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Sorry to ask this, but can you do me a favor and tell me the reason why you don't want him? After yesterday, I'm taking this as a stroke of good luck, I just really want to see it from the perspective of someone who legitimately dislikes the character, so I can confirm something. It's fine if you don't want to make the reason public either, you could PM me it, or if you really don't want to you could just ignore it, so please don't feel forced to. Once again, sorry for asking.
That's ok thanks for being so nice. I don't like nor hate Banana Dee. I just feel like out of everyone he isn't as qualified or as deserving as some others. But this is just my opinion.
Did you just say that Daisy was likely? Yeah, I'm not letting you lecture me on the likeliness of characters. Toad is a more likely than Daisy will ever be. People actually care about Toad.
First of all people care about Daisy. Second of all, it's not all based on popularity it's also about moveset potential, etc. Toad has very little moveset potenial.
- I would be curious to hear why you don't think Bandana Waddle Dee is qualified or deserving, if that's alright with you. My curiousity stems from the same source as Zerp
's does.
Do you guys think Dark Matter/ Zero will return?
I mean if look at some the bosses from past games (Magolor, Shadow Dedede, and Dark Crafter), they are shout outs to the Dark Matter Army.
Has Zero been watching Kirby and his friends all this time?
Edit: Yes, tell us Wiimas123 what do you think about Bandana Dee?
Do you guys think Dark Matter/ Zero will return?
I mean if look at some the bosses from past games (Magolor, Shadow Dedede, and Dark Crafter), there are shout outs to the Dark Matter Army.
Has Zero been watching Kirby and his friends all this time?
- I would be curious to hear why you don't think Bandana Waddle Dee is qualified or deserving, if that's alright with you. My curiousity stems from the same source as Zerp
's does.
I don't see him as a big enough character compared to everyone else to be honest. Every character has a personality but Banana Dee doesn't. Also, the characters who don't have personality are at least iconic to the point where you can ask a 6 year old and they would know them.
I don't see him as a big enough character compared to everyone else to be honest. Every character has a personality but Banana Dee doesn't. Also, the characters who don't have personality are at least iconic to the point where you can ask a 6 year old and they would know them.
Thanks very much for providing your honest input. I consider it interesting and of value, and will not be giving any knee-jerk reactions as that's neither in my nature, nor appropriate here.
I'll have to say that I do politely disagree about him lacking a personality, as he's been shown to be both somewhat meek (a common trait among Waddle Dees, and exhibited by all of the three who have been given speaking roles in the games), as well as fiercely loyal in his appointed task. There's a video showing that here, if you're interested to see how he's represented.
I can't comment on how widely-known he is in circles outside of my own, although we do have data suggesting him to be well-liked and much-requested in Japan, with him filling the slot of second-most-requested newcomer behind King K. Rool, according to this data.
Again, thankyou for sharing your opinion - it gives some useful information to those of us who want to understand why others may not want our character of choice.
I don't see him as a big enough character compared to everyone else to be honest. Every character has a personality but Banana Dee doesn't. Also, the characters who don't have personality are at least iconic to the point where you can ask a 6 year old and they would know them.
He... does, though.
The most we have seen out of any character's personalities for Kirby have been in two major games: Kirby 64 (where cutscenes were the most flushed out for the series) and Super Star where characters besides Kirby actually get their chance to speak.
The entirety of the "Revenge of the King" scenario is full of banter of King Dedede and Bandana Dee, where the latter is who tries to push up and promote the King's mood but is in worry of Kirby's attempts of defeat him which grows into more evident anxiety as you clear stages until he tries to run you down himself. A fairly typical trope of design to have the ever-faithful servant in spite of their personal worries.
I don't see him as a big enough character compared to everyone else to be honest. Every character has a personality but Banana Dee doesn't. Also, the characters who don't have personality are at least iconic to the point where you can ask a 6 year old and they would know them.
This is rather ironic, considering you support Daisy.
I don't mean to be rude with this, it's just that it's ironic that you say a character who's now a current staple in Kirby isn't very big. Yet you support a minor character that has only had one appearence outside of the spin-off Mario game, where she was just a Peach clone.
He... does, though.
