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Banjo-Kazooie: Dynamic Jiggy Duo - Project Dream

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Are Banjo & Kazooie popular in Japan?

We're here buzzing about that Phil guy giving them the ok but for all we know they're flopping hard over in Japan. This news will probably have a hard time spreading over there.
The reason "that Phil guy", is so important in all of this, is because he is the boss of the Xbox division. Hearing that tweet from him made things all the more likely.. as we know sometimes the other party can be the one that drags their feet when their asked to include their character in something.

As for Japan... it would all depend on if the two have a fan following over there. Remember, Banjo & Kazooie had their start on the Nintendo 64. Both Banjo-Kazooie, and Banjo-Tooie were on that platform. The game had to have been ported for japan at the time, so I'm sure there would be some cult following.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
The reason "that Phil guy", is so important in all of this, is because he is the boss of the Xbox division. Hearing that tweet from him made things all the more likely.. as we know sometimes the other party can be the one that drags their feet when their asked to include their character in something.
I already know why he's important.

Banjo & Kazooie wouldn't be getting nearly as much support if it wasn't for that tweet.
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Oh believe me, I plan to. but... I STILL don't understand the desire for Vets as DLC.. The most I could see is another brawl Vet as dlc (As, so far we got Mewtwo and Doctor Mario back from melee. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think they might bring back another character from brawl, along side lucas.)

I mean, my main issue with veteran fighters is the very fact they have been in the game before... and most of the ones that are cut aren't that important.. save for Ice clumbers, as they were mostly cut due to hardware limitations on 3DS.

Roy - We. Don't. Need. More. Fire Emblem. We already have Marth, Ike, Robin, AND Lucina. The fire emblem reps are fine as is.

Young Link - No. I love how people are suggesting he could use a moveset like the mask transformations, but we all know that wouldn't happen. He would be the same old cloney clone as from Melee... Just like how Ganondorf has had the same Falcon clone moveset since his introduction...

Pichu - Cute, but meh.. not "that" important.

Snake - Now this guy I'm not sure of. I just think he wasn't included because Nintendo probably didn't like the idea that the Metal gear devs refused to port that one game over to the wii U... can't remember the name..I just don't see him returning. Besides, he didn't really fit well anyway... Infact he stood out like a sore thumb...

I mean, not to step on anyones mains or anything like that. Its just that there are SOOOOO many possibilities of DLC fighters thanks to this ballot... I'd perfer it not get wasted on characters that have already had time in the spotlight..

At most, that second brawl vet slot, IF it even exists, is probably going to go to Wolf.
Pokemon. Trainer.
Protagonist of Nintendo's second biggest franchise.
Not even an acknowledgement from you.
Your view is thus moot :)
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Pokemon. Trainer.
Protagonist of Nintendo's second biggest franchise.
Not even an acknowledgement from you.
Your view is thus moot :)
I didn't mention Pokemon trainer, because he can't exist.

In smash 4, all transformations were split. Since Pokemon trainer's entire gimmick was switching between three pokemon, thats not happening. We are lucky Charizard managed to return, and that was mostly due to the fact he was the most popular of the three. If we were lucky, the other two could "maybe" come back as dlc. But Pokemon trainer, unless you want him literally fighting, wouldn't be coming back...

So, I'm afraid "your view is moot" here. :)

Besides, we already have enough pokemon as it is... Mewtwo is going to bring the total back up to six.. as it should be.


Again, as I said, not trying to step on anyone's mains here, as I said in that very post you quoted. I'm just getting sick of those requests for characters that have already been in the game... I wish people would realize if they were coming back, they are already being planned. Infact I already have a feeling we might at least see Wolf confirmed as returning DLC when the next E3 rolls around.

Also not knocking Squirtle, or Ivysaur with that previous post either. Infact I played them to death in brawl. I just have my doubts they could be returning, under the circumstances we have now.


I already know why he's important.

