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Banjo-Kazooie: Dynamic Jiggy Duo - Project Dream


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I am psyched for many, many, possibilities, more so than I was initial roster actually.
This helps me spread my net to be happy with many different iinclusions.

That said, it has made me realize my top 5.
Isaac, K Rool, Pokemon Trainer, Banjo Kazooie, Toad


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
On a latter note, I find it somewhat funny how some people are wanting to vote for whoever the main characters are for Project Ukulele..

1. That game isn't even out yet. No one knows if it will be good, or if it will be... well, not so good.
2. We don't even know the names of the characters yet. Sure, the main one could just be "Ukulele", but thats a bit of a wild guess.

Also... why? People are jumping on a bandwagon that isn't even built yet. All its doing is trying to pull from the nostalgia from the Banjo & Kazooie name. As interested as I am in these new characters, they will just be too new. Plus they won't have the same history as our Bear and bird.. it just.... wouldn't be the same.
This is why I am not jumping on the inkling bandwagon.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
On a latter note, I find it somewhat funny how some people are wanting to vote for whoever the main characters are for Project Ukulele..

1. That game isn't even out yet. No one knows if it will be good, or if it will be... well, not so good.
2. We don't even know the names of the characters yet. Sure, the main one could just be "Ukulele", but thats a bit of a wild guess.

Also... why? People are jumping on a bandwagon that isn't even built yet. All its doing is trying to pull from the nostalgia from the Banjo & Kazooie name. As interested as I am in these new characters, they will just be too new. Plus they won't have the same history as our Bear and bird.. it just.... wouldn't be the same.
Yep, signing this. Although I expect the game to be good (it's the core team with all the freedom they had in the glory days & some great ideas left from the concept of Banjo Threeie), the main characters are simply not established yet. Hell, we don't even know their faces.

Banjo & Kazooie became likely enough to keep supporting them!
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Classic Pacman was limbless.

Official Pac-Man artworks already showed him with arms, legs and a face when he was still new, and his Smash incarnation is based on this design. While I agree this may not be the classic Pac-Man (as it's the pizza-shaped yellow circle we all know and is definitely not viable for Smash) it's the oldest Pac-Man design with limbs and the best compromise between "classic" and "viable for Smash".


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
They did the best they could do with him. How would you even do a move set if he was ball-shaped all the time?


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'm sure that at E3, they'll give us a trailer for a character like Wolf or one they've been developing from now until then, but also announce another character, like they did with Mewtwo last year, that came from the results of the poll. I don't think they're gonna wait until October to actually look at what's going on, or at least I hope not!
My thinking is that we'll get a Wolf trailer at E3 and MAYBE a model of the first ballot dlc choice. (like they did with Mewtwo)

It won't be Banjo Kazooie though, I would expect any 3rd party character dlc to be at the end of the run of character dlc.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
My thinking is that we'll get a Wolf trailer at E3 and MAYBE show a model of the first ballot dlc choice. (like they did with Mewtwo)

It won't be Banjo Kazooie though, I would expect any 3rd party character dlc to be at the end of the run of character dlc.
Judging from the select screen on Wii U, we've got 6 spaces left (unless they change the size). With Mewtwo & Lucas (possibly Wolf), there are 3 left... There's plenty of possible DLC characters left!

Gosh, having 57 characters at the end would be sick :psycho:


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Judging from the select screen on Wii U, we've got 6 spaces left (unless they change the size). With Mewtwo & Lucas (possibly Wolf), there are 3 left... There's plenty of possible DLC characters left!

Gosh, having 57 characters at the end would be sick :psycho:
They can shrink the boxes for as many characters as they like. They won't limit themselves if they eventually want to do more.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
They can shrink the boxes for as many characters as they like. They won't limit themselves if they eventually want to do more.
Yep that's right. My point is... Having six DLC characters already would be SO much! Much more than I ever expected. Even if they abandoned the Wii U in 2 years or so, it will be fully worth it for Smash fans!

I highly expect stage DLC to come as well...
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
While I think 6 is all we're going to get, if it's not they could always go the Soul Calibur 3 route and have a single drop down slot for all of them.

They did the best they could do with him. How would you even do a move set if he was ball-shaped all the time?
That's why I didn't want him in smash. His true form simply wasn't viable, though I'll begrudgingly admit Regice has a point.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
Yep that's right. My point is... Having six DLC characters already would be SO much! Much more than I ever expected. Even if they abandoned the Wii U in 2 years or so, it will be fully worth it for Smash fans!