The most we have seen out of any character's personalities for Kirby have been in two major games: Kirby 64 (where cutscenes were the most flushed out for the series) and Super Star where characters besides Kirby actually get their chance to speak.
The entirety of the "Revenge of the King" scenario is full of banter of King Dedede and Bandana Dee, where the latter is who tries to push up and promote the King's mood but is in worry of Kirby's attempts of defeat him which grows into more evident anxiety as you clear stages until he tries to run you down himself. A fairly typical trope of design to have the ever-faithful servant in spite of their personal worries.
A lot of users here are unaware of an generally overlooked category of fighters that was created after Brawl called "characters that aren't necessarily iconic but appeal to newer fanbases".
and to an extent are all characters that you would have to really stretch the meaning of iconic and are probably in because they are/were popular during the game's development.
If we used our arbitrary "they have to be iconic" rule, why would any of these characters be added? It's 2015 and there are at least 30-40 "iconic" Nintendo characters in the game. There are very few viable choices left that can really be iconic anymore.
Let's move on and let some newcomers have a shot too.
Waddle Dees are recognizable to anyone that has played a Kirby game in the same vein that Toads are recognizable to anyone that has played a Mario game. I would argue that Bandana Dee is more prominent than Captain Toad as well. I am not entirely certain about that claim, but Bandana Dee is certainly more prevalent and important to his respective series.
Kirby (happy, innocent), Meta Knight (cool, edgy), King Dedede (funny, jerk), Bandana Dee (adorable, coward).
Those are the personalities of the Kirby characters, imo.
"Approximately 250,000 copies were sold during its first month in the United States.[21] In Japan, roughly 155,000 copies of the game had been sold by the end of June 2015.[22]."
The original project, Kirby's Adventure in Dreamland, was meant to be a complete re-make of Kirby's Adventure from the NES. Sadly, due to limitations, it's impossible to do this while having the wanted quality to call it a "re-make" (mobiclip y). So, due to this, the project is going to be cancelled.
So... I present a new project! Kirby's Adventure in Dreamland (idk what to name it, I like this name)
This new project, instead of being a re-make, will have completely new levels. However, instead of basing the levels off newly created worlds, they're going to be centered around...
Yep! The worlds, levels and plot will focus around the areas that Kirby and Co. race around in Air Ride. The following areas exist in Kirby's Air Ride:
Fantasy Meadows (grass)
Celestial Valley (iunno)
Sky Sands (desert)
Frozen Hillside (snow/ice)
Magma Flows (lava)
Beanstalk Park (grass/sky)
Machine Passage (mechanical)
Checker Knights (iunno)
Nebula Belt (space?)
In Return to Dreamland, the following areas exist:
Cookie Country (grass)
Raisin Ruins (desert)
Onion Oceans (water)
White Wafers (snow/ice)
Nutty Noon (grass/sky/temple?)
Egg Engines (mechanical)
Dangerous Dinner (lava)
Another Dimension (space)
Now, when you link these...
Cookie Country/Fantasy Meadows (grass)
Raisin Ruins/Sky Sands (desert)
Onion Oceans/Nothing (cricri)
White Wafers/Frozen Hillside/Celestial Valley (snow/ice)
Nutty Noon/Beanstalk Park (grass/sky/temple)
Egg Engines/Machine Passage (mechanical)
Dangerous Dinner/Magma Flows (lava)
Another Dimension/Nebula Belt (space)
Air Ride's level types are similar enough to Return to Dreamland's so that none of the cutscenes will interfere with gameplay. Using this, I can create all new levels with themes based around Air Ride's worlds. There's a couple things I need to work out to ensure I can create a proper development plan, so... gimme opinions on the following:
Does anybody actually care for/like water levels? I'm not so sure what to do regarding Onion Oceans. From what I can tell, Celestial Valley has some puddles and waterfalls, but it isn't exactly what you'd expect to see in a Kirby game for water/beach levels. It's quite dark and covered, whereas usually they're more beach-y, focusing on open areas and bright environments. At the moment, I can either replace Onion Oceans with Celestial Valley, Checker Knights or a newly created water environment (possibly from another Kirby game?), so if anybody has any ideas... bring 'em up!