Banjo & Kazooie wouldn't be getting nearly as much support if it wasn't for that tweet.
Its not just because of the tweet. There have always been people that would like to have seen the two in smash. The only reason their thoughts were never voiced was due to the fact that everyone still thought there would be no possible way Microsoft would allow Nintendo to use the IP in the first place.. It didn't seem possible then. Now, it does. Add to the fact that Nintendo confirmed yesterday that "Any" videogame character is Eligible for that ballot, and you would understand the sudden boost in confidence and support in all these 3rd party campaigns.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
watch the triple posting. Uee the "EDIT" feature instead.

and banjo support suddenly shot up once microsoft gave the ok. It's pretty obvious for anyone who has been paying attention.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
watch the triple posting. Uee the "EDIT" feature instead.

and banjo support suddenly shot up once microsoft gave the ok. It's pretty obvious for anyone who has been paying attention.
Heh, sorry about that... I'm a bit of a fast typer, so I'm certainly guilty of that.. I'll definitely try to handle the posts better now XD

Also, exactly.

EDIT: Infact, I think I'll go ahead and try to clean up those other two posts
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Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
The /v/ board with the plan to skew the votes had Banjo lose to Wonder Red, so I sent an email to Nintendo telling them of 4chan's plan to spam the competition with bots, complete with a link to the /v/ board with the vote on it.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
The /v/ board with the plan to skew the votes had Banjo lose to Wonder Red, so I sent an email to Nintendo telling them of 4chan's plan to spam the competition with bots, complete with a link to the /v/ board with the vote on it.
you're joking right?

that's absurd dude. it's 4chan. their stupidity is common knowledge. Not like Banjo didnt have bots either or anything.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
you're joking right?

that's absurd dude. it's 4chan. their stupidity is common knowledge. Not like Banjo didnt have bots either or anything.
I honestly hope this doesn't devolve into that.. I mean I want these guys in but if people start spamming Nintendo's ballot with bots, it would probably discourage them from attempting something like this again in a future title..
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
no people they voted on the strawpoll with bots. all sides did.
4chan isnt going to hack nintendo. calm down.

people are spamming the ballot anyway.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Sorry if this has already been posted but in this poll Banjo and Kazooie are at the top (currently 19.97% with the second highest option (excluding other) at 8.50%)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2015
Do you think Banjo will get enough votes? I'm praying to god he does, but i fear that a lot of the kids who are voting on the ballot may not know who he is.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
no people they voted on the strawpoll with bots. all sides did.
4chan isnt going to hack nintendo. calm down.

people are spamming the ballot anyway.
I honestly hope Nintendo has some sort of filter set up for all the Goku and Shrek votes their going to get... as you're right.
Bots or not, I'm just worried their stupidity is going to cause the joke entries, troll entries, and the spam entries to make the whole thing an unreadable nightmare... If they don't have some sort of filter ready, I seriously feel sorry for whoever is going to have to go through this stuff..


Do you think Banjo will get enough votes? I'm praying to god he does, but i fear that a lot of the kids who are voting on the ballot may not know who he is.
The same could probably be said for a lot of other characters. Shantae being another good example. She could "probably" be seen on the indie scene, but most of the young gen wouldn't know of her longer history with Nintendo.

We just need to relax. I'm sure they have just as much of a chance as... whoever the squeakers are going to be voting for... *shudders*


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2014
Do you think Banjo will get enough votes? I'm praying to god he does, but i fear that a lot of the kids who are voting on the ballot may not know who he is.
I think it won't be about the "first" or "second" place anyway. B-K just need to get as much votes as it takes to get the attention of the team & get into consideration. Of course, an overwhelming amount of votes will surely helpful, and we should spread the word as far as possible. But we don't know how they actually choose their fighters... it will certainly not about the ranking of all voted characters...
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
I think it won't be about the "first" or "second" place anyway. B-K just need to get as much votes as it takes to get the attention of the team & get into consideration. Of course, an overwhelming amount of votes will surely helpful, and we should spread the word as far as possible. But we don't know how they actually choose their fighters... it will certainly not about the ranking of all voted characters...
Sakurai has explained a bit about how fighters are chosen actually. Let me quote it:

"We conduct a character popularity poll both domestically and internationally. We also research games that are currently being developed. After that, it's pretty much up to us, with a touch of convenience.

