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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2014
The Splatoon commercial doesn't really seem to be that bad, in my opinion.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
So what's the big **** over this Splatoon commercial?
People are basically making fun at how cheesy it is.. I mean listen to this...

I mean that wouldn't be so. If Japan hadn't have gotten "THIS" commercial...

I mean I guess the commercial for America isn't "that" bad.. but seriously.. -_-

Basically put, I think we know why Nintendo got a new VP of sales not too far back.... XD
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
So, I just watched the video. I'm not sure what poisoned me more, the song, or people's reaction to it.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2015
Say guys are you all disappointed that Nightmare is not a staple character as the main villain in the kirby series? what I mean is that in the anime he was made out to be a big deal the nightmare enterprises and his own legion of minions and when I found out he only appear in one game I was so disappointed I mean a villain name "Nightmare" who invaded "dreamland" sounds like a major staple villain right? "sigh" the people at HAL should do more with him IMO.
Now that I think about it, Nightmare does make more sense as a recurring villain rather than Zero. I mean, it just kinda figures that a guy named NIGHTMARE would be the #1 enemy of DREAMland
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
So, I just watched the video. I'm not sure what poisoned me more, the song, or people's reaction to it.
Heh, yep. Apparently Nintendo felt like they needed to release an extended cut of the song too. It's called "Splat the World" if I recall.. (Either that or Ink it up. I can't remember. lol).. not sure if they were trying to correct their error, or just trolling us XD

Personally I think that one is much better. It shows gameplay and sums up everything you do pretty well. The song sounds better too and not as... well... you know what I mean XD
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
It's like Nintendo can't even publish one game without creating some kind of meme. Rhyme not intended.
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Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina

(hehehehehe) I had this ready way too early to be considered sane.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I am unsure if this has been asked before, but what should Bandana Dee's Amiibo and Selection Screen pose be?


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Say guys are you all disappointed that Nightmare is not a staple character as the main villain in the kirby series? what I mean is that in the anime he was made out to be a big deal the nightmare enterprises and his own legion of minions and when I found out he only appear in one game I was so disappointed I mean a villain name "Nightmare" who invaded "dreamland" sounds like a major staple villain right? "sigh" the people at HAL should do more with him IMO.
Yeah, Nightmare is the perfect anti-thesis of Dream Land in concept... Maybe that is the reason that he is the Anime's Antagonist and AT in Smash 4

Bandana Dee3

Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2015
Switch FC
I have a theory for E3 they didn't say ANYTHING about Lucas DLC yesterday that could mean Smash content will be announced at E3!!!!!!!!!

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
I have a theory for E3 they didn't say ANYTHING about Lucas DLC yesterday that could mean Smash content will be announced at E3!!!!!!!!!
Well more than likely I have a feeling it will go sorta like how the previous reveal went. They will probably talk about Lucas a bit more, and talk about his release date again, and then they'll reveal another pre-ballot DLC fighter.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
I am unsure if this has been asked before, but what should Bandana Dee's Amiibo and Selection Screen pose be?
Probably something similar to his Return official artwork.
Sakurai seems to like doing that, Jigglypuff, Palutena, Pac-Man, and Little Mac all have official artwork that matches some other artwork they had at one point from their native series.
Alternatively, something similar to his Triple Deluxe artwork.

Maybe a mix between the two.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
OK, guys... today I received a private message from an old and really productive Bandana Dee supporter: God Robert's Cousin.
He is worried about this thread and its future, and most importantly... he is worried about the future of Bandana DeeLC.
I'm sure he will not mind if I post the message here, I just want you to see it and I also want to know your opinions and if you have any ideas about how to improve.

It's a bit of a read, but bear with me.

Let me start off by saying I really want BWD. I'm a supporter 100% and have been since the start of Smash 4 speculation, so know that any and all pessimism is done in good intentions. That said: I feel like the BWD thread has become wasted potential.