I don't know whether I want to start the game off with Beanstalk Park or Fantasy Meadows. Personally, I find Beanstalk Park to be more interesting, as it'd focus on grass and sky levels, while Fantasy Meadows would focus on the more traditional grass/underground environments. However, at the same time, if I start it off with Fantasy Meadows, I can center Nutty Noon's replacement as a grass/cloud environment while having the difficulty factor be a bit better. I'd most likely drop the whole "ancient temple" themes of Nutty Noon, as it doesn't fit Beanstalk Park and personally I don't like how it overtook a majority of the cloud-based levels.
I'm wondering if I should really replace Another Dimension with Nebula Belt. It'd still only be used for the scrolling shooter level with Landia, along with the Magolor fight. Another Dimension isn't shown in any cutscenes except the final one (which isn't actually in-game), along with a generic background while they're flying, so it shouldn't be a problem. The problem is... if you look at Nebula Belt's aesthetics, unlike the other levels, it's pretty bland as most of it is simple black visuals. Along with that, I feel like "Another Dimension" fits Magolor better. Yet, at the same time, having Another Dimension remain may seem a bit too similar when the player reaches that segment. Obviously, I'd create new levels for Kirby and Landia's shooting segment, but aesthetics may make it seem similar.
Finally, how do I represent Air Ride in this? This is a bit harder to explain, but I mean that in a more... "feel" way. Kirby in Return to Dreamland is really slow, and there's no Wheel Copy Abiliity or mountable things (excluding Landia, who I can't change due to cutscenes). I'm already planning on speeding up Kirby and Co. with their dash speed as I can't stand how slow they are in the first place, though. At the moment, I have a couple ideas, would like some opinions on them and ideas of your own! First, I'd replace the Carry Dee with Tac as generally he's more nostalgic and appears in Air Ride. If possible (I haven't tested their patterns), I'd adjust the segments where you're racing him to be a bit harder, more focused on mobility and speed running. Along with that, if possible, I'd create more Warp Star animation segments, where you're more-so focused on racing through maps on it instead of looking at the scenery. However, Kirby will still have to hold onto it as he does now rather than in Air Ride as multiplayer still exists and not all characters and stand on one face-down.
Also, I lied. One quick last thing -- would you guys like Bomb to be restored to it's classic visuals (blue sword hat, pure black bombs, explosions), and would you like dropped abilities to be restored to the generic Warp Star visual, rather than showing the ability? I'd prefer both these changes, but it's better to focus things on a mass majority~
Oh, for anybody who may be interested in designing their own Kirby levels, I edited a template based on a Super Mario Maker graph sheet I saw on the /r/mariomaker sub-reddit:
Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I wanted these. I can't thank you enough for this.
Also, you said you wondered if any conspiracies would come from it, so I'll reward you by starting a conspiracy theory right now . Now that the image is finally clear enough to check the details, erm, am I crazy, or is that Dark Matter on the far top right of the Halcandra picture? I thought it was that at first but it looked enough like a volcanic cloud to be a mix-up due to the blur, so I thought it was just coincidence but now that we have a clear enough image of it, it appears to be have the same eye as Dark Matter in Kirby 64?http://
That one to the far right of the Halcandra pic looks practically identical to these ones, doesn't it? What do you guys think, just a coincidence or foreshadowing/cameo? Inb4 Zero Three confirmed.
Kirby (happy, innocent), Meta Knight (cool, edgy), King Dedede (funny, jerk), Bandana Dee (adorable, coward).
Those are the personalities of the Kirby characters, imo.
Do you guys think Dark Matter/ Zero will return?
I mean if look at some the bosses from past games (Magolor, Shadow Dedede, and Dark Crafter), they are shout outs to the Dark Matter Army.
Has Zero been watching Kirby and his friends all this time?
Edit: Yes, tell us Wiimas123 what do you think about Bandana Dee?
Does anybody actually care for/like water levels? I'm not so sure what to do regarding Onion Oceans. From what I can tell, Celestial Valley has some puddles and waterfalls, but it isn't exactly what you'd expect to see in a Kirby game for water/beach levels. It's quite dark and covered, whereas usually they're more beach-y, focusing on open areas and bright environments. At the moment, I can either replace Onion Oceans with Celestial Valley, Checker Knights or a newly created water environment (possibly from another Kirby game?), so if anybody has any ideas... bring 'em up!
