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Basic Brawl is a Joke


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Twice today have I bumped into other people who are online, who don't even brawl, but only stand there and tap down continuously, or crawl, or taunt. This is not a brawl, ladies and gentlemen. This is a joke. It's really a joke since these two times were consecutive. In other words, I decided I'd try Basic Brawl out again, and what happens? Some clowns take over. So, what do I do? I leave. Then, I try again, and something like this occurs again.

Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen. I've been bumping into this kind of stuff lately, which makes me despise Basic Brawl in toto. I really, honestly don't know what this is all about. Do these people think it's funny? Do these people have nothing else better to do than to take up space from other brawlers who would actually like to kick some butt? I mean come on! It's really making me reconsider on whether or not I should even bother with online matches.

Oh, and let me tell all of you that those who tap down continuously on the analog stick, crawl, or taunt like an idiot, they're on teams. So expect to lose if there are three clowns present. It's better to just quit that match and hopefully find a better place to brawl other people.

Mike B

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
If you want to kick butt over Wifi then try getting friend codes from good players???

The H Kid

Jan 13, 2008
Do these people have nothing else better to do than to take up space from other brawlers who would actually like to kick some butt?

Get friend codes to "kick butt".

And not all basic brawls are like that.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2008
Scotland,Near Glasgow
heyy i enjoy arsing around if nobody is really attacking thou if the other player/s are in battle mode then its serious time for me.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I agree with you, but then again if it's what lets them have fun they aren't going to stop. Then again, it's ruining your fun.

So in the end you're right. I hate these kind of people...that's why you either:

A: Quit the game

B: Join in

C: Try to attack them

D: Quit playing Basic Brawl

I wish I could express in words how much I hate these crouching/taunting/crawling people.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
If you want to kick butt over Wifi then try getting friend codes from good players???
If only my friends were on when I was on.

Get friend codes to "kick butt".
Read above.

And not all basic brawls are like that.
I didn't say that all Basic Brawls were like that. But the majority from what I've been experiencing lately sure makes it seem that way.

I find it hilarious people still talk about this **** like it's ****ing news. It's not, good God, get away from the wi fi.
I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the Brawl Online Discussion sub-forum, so I wouldn't know that it was being treated like the news.

Mike B

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
There seems to be more lag in Team Battle than there is in Basic Brawl. I don't know why that is, though.
possibly because of the server figuring the friendly fire out and teams themselves?.. hell if i knew :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Feb 27, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
Hey I do all of that on wi-fi! lol

I love just messing around. Why? Because it's fun to see people join in. Especially when you have one guy who just get's so mad he quits. XD

Don't get me wrong I do battle on wi-fi, but sometimes i just wanna chill out. That and the horrible lag kills my spirit to fight so I resort to creating taunt parties.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I don't see why most of you guys tell Dryn to get some friends, or to just stop playing wifi.

I don't know about Dryn but I know I go on Basic Brawl when either i'm bored of playing friends online, or don't have anyone to play offline. You usually go to Basic Brawl in hopes of playing someone and having a good match, not to go there just to have to quit the match you waited 10 minutes for in the first place.

This reminds me of MPH for the DS, about every match had an Action Replay user, ruining the fun for others just to please themselves.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
Twice today have I bumped into other people who are online, who don't even brawl, but only stand there and tap down continuously, or crawl, or taunt. This is not a brawl, ladies and gentlemen. This is a joke. It's really a joke since these two times were consecutive. In other words, I decided I'd try Basic Brawl out again, and what happens? Some clowns take over. So, what do I do? I leave. Then, I try again, and something like this occurs again.

Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen. I've been bumping into this kind of stuff lately, which makes me despise Basic Brawl in toto. I really, honestly don't know what this is all about. Do these people think it's funny? Do these people have nothing else better to do than to take up space from other brawlers who would actually like to kick some butt? I mean come on! It's really making me reconsider on whether or not I should even bother with online matches.