Take a moment to step backwards and get a perspective of your followers. Do they love BWD? Absolutely. But is it that all they have, though? Where's the initiative? Where's the organization? The well-thought discussions? The right tools to equip around detractors? Anything besides the high-praise I constantly see in what has effectively become a Kirby series social thread, basically. I feel like more should be done to get the BWD supporters into a better mindset.

1.) BWD fans are showing too much pride. There's nothing wrong with being confident in a character you like, but it's gotten to the extent where it's become pretty friggin' vain. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of what we know him as, many people see BWD for what he literally is: A Waddle Dee wearing a bandana. Ideally, a little humbleness wouldn't hurt us that much.

I definitely am hoping he gets in. People don't give him a lot of credit, but he is my dark horse candidate.
Click to expand...
Instead, the supporters constantly speak of BWD as if he is the next K. Rool or Isaac or something. All these "I can feel good news coming up soon" and these "I hope BWD has ___ when he's in Smash" posts speak as if he's already a shoe-in. While he's definitely plausible, just assuming he's going to be in doesn't bring us any closer to make sure he is. He's a potential 4th character to a series that arguably doesn't need one. Our priorities should be on breaking down BWD's potential, not hyping it up as this massive thing to start with. Which brings me to my next issue.

2.) BWD fans aren't constructively approaching others. I always see the same thing. When talking about BWD, people are always either this:

Is there anything else we can do to get the word of our lord and savior,bandana dee out there?
Click to expand...
Or this:

I'd rather have hatted goomba
Click to expand...
There's hardly any middle-ground, it seems. The BWD community here on Smashboards does a good job at making sure it's hard to speak badly of BWD and go unanswered due our great numbers, but that isn't enough. We should be teaching the followers to educate others about BWD, notpreach to them. I'm talking things like the actual merits of BWD would bring to Smash itself. Not everyone is going to see fighting with a spear or adding another lightweight as enough to be unique gameplay, or that he'd bring a lot from the Kirby series that the main 3 don't already, or that his increased usage in recent Kirby games have made him an essential Nintendo figure. We need to focus less on using things like popularity and other subjective reasoning and focus more on bringing out the merits that stay absolutely core to BWD. That means we need to look into the benefits and flaws of BWD as an included character, and understanding the latter, learn how to manage backlash that will inevitably ensue and the best ways to handle it tactfully. Analyzing BWD and embracing his quirks while accepting his limitations will not only make the support-base smarter for it, but others will learn to respect us more all for it. If you ask many of the Smash 4 Speculation users places where they won't get chewed out by the great number of Dee fans, many of them, including myself when I want BWD in the first place, will say that this has become a cult more than anything. BWD deserves better than to be seen as someone with a rabid fanbase. To be blunt, it makes us no different than those who have to shove their love for something down others' throats. Not as toxic mind you, but definitely very clique compared to the other boards I've seen. We're not rude about it, but the BWD supporters definitely don't try hard enough to empathize with our detractors or even those in the middle-ground. Our efforts should go into making as many of us as possible be seen as the magnificent Dee himself: Modest, sensible little-people that devote our lives to supporting our dearest companion by keeping to the sidelines and letting people judge for themselves of how great that companion can be.

3.) And finally, BWD fans should be trying to organize their support.The BWD thread has become a Kirby Social at this point, let's face it. We have all these numbers, all this passion, yet none of the tact nor organization to really do anything with it. Sure, we have a Facebook group and a few other outlets, but unless our message is cohesive, we're just a congregation asking for one character and nothing more. This also plays back to when I was pushing for us to take charge of asking for BWD for DLC. I got few likes and responses, but the thread's attention ultimately wandered and nothing was accomplished, instead simply getting more "Bandana's coming to the Wii U version, I know it!" posts like we usually do. Again, this rides off of the pride issue from before. We can't just assume that liking BWD is enough to confirm he'll be in the game. We need to get in touch with other communities and push for some of their characters as well. To communicate through as many channels as possible while all staying on the same page of what it is we like about BWD (as easy as it is to flood the hundreds of little things to like about him instead). Again, I can't say it enough: It's not enough to just be popular in heavy doses, we have to spread the good in BWD throughout as many places as we can. The reception needs to have a high ceiling and a high floor, because otherwise we'll just be drowned out by the detractors. Hearing arguments against him and not countering them or trying to shut them down, but rather reasoning out our own perspective so as to say "That's a very valid point, but could you also consider this about him?"

