King Dedede's Theme: has two remixes.
Nightmare's Theme: Nothing
Dark Matter's Theme: Nothing
Marx's Theme: Remix. (I actually get a waltzy feel out of this song. With some circus splashed in.)
Zero (Forgive me if that's not Zero): Nothing
02: Nothing (I was surprised when I found out this was a Kirby boss)
A giant eye that's on fire (I don't know who that is don't kill me): Nothing (He has two themes!?!)
Drawica: I feel like I've heard this song before, but it wasn't in smash.
Yet another eye thingy (I assume it's still Drawica): Nothing
A really cool, star shaped portal (with an eye): Nothing
Yin Yarn: Nothing
Yin Yarn's Sewing Needles

: Nothing
The Zombie Skull (I thought Mass Attack was before Epic Yarn): Nothing
Magolor: Nothing
Magolor Soul: Nothing
Queen Sectonia: Nothing (might be too recent)
Sectonia Flower: Nothing
Sectonia Soul: Nothing
Dark Crafter: Nothing
Halfway through the thing I find the names of each boss in the video description...My names are better so I kept them.

In all seriousness unless I missed a bunch that's a lot of nothings on my list. So here is another:
Marx's Theme Remix: I want an epic, crazy waltz/circus style one, but that's just preference :3 (Brawl's remix is meh)
C-R-O-W-N-E-D (as is): Obviously
F-L-O-W-E-R Remix: I feel like this song as so much untapped potential
I find many of the other themes to be very repetitive... But they would be cool in a remix.