I personally enjoyed Onion Ocean but I do remember my brother's absolute hatred for it, so I guess it's probably pretty polarizing? Even though I like Onion Ocean, I think that something like Checker Knights would be really interesting to see in a platformer, so I'd be in favor of that.
Yeah that's exactly what I was looking at, I see the resemblance now.
I originally thought it was Dark Matter's eye in that one filled up hole, but despite how much it looks like it to me, it doesn't really make any sense, (like how the heck is he fitting in there) and it's entirely possible that it's just the lava's reflection, so I'm willing to bet your correct.
Anyways, out of curiosity, what do you guys and gals think Bandana Dee's most unique trait is?
Of course Banana Dee doesn't have personality! He's a banana!
Do you guys think Dark Matter/ Zero will return?
I mean if look at some the bosses from past games (Magolor, Shadow Dedede, and Dark Crafter), they are shout outs to the Dark Matter Army.
Has Zero been watching Kirby and his friends all this time?
Edit: Yes, tell us Wiimas123 what do you think about Bandana Dee?
First of all people care about Daisy. Second of all, it's not all based on popularity it's also about moveset potential, etc. Toad has very little moveset potenial.
Not really. Daisy is a character relegated to sports titles because nobody gives enough of a **** about her to put her in a main title. Considering how many Toads have appeared over the years and how many abilities they've shown, saying Toad has no moveset potential is downright foolish.
Came out last year. Get it if you see it around, it's a very good game. I was surprised by just how much content was in it, to say it was an experimental title. It could also be teeth-clenchingly hard at times. Probably the best puzzle game I've ever played.
So, question of the day: What's everyone's thoughts on Kirby and the Amazing Mirror?
Never played it, but I'm very intrigued by the whole Mirror World concept.
Dark Meta Knight's awesome in Triple Deluxe.
Also, how come in the mirror world:
Kirby = Good -> Good (Evil in Triple Deluxe)
Meta Knight = Antihero -> Villain
Dedede = Rival -> Being of chaos or something
What alignment would Shadow/Dark Bandana Dee be?
Is Dark Matter the mirror world version of...matter? Or is there a Shadow Dark Matter? Or a Dark Dark Matter?
Understandable. From what I've heard, Amazing Mirror and Mass Attack were two of the worst-received Kirby games.
Personally, I want a sequel. I absolutely LOVED the idea of a Kirby Metroidvania game, and the red, yellow, and green Kirby clones was an example of a gimmick done right. I'd love to see another one, provided they don't go off the walls with the gimmick like they did in Rainbow Curse. Something about the Metroidvania style and Kirby fit so well together.
Never played it, but I'm very intrigued by the whole Mirror World concept.
Dark Meta Knight's awesome in Triple Deluxe.
Also, how come in the mirror world:
Kirby = Good -> Good (Evil in Triple Deluxe)
Meta Knight = Antihero -> Villain
Dedede = Rival -> Being of chaos or something
What alignment would Shadow/Dark Bandana Dee be?
Is Dark Matter the mirror world version of...matter? Or is there a Shadow Dark Matter? Or a Dark Dark Matter?
It seems to me that Dark Mind is the Mirror World amalgamation of Nightmare, Dark Matter, and 0.
I like the idea of Dark Meta Knight, a Meta Knight that's just pure, unadulterated evil, but my problem with him and the rest of the Shadow Clones (Naruto reference not intended) is that they have no personality. They're just there to exist, though Dark Meta Knight gets points for being arguably the hardest boss in Triple Deluxe (dem combos, though).
Not really. Daisy is a character relegated to sports titles because nobody gives enough of a **** about her to put her in a main title. Considering how many Toads have appeared over the years and how many abilities they've shown, saying Toad has no moveset potential is downright foolish.
Came out last year. Get it if you see it around, it's a very good game. I was surprised by just how much content was in it, to say it was an experimental title. It could also be teeth-clenchingly hard at times. Probably the best puzzle game I've ever played.
So, question of the day: What's everyone's thoughts on Kirby and the Amazing Mirror?
Smash and Missile are abilities I wish returned.
It was REALLY interesting to go through a Metroidvania-styled map layout instead of simple levels.