There are a lot things to take into account when deciding [characters]. Does the character have something inherently unique about them? Can that be used to make Smash Bros. interesting? Is the character a representative character [for the source material]? Do they conflict at all with other characters? Was there anything about them that stood out when we began development?

As for who doesn't make the cut, characters from a series that has no future are rarely chosen. Also, fighters that switch models are a different matter.

Basically, any character is accepted if I believe it works [in the game]. On the other hand, even if a character is unique, if they overlap with other characters and aren't unique as a fighter, they are rejected."


Edit: I'll go ahead and add whats been said about third party characters too, since thats especially important here.:

"First off, I think about which third-party characters would make suitable guests for the game before beginning any negotiations. It goes without saying that Mega Man is a guest who could fit Smash Bros. with his range of moves and attacks, but PAC-MAN as a guest fighter needed some careful consideration.

In actual fact, since the development team is different for this game as compared to previous iterations, even the veteran characters were remade from scratch.

The process, however, of actually creating a character often takes well over a year, where we are constantly working on the model, the animations, the audio and the balancing.

I know that some sequels focus on fixing problems with the last game, but if we had taken that approach then we would have had less than half as many new characters, and the game wouldn’t have felt so different from the last one.

To do this we need to listen not just to the biggest fans, but to a whole range of different users to give everyone an experience that is fun."

There is more I have dug up on third party characters, but I haven't been able to find the source of the following info.. so I'll instead try to word it the best I can myself.

1. The character has to have been on at least ONE nintendo console
2. The Character MUST be a videogame Character
3. (Technically, They would also have to be able to get permission from the
owner in the first place)

Its important to keep in mind that 3rd Party characters are basically considered
guests to the series. This means it very likely for 3rd party characters to
not appear in a following sequel.. (We have Snake as current evidence of this, at least so far anyway)

"Its also considered a very special case. There are often many different hoops
to jump through to get a third party Character into the game. It can be
difficult making sure all parties involved are happy with how things are.
(and getting approvals in the first place for that matter)"
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Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
I honestly hope this doesn't devolve into that.. I mean I want these guys in but if people start spamming Nintendo's ballot with bots, it would probably discourage them from attempting something like this again in a future title..
That's my hope as well. I told them to watch the board and for a sudden influx of votes, and that I hope this doesn't deter them from trying this again.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Sorry if this has already been posted but in this poll Banjo and Kazooie are at the top (currently 19.97% with the second highest option (excluding other) at 8.50%)
Our second biggest competitor there, Bayonetta, is also in with little chance due to her creator's views on the series so it's looking up. Why all the love for Shovel Knight though? Dude's cool and all but he's hardly anyone special in relation to Nintendo or any of their cast.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
all these unofficial polls are terrible. so many unimportant characters are getting high marks.

it's the minority of minorities and the results are much worse than they actually are. ironically in this case the character in question is disproportionately high.

oh my god i spelled disproportionately right the first time i tried lol


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Yep we talked about this before. Of course that's just my opinion, but I find both Banjos and Kazooies new design rather ugly/weird. I hope they stick to the old design.

Old one:

New one:

It'd look better if their eyes were bigger. I like how Banjo is a bit blocky, I think it's supposed to replicate the blockiness of the N64 ingame model.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Snake - Now this guy I'm not sure of. I just think he wasn't included because Nintendo probably didn't like the idea that the Metal gear devs refused to port that one game over to the wii U... can't remember the name..I just don't see him returning. Besides, he didn't really fit well anyway... Infact he stood out like a sore thumb...
He fits in perfectly alongside the more realistic characters like Link, Samus, Captain Falcon, Ike, etc...