*Pant* I haven't typed this long in a while.

The point of all of this is that we should try to change the direction of things in the BWD thread. There's a lot of untapped potential in our numbers, we just need to condition them into better representing Bandana Waddle Dee, you know?

I personally think he is right, this thread is now a Kirby social and no, that's not a bad thing, but like our friend said, it's wasted potential because this thread is one of the biggest in Smashboards. And also, we are very rude with the deetractors... maybe we should try to change their opinion about the character with some arguments and good words instead of just saying "Get out of here you stupid deetractor" or something like that.

We will also need to make more Bandana Dee propaganda. When I say "Hey guys, you should try to ask Omni to smashify Bandana Dee", "Try to post Bandana Dee comments in the Kirby/Smash/Nintendo videos in Youtube", "Try to comment Nintendo's and Sakurai's posts in FB/Twitter/etc with Bandana Dee propaganda" or "We should ask in other Nintendo websites for more supporters"... I'm serious... so yeah.

We need to start changing our mentality because... the ballot is our last chance.
If Bandana Dee has not enough propaganda and supporters we will have to wait 6 more years, SIX.

What do you think? Do you want to improve?
Because I want.

God Robert's Cousin also said that he will be glad to help.

Any opinions? Ideas?

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Deleted member

I agree with God Robert's Cousin.

I've been on this thread for a very, very long time and I think that it has regressed a bit.
Back then, we were making progression. We got our word out, we got vocal, we defended Bandana Dee to the bitter end. We may have seen a few detractors, but we had some decent counterarguments.

Now, I see some de-evolution into basically a Kirby social. I don't think that's necessarily terrible; it's on-topic with Bandana Dee at the very least.
However, when we are at the peak of DLC, now is not the time to do nothing.

We need to:
  • Create a slogan
  • Be more active in the community
  • Give Bandana Dee a nice presentation on how he can be different from the main 3 and why he should be alongside them
  • Create a Twitter account just for Bandana Dee propaganda and advertising
  • Create a Hashtag on Twitter and other media, such as how Takamaru has #SlashTheVote and King K. Rool has #KrocTheVote. How about we have something like #SpearTheVote or #DreamTheVote or #Dream4DeeLC or #Bandana4DeeLC.
  • Get more people interested in the character. Catch a YouTuber's attention or perhaps even a professional Smash player who would say, "Yeah! That sounds cool!" and they could spread the word. Hell, even ask ArtsyOmni to create a Smashified for Bandana Dee.
We have an opportunity now. If we don't take it, we might need to wait for a few more years to get him playable... and anything can change in a few years.

I say that we start doing this now. We have to.
We are a passionate group on Smashboards! We should use that passion even more so!

Deleted member

Friends, Dreamlandians, countrymen, lend me your ears! I come to support the Dee, not deetract him! :troll:

But seriously, lets go get Omni to Smashify Banana Dee so we can spread dee word to get BDee in Smash 4 and cite Shakespeare.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I agree with God Robert's Cousin.

I've been on this thread for a very, very long time and I think that it has regressed a bit.
Back then, we were making progression. We got our word out, we got vocal, we defended Bandana Dee to the bitter end. We may have seen a few detractors, but we had some decent counterarguments.

Now, I see some de-evolution into basically a Kirby social. I don't think that's necessarily terrible; it's on-topic with Bandana Dee at the very least.
However, when we are at the peak of DLC, now is not the time to do nothing.