I highly expect stage DLC to come as well...
I think how many characters we get depends on how many veterans they give us. From interviews that Sakurai did in 2013, he said that no characters had been cut yet, and that he didn't want to cut anyone, so that to me suggests that Wolf, Squirtle and Ivysaur are viable DLC candidates as they've had some work done. Ice Climbers too depending on if they can come to a resolution over them.

I could feasibly see 10 total, but only if a lot of them are the cut veterans.

Snake aside, all the other vets are either clones or have some work done, so it'd be nice to have a real definitive Smash Bros with every character ever.
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Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Already voted for K. Rool before, and now I used another computer and IP address to vote for Banjo & Kazooie! Here's what I wrote:
Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are two gems of the N64 which marked a generation of gamers and were released when Rare was working for Nintendo. As such, despite the Rare buyout by Microsoft, they are still seen as Nintendo characters by fans and deserve to be in Smash Bros. Phil Spencer, the leader of the Xbox department, said himself that he would like them in Smash Bros., and I'm sure it's possible to find an agreement between Nintendo and Microsoft which would benefit both companies.
What do you think about this? :p


Smash Ace
Feb 2, 2013
Already voted for K. Rool before, and now I used another computer and IP address to vote for Banjo & Kazooie! Here's what I wrote:

What do you think about this? :p
I literally did the same thing as you by voting for K Rool and then voting for Banjo-Kazooie elsewhere. My reasoning was even similar, haha


You're a vegetable
Mar 24, 2012
I'm voting for Banjo & Kazooie today. It's all or nothing now, and they deserve it. Thank you Based Pedro for telling Phil Spencer about the ballot.

I didn't read the thread so I don't know if this was brought up or not but which design of the bear and bird would you like to see? Personally I like Kazooie's modern design over the N64 one while I prefer Banjo's N64 design over the modern one.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I feel it's pointless to predict the amount of dlc based on the remaining slots on the character screen. They can and will change the character selection screen if they think it's necessary.

Have we forgotten the arrows that were discovered on the 3DS version already?
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2014
Now I just hope I can play Banjo Kazooie for the first time on N64 Virtual Console...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
I didn't read the thread so I don't know if this was brought up or not but which design of the bear and bird would you like to see? Personally I like Kazooie's modern design over the N64 one while I prefer Banjo's N64 design over the modern one.
Yep we talked about this before. Of course that's just my opinion, but I find both Banjos and Kazooies new design rather ugly/weird. I hope they stick to the old design.

Old one:

New one:

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Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
Warning Received
I think the difficulty here would be convincing Nintendo to actually take the demand seriously, which could really only be accomplish if it was overwhelming.

Or if they had a sit-down with M$ about it. That's kind of out of our hands though.
If we want this idea taken seriously, sent this forum to a higher up like Bill Trinnen! Make it clear that we want this!

I think Nintendo would 1) have to see the overwhelming popularity and 2) actually be aware that M$ was open to it before anything could transpire...

New sig hype. The golden trio... I will support them all until the end!

The day I can play as Banjo, Rayman, and Snake within Smash... will be indescribable.

I don't care if it's less likely than even Ridley, Banjo is my absolute favorite.
Holy hell, if they got Rayman, Snake, Banjo/Kazooie, AND Ridley? I would fangasm so hard.

Tweet it at people who could report on it. I'm sure they're already being bombarded, but you never know.
Bill Trinen has a Twitter. Somebody get on there, and link him to Phil Spencers comment, and the myriad of support this is getting.
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
Bill Trinen has a Twitter. Somebody get on there, and link him too Phil Spencers comment, and the myriad of support this is getting.
Did this already, but everyone with a Twitter account should do the same. That way, he might eventually answer to somebody (I didn't receive a reply yet).

By the way: When you write a reply, click reply on all the posts you want to answer to (this adds a quote in your editing field) - no need to post four times in a row ;)
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Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
Did this already, but everyone with a Twitter account should do the same. That way, he might eventually answer to somebody (I didn't receive a reply yet).

By the way: When you write a reply, click reply on all the posts you want to answer to (this adds a quote in your editing field) - no need to post four times in a row ;)
Yeah, I noticed. Sorry... And also, I don't have a Twitter. But hell, maybe I should make one just for this.


Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2014
I don't hate their newer design. It wouldn't bother me if they did 4/4 like Wario has.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2014
Threw together some ideas for their kit. Tried to make stuff that was distinctive and unique to them, no idea if it's overpowered, underpowered, etc etc. Optimally I think every character should be a little bit OP in some ways and a little bit UP in other ways.

Defining tool

I've given B-K a tool that allow them to move very differently through the air than other fighters.

