I've seen that. If you google the reddit poll you'll find the reddit post.
However, the vote tally is from before the Spencer Tweet, so it'd make sense Banjo would be so low when people didn't really think he had a shot, and also for some reason, you can't vote anymore. I tried this morning and couldn't.
2nd, the votes are pretty much only from SWF and r/smash, so it's not an accurate tally of all the votes, and if you've noticed the reaction in the main thread here, for some reason, a lot of Smash fans don't really much care for the idea of Banjo being in and would rather "muh most wanted character" to be in instead. It's understandable though, since a fair deal of the Smash userbase is underage and wasn't around for the Golden Era of Rare.
Everyone who ever gave a **** about Rare, and classic Nintendo is voting Banjo though, whether they own a WiiU or not. News of Phil's tweet just need to reach their ears first.
As a representative of your specified demographic, I must take issue with this sentiment.
This is precisely what I meant when I voiced concern over Banjo being "confirmed" for Smash: people will, with the best of intentions, hype the situation and spread the good news. That's great.
The issue only becomes an issue when people take it as a dogma, a creed to be forced upon others extreme prejudice. Suggesting that anybody who does not actively want Banjo is narrow-minded and ignorant is an inflammatory and misbegotten notion. It is no concern of yours whom I or anybody else chooses to vote for, and apathy towards Banjo should not be misinterpreted as malice towards the character.
Furthermore, your tone is unnecessarily condescending. You seem to suggest that the only reason people would not want to vote for Banjo is because they're underage or have never played a good game in their lives. I have played
Banjo-Kazooie many times, I think it's a superb game and I think the characters were, as I say, born to be in Smash. It's a tragedy that they are only now being really considered, but I am very happy that it's happening all the same, and delighted for fans of the character. But sentiments like this, expressed with all due sincerity, don't make things get better. Your sweeping declaration only serves to incense people who have differing opinions and alienate your cause from potential supporters.
I find this to be a very ignorant and misinformed message, and I am sorry to say that I find it difficult to embrace a campaign if this is its core manifesto. "Our character is better than yours, everything else is a lesser option"? No thank you. I grew up with classic Nintendo, and yet Rare was never a big part of my life. Should I be chastised and hounded for possessing a different point of view?
This is what concerns me about the "voting" system: it risks demeaning itself to a political race to the finish where critics are ignored and impartial observers are lambasted by inane dogma. That is extremely unfortunate, and I find it distasteful. I humbly suggest you reassess your priorities before tarring and feathering others' opinions. We can all work together and help each-other if we try, but as it stands, I am not willing to lend my support to this cause.