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
My issue is Kazooie's excessive mascara and the overabundance of semi-realistic fur/feather texturing on the otherwise cartoony characters.

He fits in perfectly alongside the more realistic characters like Link, Samus, Captain Falcon, Ike, etc...
Not really. Even those that were similarly realistically proportioned like Captain Falcon and Zero Suit Samus had a good deal more colour and liveliness to them, both visually and in terms of their move animations. Snake felt cold, bleak and serious by comparison, very much failing to mesh with the Nintendo style of the game.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
I've heard some people talk of rallying Youtubers for this cause. Do you think we could get Markiplier in on this? He talks in his videos of Nintendo games he's played and appreciated. If he's passionate about Smash, and likes BK, he might want in on this. And with him earning the title for some as the American Pewdiepie, he sounds as though He'd be influential in convincing Nintendo that this DLC partnership should happen.
Marikplier is a fan of Banjo-Kazooie? I thought he was mostly about PC stuff. I knew he mentioned Smash a few times but I never knew that he was "passionate" about it. If he is, and he suggested his fans vote for Banjo-Kazooie, that would help tremendously. But I don't think he really is.

I'd say getting Josh Jepson to mention it, and JohnTron. Seriously, how has JonTron made a video about MewTwo being in, but has not said anything, video, tweet or anything, about Banjo-Kazooie for the next Smash DLC. We seriously need to tweet this out to a bunch more well known people, or somehow get into contact with them.

I really wish GameXplain would just post one discussion on this. They posted discussions on just one picture by Playtonic games, they can certainly make a discussion about Phill Spencer's tweet.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Marikplier is a fan of Banjo-Kazooie? I thought he was mostly about PC stuff. I knew he mentioned Smash a few times but I never knew that he was "passionate" about it. If he is, and he suggested his fans vote for Banjo-Kazooie, that would help tremendously. But I don't think he really is.

I'd say getting Josh Jepson to mention it, and JohnTron. Seriously, how has JonTron made a video about MewTwo being in, but has not said anything, video, tweet or anything, about Banjo-Kazooie for the next Smash DLC. We seriously need to tweet this out to a bunch more well known people, or somehow get into contact with them.

I really wish GameXplain would just post one discussion on this. They posted discussions on just one picture by Playtonic games, they can certainly make a discussion about Phill Spencer's tweet.
How the hell that not a single major YouTuber other than Etika talk about this is beyond me. These two need all the publicity they can if we're ever going to have our childhood duo in Smash.

Are they secretly pessimistic because of the fact that Microsoft owns them or still hate them because of that? The fact that he's competing with indie characters and many other possible third party characters doesn't help. :(


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I actually like Kazooie's new design for the most part, but Banjo looks like he's trying to get kids into his Leggo van.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I'd say getting Josh Jepson to mention it, and JohnTron. Seriously, how has JonTron made a video about MewTwo being in, but has not said anything, video, tweet or anything, about Banjo-Kazooie for the next Smash DLC. We seriously need to tweet this out to a bunch more well known people, or somehow get into contact with them.
Jontron's voicing a Project Ukulele character so we all know his Banjo hype's still alive. Maybe he's just REALLY out of the loop.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
How the hell that not a single major YouTuber other than Etika talk about this is beyond me. These two need all the publicity they can if we're ever going to have our childhood duo in Smash.

Are they secretly pessimistic because of the fact that Microsoft owns them or still hate them because of that? The fact that he's competing with indie characters and many other possible third party characters doesn't help. :(
Exactly. I've already tweeted to all of the people I mentioned multiple times. Please help me out. XD


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2015
Jontron's voicing a Project Ukulele character so we all know his Banjo hype's still alive. Maybe he's just really out of the loop.
True, but he hasn't mentioned anything about him being Smash Bros. It would help a lot of he did.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
My issue is Kazooie's excessive mascara and the overabundance of semi-realistic fur/feather texturing on the otherwise cartoony characters.