Feathery Flap. Instead of air dodging Kazooie does a feathery flap. Basically a quick air dash only with it allows you to hover/drift in place at the end of it for a second or two. Has a cooldown that's not instantaneous - either a handful of seconds or once per jump depending on which better balanced.

Down Attacks
In the games a lot of B-K's kit is used through ducking. In Smash only a few down attacks exist but I've decided to unify them along a theme. Each egg type has a different purpose but is each used with Down plus an input. It's sort of like Snake having a mine on down smash and c4 on down special. Slightly different takes on the same thing.

Down Tilt: Blue Eggs. Spamable ranged attack. Fire lots of them quick, get in lots of little hits.

Down Smash: Grenade Eggs: Powerful ranged attack. More of a finisher type thing.

Down Special: Ice egg: Ranged attack that applies a slow. It's a utility. (Fire and Electric as customs)

Down Air: Beak Buster: Sends you flying downward. Big damage, spikes, if you miss you don't stop. Maybe you can Feathery Flap to cancel it so that you can play mindgames with that. Are you going for it or are you going to go for it after a FF?

Forward Attacks
The forward stuff would be more banjo spare the smash and draws more influence from basic moves than ducks.

Neutral: Claw Swipe. Not very good damage but you and your target move forward as you use it pretty quickly.

Forward Tilt: Forward Roll. Aggressive sort of roll.

Forward Smash: Beak Barge. Slides forward big distance while doing. Like Bowser's Forward Smash.
Just gave another pass to the moveset from before. Quoted above, edited above. Original version still exists in that post if you want to look at that. Bassically dropped the wonderwing idea- better to focus on the utility of the Feathery Flap rather than muck about with a shield alternative that might, honestly, be far worse than a regular shield end of the day.

Here's a few more ideas. The run would obviously be a Talon Trot ending with perhaps a Rat-a-tap Rap as the dash attack. Puts you slightly in the air when you do it. Forward Roll doesn't really make sense since you can't forward roll out of Talon Trot but you can Rat-a-tat Rap. This also makes sense with the passive thing - can feathery flap away after, real nice that. Another move I think could work is Jiggy Dance which would be the neutral special. Basically it's a few second long dance that you can cancel out of but if it finishes you get a big Jiggy you can throw at dudes.

I think that all sounds good. Maybe should have more stuff like the running attack that works with the feathery flap better. (What if during Jiggy Dance you could Feathery Flap since Banjo jumps up into the air during the animation? If you wanted to cancel out of it but not do a roll?)
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
I've really been starting to think... and I've just thought of a lot of very important questions.

First lets think about Sakurai for a moment. We know for a fact Sakurai had said "there were currently no plans for DLC after Mewtwo"... and with Lucas, that was clearly a lie. Since the lucas we saw in the trailer looked somewhat playable, we can assume it had to have been in the works for awhile.. That only makes you wonder what Sakurai's standings really are in regards to dlc..

Another thing. Just how far do the capabilities of the Wii U and 3DS go? How much dlc can these consoles handle? and for that matter, is there a limit? As it would be kinda sad if space limited how much they could put into the games in regards to dlc... :/


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I've really been starting to think... and I've just thought of a lot of very important questions.

First lets think about Sakurai for a moment. We know for a fact Sakurai had said "there were currently no plans for DLC after Mewtwo"... and with Lucas, that was clearly a lie. Since the lucas we saw in the trailer looked somewhat playable, we can assume it had to have been in the works for awhile.. That only makes you wonder what Sakurai's standings really are in regards to dlc..

Another thing. Just how far do the capabilities of the Wii U and 3DS go? How much dlc can these consoles handle? and for that matter, is there a limit? As it would be kinda sad if space limited how much they could put into the games in regards to dlc... :/
There really is no limit. The data is being downloaded to the console, not the game disc itself.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
There really is no limit. The data is being downloaded to the console, not the game disc itself.
Oh really? Well thats good to know. In that case, What I think would be cool is if they made some sort of official, 32gb drive, just for smash that people could get.. lol XD


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
I've really been starting to think... and I've just thought of a lot of very important questions.

First lets think about Sakurai for a moment. We know for a fact Sakurai had said "there were currently no plans for DLC after Mewtwo"... and with Lucas, that was clearly a lie. Since the lucas we saw in the trailer looked somewhat playable, we can assume it had to have been in the works for awhile.. That only makes you wonder what Sakurai's standings really are in regards to dlc..