Oh, and let me tell all of you that those who tap down continuously on the analog stick, crawl, or taunt like an idiot, they're on teams. So expect to lose if there are three clowns present. It's better to just quit that match and hopefully find a better place to brawl other people.
try getting a sense of humor. the game was designed to have fun. you want to kick butt in basic brawl? are you serious? Where 90% of the time its a lag fast, items like smash balls and assist trophies are ON, and every body is using a character and spamming the same move. Thats not kicking butt. Thats just playing n00bish with everyone. Thats boring. If you want to actually show skill, go on the SWF friend finder and play some people in your area without that much lag. I only go on basic brawl in hopes of goofing around. I actually coerce people into taunting with me by rigging matches. I let one of them hit me and then i die. and repeat on the same character till the score is up to like 15 or 16. The game is for fun. If you want to be competitive then stop playing "with anyone". I've only seen a few skilled players in there, and you know how i found out they were skilled? Through them goofing off and using advanced techniques to goof off. Even the really skilled players know that with anyone is just for fun and if you want a serious match play with friends.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
try getting a sense of humor. the game was designed to have fun. you want to kick butt in basic brawl? are you serious? Where 90% of the time its a lag fast, items like smash balls and assist trophies are ON, and every body is using a character and spamming the same move. Thats not kicking butt. Thats just playing n00bish with everyone. Thats boring. If you want to actually show skill, go on the SWF friend finder and play some people in your area without that much lag. I only go on basic brawl in hopes of goofing around. I actually coerce people into taunting with me by rigging matches. I let one of them hit me and then i die. and repeat on the same character till the score is up to like 15 or 16. The game is for fun. If you want to be competitive then stop playing "with anyone". I've only seen a few skilled players in there, and you know how i found out they were skilled? Through them goofing off and using advanced techniques to goof off. Even the really skilled players know that with anyone is just for fun and if you want a serious match play with friends.
I don't find much lag in Basic Brawl, even though it is present. I know that items are on, and I don't like items on, because that's not my style. I'll put up with it though, just because some people like to use items. Spamming, by the way, is not a problem for me either, because I don't see the crime in spamming. But that's not what I am talking about, now is it? I don't know about you, but people like Emblem Lord, who don't think there is a crime for spamming. Another person is UndrDog. That's called setting up a wall for your opponent to get over.

Anyway, you've digressed from what I was talking about. Perhaps for you, you don't mind. I am quite competitive when it comes to Brawl, and it's the only game I've ever been competitive in. I'll liken myself to Mars, who doesn't play Brawl for fun, but to win. If you like to goof off, then yeah, whatever. But I just don't find it all that wonderful, because it's a fighting game, not a game where you crouch a lot, taunt a lot, or act like an idiot. Also, stop telling me to "play with friends." You people assume I don't have anyone on my list of friends. Not all people are on, not all people want to fight with me, which is unusual.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Basic Brawl is indeed a joke, but something tells me it was meant to be that way.

With no ranks, no preferences, and most especially no sure way to change options (I'd love to have stock for once), Basic Brawl isn't meant to be the home of ***-kicking. It's just there to have a breather, or have fun beating up random people without have that competitive feeling. Goofing off fall into this category too.

But seriously, Basic Brawl sucked ever since it was introduced.

Not to repeat what everyone else said, but getting friend codes is the best way play Brawl with the adrenaline pumping, and you can do that with the SWF Friend Finder, which is more than enough.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I'll liken myself to Mars, who doesn't play Brawl for fun, but to win.
Then you shouldn't be in basic brawl. Are you really expecting an intense competitive atmosphere in 2-minute free-for-alls with items on? Sure, it happens sometimes, but basic brawl is primarily for fun, and if you aren't looking for fun, you shouldn't be there.

The friend finder is active enough for you to get on and find a match with someone whenever you want, (and it tends to be faster than waiting for someone to show up in basic brawl) and you have a much better chance of getting your preferred settings this way.

I find it all interesting, myself. Brawl is the only game of which I know in which everyone just stopping the match to fuck around is a relatively common occurrence. Is it the anonymity that causes it? The lack of a scoreboard?

Edit: If you're stuck on the notion of playing With Anyone matches, go for 2v2s. There are generally less goof-offs when they know that they'll be actively screwing over a teammate to do so.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Edit: If you're stuck on the notion of playing With Anyone matches, go for 2v2s. There are generally less goof-offs when they know that they'll be actively screwing over a teammate to do so.
If you can get in a 2v2 match in the first place.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
That's basically the point. You need all players filled in to play once. If one drops, the momentum stops immediately. Then you wait for more players to come, and they drop and come back and they drop again and so on.

At least in free-for-alls it doesn't take 20 minutes to get one game going.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
I don't find much lag in Basic Brawl, even though it is present. I know that items are on, and I don't like items on, because that's not my style. I'll put up with it though, just because some people like to use items. Spamming, by the way, is not a problem for me either, because I don't see the crime in spamming. But that's not what I am talking about, now is it? I don't know about you, but people like Emblem Lord, who don't think there is a crime for spamming. Another person is UndrDog. That's called setting up a wall for your opponent to get over.

