wow, I never expected to have so much different reactions here than the replies given on the char thread.....
Hi robert, didn't talked to you since a long time actually
Tbh, this is weird, I just am neutral on literally anyone but paper mario. it just surprises me that i point these concern completely neutral (I actually only wanted to know to evaluate chances) and feel I;m the only one that does.
I mean don;t get me wrong, but usually, you would see more neutral people.....usually. In fact, I even saw people that feels like they don;t want paper mario while in actuality, they are more neutral than anything
So it really surprises me that I was the first....
....not really, I actually do think the replies people JUST made on the char thread were about the same points. Maybe you misunderstood, but I actually am talking with one of the person you replied to and he pretty much had the exact same concern as me. Like, the points isn't that he has ONE thing that another characters has, it's that I need to see a point to have that that IS NOT like the other character. To me, if I say that mewtwo and g&w are floaty, completely irrelevant, what is relevant is WHY.
Pretty much me and kenith meant the same thing, I just got a bit more deep because that's how I am, exhaustive
not for me though
Again still am shocked, but now, let me finally get tot he point of the article.
I really get the idea, but I am quite torn (wanted to do a paper pun

Basically, the idea is that he would try to control the characters AND try to bring them at a disadvantage on the ground.
This is, feasible and although his potential doesn't limit him to do that, but I still feel that I somehow heard that before. Maybe it's because when I play some character, I feel they are centered on trying to move the opponents or aka control them. The thing that would make bdee stands out is the fact that he will try to bring them on the ground.....which alone is fine, it just doesn't impress me much.
The thing I want to bring up is compromise here. Like I said above, I only ask to evaluate chances and this is where I start to get a bit iffy. let me just do some examples because it is relative based.
If you have a semi clone, you loose in variety, but you gain in less effort and less risk to increase the workflow, aka, it requires less effort. If you have a character that is VERY important recently and people said to find the idea interesting, that the semi clone despite not offering much variety starts to worth a lot more than if it was an already repped subset. Btw, I consider repping as subset, not directly related to series, but it's more everything that defines the role of the character such as rosalina being the galaxy subset "deleguate".
Another way to see this is G&w, I really have a lot of reasons to think it required more though and effort to come up with the idea, but at the same time, it contributed so much to the variety that it was worth in the end.
bdee has absolutely no issues in his subset (but again, rare are the one that has one), but my problem is the compromise. I know this Op told A LOT of reasons as to why he is important in his series and as a whole, but here comes the real question: is he important ENOUGH to warrant what he would bring?
And tbh, I am leaning towards no here. he is important, don;t get me wrong, but considering what he adds, it just needs to go further. I get that bringing characters to the ground while controlling him sounds something interesting, but I would expect a deeper definition than this to go through the trouble of making him considering his importance. And actually, I could even go to say that his popularity could affect this, sure he is popular, but is it enough to worth the playstyle? I could list relative comparison and try to sort of make a priority list and compare their compromise and tbh, bdee might not be THAT high, especially considering that right now, slots are really limited (I expect 2 and 3 at most, 4 it starts to get unlikely to me).
So I have 2 way to see this.
On its own, it does sounds worthy, you could do interesting stuff with it.
But with relatively comparing to other candidates and bdee compromise, I don't think it's interesting ENOUGH. It just doesn't convince me that much.
The other way you do have to consider is actually what the subset addition would add. Sure, it is well defined and would be much closer to addition than redundancy, but considering what the kirby franchise has now, it just decreases the value he would have to me. Doesn't mean he's not deserving, but it's just not giving an interesting compromise.
So there, I think you could do something interesting on its own, but priority and compromise are factors that affects this in a way that I think outweigh the good he would bring.
Thanks for reading