Another thing. Just how far do the capabilities of the Wii U and 3DS go? How much dlc can these consoles handle? and for that matter, is there a limit? As it would be kinda sad if space limited how much they could put into the games in regards to dlc... :/
I wouldn't go as far to say these were a lie, but I do think Sakurai messes with us a lot. I think Lucas and MewTwo really were relatively late installments, making them DLC. He did say they would not even consider or think about DLC until after the game's release. But we got the MewTwo reveal before the Wii U version was released. He said there would be an Omega version for almost every stage, but then we got one for every stage. He said there would be no more character balancing but now we are getting more character balancing. He said Melee was the last game. He said Brawl was the last game. He even said he might seriously stop with games all together (Smash or not) after this because of how much stress he was under.

I'm telling you guys, getting 6 DLC characters is totally plausible. All they'd have to do is shrink the character slots, or just make a page two. I don't care if anyone says "that's ugly." I wouldn't take off points from a game simply because they altered the character selection screen so that they could include the characters that most people vote for. I would be super excited about having several new characters, and wouldn't be complaining about an "unorganized" selection screen. Plus, I bet they would make it organized anyway. I can see them having a separate page for DLC characters only.
Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
I've heard some people talk of rallying Youtubers for this cause. Do you think we could get Markiplier in on this? He talks in his videos of Nintendo games he's played and appreciated. If he's passionate about Smash, and likes BK, he might want in on this. And with him earning the title for some as the American Pewdiepie, he sounds as though He'd be influential in convincing Nintendo that this DLC partnership should happen.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
I've heard some people talk of rallying Youtubers for this cause. Do you think we could get Markiplier in on this? He talks in his videos of Nintendo games he's played and appreciated. If he's passionate about Smash, and likes BK, he might want in on this. And with him earning the title for some as the American Pewdiepie, he sounds as though He'd be influential in convincing Nintendo that this DLC partnership should happen.
Of course the main issue would be contacting the guy. You wouldn't be able to just do the standard youtube messaging, as he probably gets hundreds a day.. lol

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Just a heads up, you guys should all vote Banjo:

Oh believe me, I plan to. but... I STILL don't understand the desire for Vets as DLC.. The most I could see is another brawl Vet as dlc (As, so far we got Mewtwo and Doctor Mario back from melee. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think they might bring back another character from brawl, along side lucas.)

I mean, my main issue with veteran fighters is the very fact they have been in the game before... and most of the ones that are cut aren't that important.. save for Ice clumbers, as they were mostly cut due to hardware limitations on 3DS.

Roy - We. Don't. Need. More. Fire Emblem. We already have Marth, Ike, Robin, AND Lucina. The fire emblem reps are fine as is.

Young Link - No. I love how people are suggesting he could use a moveset like the mask transformations, but we all know that wouldn't happen. He would be the same old cloney clone as from Melee... Just like how Ganondorf has had the same Falcon clone moveset since his introduction...

Pichu - Cute, but meh.. not "that" important.

Snake - Now this guy I'm not sure of. I just think he wasn't included because Nintendo probably didn't like the idea that the Metal gear devs refused to port that one game over to the wii U... can't remember the name..I just don't see him returning. Besides, he didn't really fit well anyway... Infact he stood out like a sore thumb...

I mean, not to step on anyones mains or anything like that. Its just that there are SOOOOO many possibilities of DLC fighters thanks to this ballot... I'd perfer it not get wasted on characters that have already had time in the spotlight..

At most, that second brawl vet slot, IF it even exists, is probably going to go to Wolf.
Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
Of course the main issue would be contacting the guy. You wouldn't be able to just do the standard youtube messaging, as he probably gets hundreds a day.. lol
True. I wouldn't know much about how to get him either. I've done my part for some though. I just contacted ArtsyOmni to see if he want in on this project. I'm currently waiting for a response. Does Markiplier have a Twitter?
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Deleted member

I was all for Snake till Banjo became an option. He was my main in Brawl and has a sweet and original moveset.

But I know we're only getting 1 guest as DLC, if any.
Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
Should probably clarify, but /v/s running a poll to determine the board's most wanted character, and then they plan to flood the ballots with bots, so vote BANJO!!

I voted for Banjo. I feel a bit dirty knowing what this vote is going for, and the s*** posting on that thread is toxic, to say the least. But I voted because I really do want to see Banjo in the Game. Keep us updated on the most recent strawpolls too please.

***EDIT*** I've noticed many a 4chan troll is putting in joke votes for Lanky Kong. If Banjo loses in these polls, should we do the #honorablenothonorable thing and alert Nintendo of 4chans plan to bot spam?
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Are Banjo & Kazooie popular in Japan?

We're here buzzing about that Phil guy giving them the ok but for all we know they're flopping hard over in Japan. This news will probably have a hard time spreading over there.
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