We need to:
  • Create a slogan
  • Be more active in the community
  • Give Bandana Dee a nice presentation on how he can be different from the main 3 and why he should be alongside them
  • Create a Twitter account just for Bandana Dee propaganda and advertising
  • Create a Hashtag on Twitter and other media, such as how Takamaru has #SlashTheVote and King K. Rool has #KrocTheVote. How about we have something like #SpearTheVote or #DreamTheVote or #Dream4DeeLC or #Bandana4DeeLC.
  • Get more people interested in the character. Catch a YouTuber's attention or perhaps even a professional Smash player who would say, "Yeah! That sounds cool!" and they could spread the word. Hell, even ask ArtsyOmni to create a Smashified for Bandana Dee.
We have an opportunity now. If we don't take it, we might need to wait for a few more years to get him playable... and anything can change in a few years.

I say that we start doing this now. We have to.
We are a passionate group on Smashboards! We should use that passion even more so!

The best thing to do is to get Artsy Omni, the game who made the Rayman leaks, to Smashify Bandanna Dee.

Link to his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9d6eQjf__r5gyH4GHRssg/videos

Bandanna Dee fans who are not sure if other Bandanna Dee fans exist will see this and will likely have a rekindled interest in our Spear Wielder, even for those who did not know they wanted him.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
This Godfather dude is being melodramatic. With our numbers, we can easily accomplish any task or goal put in front of us. If it is actually put in front us. That's where you come in, Chandelure. Not to throw you under the bus, friend, but you organized this. You've got a good few hundred supporters at your beck and call who are ready, willing, and able to follow your lead. So...lead. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that if you told me to "perform this specific task that will advance the Bandanna Waddle Dee movement," I'd do it, no questions, provided it's reasonable, of course. We got the spirit, we got the numbers, the confidence, the incentive, all we need is the leader.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I agree with God Robert's Cousin.

I've been on this thread for a very, very long time and I think that it has regressed a bit.
Back then, we were making progression. We got our word out, we got vocal, we defended Bandana Dee to the bitter end. We may have seen a few detractors, but we had some decent counterarguments.

Now, I see some de-evolution into basically a Kirby social. I don't think that's necessarily terrible; it's on-topic with Bandana Dee at the very least.
However, when we are at the peak of DLC, now is not the time to do nothing.

We need to:
  • Create a slogan
  • Be more active in the community
  • Give Bandana Dee a nice presentation on how he can be different from the main 3 and why he should be alongside them
  • Create a Twitter account just for Bandana Dee propaganda and advertising
  • Create a Hashtag on Twitter and other media, such as how Takamaru has #SlashTheVote and King K. Rool has #KrocTheVote. How about we have something like #SpearTheVote or #DreamTheVote or #Dream4DeeLC or #Bandana4DeeLC.
  • Get more people interested in the character. Catch a YouTuber's attention or perhaps even a professional Smash player who would say, "Yeah! That sounds cool!" and they could spread the word. Hell, even ask ArtsyOmni to create a Smashified for Bandana Dee.
We have an opportunity now. If we don't take it, we might need to wait for a few more years to get him playable... and anything can change in a few years.

I say that we start doing this now. We have to.
We are a passionate group on Smashboards! We should use that passion even more so!
Thanks Brawler.

I already have a Twitter account for Bandana Dee propaganda: https://twitter.com/?lang=es
But I think we will need to have a new one, and some of us can have the password for posting.

I like #SpearTheVote.

I honestly don't know how to catch the attention of a famous youtuber or professional Smash player, but we will have to think about something.

The presentation and everything we will need for that is in the OP.

The slogan...hmm... Helper to hero?

The best thing to do is to get Artsy Omni, the game who made the Rayman leaks, to Smashify Bandanna Dee.

Link to his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9d6eQjf__r5gyH4GHRssg/videos

Bandanna Dee fans who are not sure if other Bandanna Dee fans exist will see this and will likely have a rekindled interest in our Spear Wielder, even for those who did not know they wanted him.
That's also a good idea.

