Anyone know how strong his track record is with leaks?
I got the "spirits replace trophies and act like stickers" thing right (though that came from a different person than my banjo source, the banjo source did agree with this "leak" about spirits though).
the way im hearing banjo is a source who supposedly has a microsoft source so its a chain of info.
My source (who is telling me banjo is in) was wrong to believe the grinch leak. though they always said their microsoft source only knew of banjo for sure but had HEARD the other grinch leak characters AND incineroar and they were confused why the grinch leak didnt have incineroar. Banjo being on the grinch leak was one of the main reasons they were looking at it and believing it.
Before the grinch leak my source figured banjo was DLC and we'd get box theory (and maybe a square rep, but basically they were just following vergeben like everyone else) so now we are back to thinking banjo as DLC is what we are getting.
So I wouldnt exactly go off my/my sources track record here. essentially they've never leaked anything until this and it was always only banjo that their source was "sure" of.
So I leave that up to you to decide if you believe it or not, I trust my source based on who they are but I have no interaction with their source I just think it makes sense from what they are telling me that they could have a source like this. I have to be kind of vague about it all and im sorry for that, and I understand without the full picture and getting the grinch leak wrong that this might not sound like the most trustable info but I do think it is likely real info so make your own decision if you want to believe it or not but I want to get the info out there anyway.