Anyway, you've digressed from what I was talking about. Perhaps for you, you don't mind. I am quite competitive when it comes to Brawl, and it's the only game I've ever been competitive in. I'll liken myself to Mars, who doesn't play Brawl for fun, but to win. If you like to goof off, then yeah, whatever. But I just don't find it all that wonderful, because it's a fighting game, not a game where you crouch a lot, taunt a lot, or act like an idiot. Also, stop telling me to "play with friends." You people assume I don't have anyone on my list of friends. Not all people are on, not all people want to fight with me, which is unusual.
Its not a crime to spam, but its not competitive when everyone is spamming. Spamming in 1v1 is different. I spam arrows as pit users. However, have you seen the amount of spam with falcon punches and Ike's Fsmash? its ridiculous. Its not really competitive. Its your smart enough to avoid one but there is so much spam you can't even dare to begin being seroius with how much chaos is going on . I'm not saying FFA's are impossible to. I'm saying in with anyone it usually is. I mean the moment i start playing seriously I usually dominate or get owned by the spam. its one of the two. and its not fun. Its not fun when your the only person who knows how to combo, chain grab, shuffle(well shuff in brawl). The amount of skilled people in "with anyone" is unquestionably less than if you were using the friend finder. Also, WIFI in general is bad for being competitive. If your that good to begin with, why are you using wifi? Its ok I guess, but theres input delay and won't help you that much for tourneys.

And I haven't digressed from what you are talking about. I'm also very competitive. But I am also aware that this is a game and its meant for having fun. I'm also aware that the 'with anyone' is mostly full of people trying to have fun. If you want to be serious on wifi, just use the SWF friend finder? Your friends aren't on? Find someone new on friend finder, if they are online "seeking brawl" challenge them. There you go. quit whining about "with anyone". I'm tired of people who are just like "rah, play brawl righttttt". Some people like having a good laugh, especially after being so serious. I know after a few hours of playing brawl competitively its good to remind myself that this game is lighthearted and to have a few good laughs. A lot of people are competitive, but also have fun. Respect that.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2008
if only basic brawl had more options like 1 v 1 , FFA , time or stock..... Maybe people will be more serious.....
btw Why so serious?


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Basic brawl...... Maybe we should have given nintendo more time to make something better....
The fact is that they had all the time in the world. Nintendo and/or Sakurai -wanted- this mode that way. I dunno, something about rankings making casual players feel isolated.

Isn't getting better at the game one of the thrills? I know I'm not the godliest person around.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
I dunno, something about rankings making casual players feel isolated.
To be fair, just about anyone could feel isolated. Let's say someone went online and saw the worldwide rankings to be something like this:

1. 50,000,000,000 KOs
2. 49,999,999,999 KOs
3. 34,636,089,574 KOs
4. 23,435,986,757 KOs
5. 22,346,945,504 KOs

You: 0 KOs

How are most people going to react to that?


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
This is why we have friend finder.
Everyone knows basic Brawl sucks.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2005
Atlanta, GA
To be fair, just about anyone could feel isolated. Let's say someone went online and saw the worldwide rankings to be something like this:

1. 50,000,000,000 KOs
2. 49,999,999,999 KOs
3. 34,636,089,574 KOs
4. 23,435,986,757 KOs
5. 22,346,945,504 KOs

You: 0 KOs

How are most people going to react to that?
"Let me see if I can beat that"
"Let's see where I stand"
Or if they're casual
"Who cares, I'm just going to screw around anyway"
"Huh? They have rankings? Cool!"
"**** I suck. I'm going to kill Nintendo because I'm dead last in rankings"
"Waaaah mommy, the big kids are beating me online. I don't like this game."


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
"Let me see if I can beat that"
"Let's see where I stand"
Or if they're casual
"Who cares, I'm just going to screw around anyway"
"Huh? They have rankings? Cool!"
"**** I suck. I'm going to kill Nintendo because I'm dead last in rankings"
"Waaaah mommy, the big kids are beating me online. I don't like this game."
"Those guys have no life."


Smash Lord
Jan 4, 2008
Jackson, Tennessee
I'm one of those people.
Sorry that we're just trying to bring some fun into the competitive world you've created.
But not all of us are like that.
I crouch taunt occasionally, and often someone will join me.
Also, there's always ONE PERSON who has to be the serious little loser who spoils all of the fun.
I had to ledgehog my OWN TEAM MATE because he wouldn't stop attacking Jiggz, and he was spamming aura sphere.
That was the best ledgehog ever.

But if I start, and I see someone is going to attack, I continue my game.
Plain and simple.
You need to liven up a little.
I can't believe you're getting upset over crouch taunting.
What next?
Just play and have fun, not all of life has to be kills and skills.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
Like what PCHU said, have some fun in battles once in a while and don't always be too serious about them. If they start goofing off or whatever, join in or just beat them up and show them that you want a serious battle. If that fails, leave or just join and have fun. Eventually someone may get bored and start attacking.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
basic brawl is a joke... go on some board like smashboards or All is Lawl or one of the other ones or play with friends
Find people who don't lag, or don't lag yourself.
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