shoulders as well as they're sexually appealing to women (and some guys).


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Totally forgot about ZSS lol. Was thinking more along the lines of Peach.

Oh no, a woman with an appealing figure. Might as well get rid of the guys with broad shoulders as well as they're sexually appealing to women (and some guys).
You should know that women get stigmatized far more than men for how they are portrayed. A man shirtless could probably get away with appearing in Brawl compared to something just as equal to a woman. You should also know you can make a point more politely rather than mocking someone.

The more I think about it, I'm surprised ZSS even showed up in that skin tight suit. Though I still believe Bayonetta's figure is overly sexualized. Everything from her hips to her for a lack of better term, "groin" area are emphasized. Unless Nintendo censors or is on some mission to show they aren't just for the "kids", Bayonetta will probably stay out.
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