Not really. Even those that were similarly realistically proportioned like Captain Falcon and Zero Suit Samus had a good deal more colour and liveliness to them, both visually and in terms of their move animations. Snake felt cold, bleak and serious by comparison, very much failing to mesh with the Nintendo style of the game.
But then you have the goofy stuff like Snake hiding under his box, the ! noise on Shadow Moses & his Codec calls.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2013
How the hell that not a single major YouTuber other than Etika talk about this is beyond me. These two need all the publicity they can if we're ever going to have our childhood duo in Smash.

Are they secretly pessimistic because of the fact that Microsoft owns them or still hate them because of that? The fact that he's competing with indie characters and many other possible third party characters doesn't help. :(
Like I stated a day ago, a lot of people are pessimistic about this (and as such don't want to even try or help).

Like I also stated before, I'm aware of the uphill battle they'd have to fight through even if Banjo Kazooie did get the publicity concerning this that they need.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Snake felt cold, bleak and serious by comparison, very much failing to mesh with the Nintendo style of the game.
It's incredibly easy to tell when someone hasn't touched an MGS game before.

Metroid takes itself way more seriously.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
It's incredibly easy to tell when someone hasn't touched an MGS game before.
Metroid takes itself way more seriously.
Metroid is noticeably more visually lively and colourful but I see your point and I also get what Jordan's saying. I'm not talking about the respective games, however, I'm talking about the Smash characters. In Smash, Snake's character takes himself pretty darn seriously outside of a taunt and some easter eggs that will rarely, if ever, show up without internet research being done beforehand.

Given that I'm only talking about Smash here, why should me not playing Metal Gear be significant? I've never played Fire Emblem or Duck Hunt and I'm not even entirely sure what a "Game & Watch" is. Those characters fit in fine. Heck, I may not like Wario and I may vehemently oppose Pac-Man's limbed form but I would never say that those characters have any problem blending with the SSB universe.

EDIT: Though I would say Pac-Man's semi-8-Bit moveset fails to produce a coherent aesthetic and thus makes him hard to look at sometimes.
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Metroid is noticeably more visually lively and colourful but I see your point and I also get what Jordan's saying. I'm not talking about the respective games, however, I'm talking about the Smash characters. In Smash, Snake's character takes himself pretty darn seriously outside of a taunt and some easter eggs that will rarely, if ever, show up without internet research being done beforehand.

Given that I'm only talking about Smash here, why should me not playing Metal Gear be significant? I've never played Fire Emblem or Duck Hunt and I'm not even entirely sure what a "Game & Watch" is. Those characters fit in fine. Heck, I may not like Wario and I may vehemently oppose Pac-Man's limbed form but I would never say that those characters have any problem blending with the SSB universe.

EDIT: Though I would say Pac-Man's semi-8-Bit moveset fails to produce a coherent aesthetic and thus makes him hard to look at sometimes.
I'll go ahead and restate how I feel on snake for this thread.:

"For the character Snake himself, I have sort of a love hate relationship with that character in terms of smash... On one hand, I loved the codec thing he introduced to the playing field, and I also somewhat liked his unique moveset. On the other hand, I despised him for how much he just stuck out in the game... Even with the game being fairly desaturated compared to other installments to begin with, he still managed to be the most edgy toned character in the game.. and to me, that just doesn't translate well into a game like smash... I mean his grab attack is *CHOKING THE OPPONENT* for gosh sake.."

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I just read that in the Rayman thread and can definitely agree. The codecs were a nice touch and, while I'm not personally fond of his moveset, I can see why people might want that aspect of him to stick around. His grenades, however, have already found a new home in Sheik, who brings a neat new gimmick to them. I don't see why the majority of his other moves couldn't find their way onto future characters aswell.


Apr 30, 2014
Never really liked Snake. Sure, his move set was interesting, it just never grasped me very much. A down smash as planting a proximity mine? Cool, I guess...

He just never fit in with the cast. His opening trailer was quite funny, though.
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