Had some of the more unique level bosses (Wiz and the Armor Knight in particular)
Understandable. From what I've heard, Amazing Mirror and Mass Attack were two of the worst-received Kirby games.
Personally, I want a sequel. I absolutely LOVED the idea of a Kirby Metroidvania game, and the red, yellow, and green Kirby clones was an example of a gimmick done right. I'd love to see another one, provided they don't go off the walls with the gimmick like they did in Rainbow Curse. Something about the Metroidvania style and Kirby fit so well together.
See, the Metroidvania thing is precisely why I didn't like it. It's just not my sort of thing - I don't like 3D platformers, RPGs, and other exploration-focussed games, either, and it goes without saying that I don't enjoy the Metroid series, either.
I do like the lore stuff from Amazing Mirror, though!
For whatever it's worth, I do like Mass Attack - it's quite a clever game.
See, the Metroidvania thing is precisely why I didn't like it. It's just not my sort of thing - I don't like 3D platformers, RPGs, and other exploration-focussed games, either, and it goes without saying that I don't enjoy the Metroid series, either.
I do like the lore stuff from Amazing Mirror, though!
For whatever it's worth, I do like Mass Attack - it's quite a clever game.
I actually don't like Mass Attack all that much, but I do appreciate the return of Daroach and Sailor Waddle Dee, two characters that desperately need to make a return.
So you don't like Metroidvanias, 3D platformers, or RPGs? You're missing out on a whole bunch of good games.
I actually don't like Mass Attack all that much, but I do appreciate the return of Daroach and Sailor Waddle Dee, two characters that desperately need to make a return.
He abandoned everybody. Sailor Waddle Dee, the Meta-Knights, he even downgraded Sword Knight and Blade Knight to mere summons. Which, by the way, would make a good custom move.
They're only good, and something to feel one has missed out on, to those who enjoy them, though.
Slow-paced games with lots of aimless wandering/backtracking/etc. just feel like chores to me. They're simply not for me.
I lean more towards a quicker pace and interesting mechanics, and luckily there's plenty of that to go around, too.
Sounds to me like you're doing a whole lot of generalizing. There are definitely 3D platformers out there that are fast-paced, like Mario Galaxy. Metroidvanias are only slow if you make them. Two really good Metroidvania games are Castlevanias Aria & Dawn of Sorrow. They leave the speed of the game up to the player, not the other way around. The only RPGs I've played are the Mario RPGs and Golden Sun, but I've heard there are some great ones out there.
He abandoned everybody. Sailor Waddle Dee, the Meta-Knights, he even downgraded Sword Knight and Blade Knight to mere summons. Which, by the way, would make a good custom move.
Sounds to me like you're doing a whole lot of generalizing. There are definitely 3D platformers out there that are fast-paced, like Mario Galaxy. Metroidvanias are only slow if you make them. Two really good Metroidvania games are Castlevanias Aria & Dawn of Sorrow. They leave the speed of the game up to the player, not the other way around. The only RPGs I've played are the Mario RPGs and Golden Sun, but I've heard there are some great ones out there.
I think about custom moves so rarely that this never even occurred to me. You're right, it really would.
Sounds to me like you're doing a whole lot of generalizing. There are definitely 3D platformers out there that are fast-paced, like Mario Galaxy. Metroidvanias are only slow if you make them. Two really good Metroidvania games are Castlevanias Aria & Dawn of Sorrow. They leave the speed of the game up to the player, not the other way around. The only RPGs I've played are the Mario RPGs and Golden Sun, but I've heard there are some great ones out there.
I'm truly sorry to say this, but all of your examples are actually some of the many reasons why I consider these genres to be slow-paced and dull. The only 3D platformer I ever found to be any good was Super Mario 3D Land, because it was concise and had stuff going on all the time - no dull wandering! I imagine that I might enjoy Super Mario 3D World as well, but I'm not inclined to pick it up as I've already had that experience and barely spend any time with home-consoles anyway.
I'm certainly not generalising - in all honesty, I've wasted far too much time and money trying to give these things a chance, even though they're just not my idea of fun, because others say that they are. It reads like a who's who of other people's "Best Games Ever" lists.
I'm absolutely not disputing the greatness of any of them for the crowd that enjoys them, however, but I cannot stress enough just truly how not-for-me these types of games are.