This Godfather dude is being melodramatic. With our numbers, we can easily accomplish any task or goal put in front of us. If it is actually put in front us. That's where you come in, Chandelure. Not to throw you under the bus, friend, but you organized this. You've got a good few hundred supporters at your beck and call who are ready, willing, and able to follow your lead. So...lead. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that if you told me to "perform this specific task that will advance the Bandanna Waddle Dee movement," I'd do it, no questions, provided it's reasonable, of course. We got the spirit, we got the numbers, the confidence, the incentive, all we need is the leader.
Sure, I will be the "leader" XD
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Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2014
LOL I don't think we're close to cultist or rabid, LOL. Anyone who has been chewed out here usually came with a bad attitude and no GENUINE interest. If I didn't know about a character and came in here wanted to know more, I'd simply ask without the condescending and rude attitude of "Well I don't see why this pointless character should be instead of [insert here]". Usually not the sign of someone whose being nice themselves. The idea that we have to be coddling to EVERYONE even the most rude of detractors or else WE'RE the rabbids ones lol. w/e imo. Can't say I agree there but I'm MORE than happy to give info to people interested and nice enough to ponder the character. We also provide a lot of info in our first page and I've seen people here post vids, comment on other message boards and youtube pages. I do agree that we could do more to advertise the character and we should do more to sell BDee as an appealing fighter versus spending our time defending his legitimacy. I'll give him that. We need more mobilization. I've done that big ol write up and I've posted it on the social media that I frequent but we might benefit from a more mainstream social advertizing. Suck as using twitter and creating hashtags and more informative advertising for his moveset and fighting style possibilities.

I'm pretty busy offline so I find it hard to work on video projects and so forth. I'm working on my own stuff and so I apologize for not contributing more creatively. I will see what I can do...
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Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
King Dedede isn't bad or an enemy. The anime is very off character for the sake of humor. King Dedede is a rascal and a rival but he CARES about dreamland. This is an aspect of his personality that Sakurai has tried to push more than once when he was as the helm of a game. Once in Adventure in regards to protecting the fountain of dreams, and second time in SSE where he was coming up with badges to keep people from turning into trophies.

Also even though Dedede LOVES to challenge Kirby it's because he has grown to enjoy Kirby's rivalry. At first it seems that King Dedede is stealing food just to be an ******* in the 1st dreamland and maybe he is but this happens around the time that Kirby is not considered a citizen of Dreamland yet. According to Melee trophy "A denizen of the far-off, peaceful planet Pop Star, Kirby became a citizen of Dream Land after defeating King Dedede. Even though he's only about eight inches tall, Kirby is an extremely skilled technician. He has the ability to absorb the powers of his enemies, and his elastic body makes him a versatile adventurer."

Maybe it's no coincidence that Dedede was first aggressive with him at the start. Dedede seems keen and wary of Nightmare related invasion in the games.

However since their first battles, Dedede has been saved various times by Kirby and Dedede himself has saved Kirby. Dedede actually LOVES Kirby. When he find Kirby in SSE he tackle hugs his little puffy friend and drags him off on adventure. In K64 he lets him rind his back and carries him, and in Triple Deluxe, Kirby loves King Dedede as well, jumping excitedly when he's free from Taranza and grabbing his hands. They still fight but they are also close friend/rivals now. This is a much different characterization than the anime ever had and one of he reasons I think the anime isn't really very canon.

It also one of the reasons I love the Kirby games especially when there's not much dialogue or story, because regardless of all that, through just a bit of story and subtle changes across games, we're still given character depth and development. We're also given a unique protagonist and antagonist relationship in video games. No other characters have changed and are depicted this way.
I just want to give you a quick round of applause for this post. The games can't make this any more obvious, and there's still confusion to this day about Dedede. Well-written stuff here - you get it. :grin:

Now that I think about it, Nightmare does make more sense as a recurring villain rather than Zero. I mean, it just kinda figures that a guy named NIGHTMARE would be the #1 enemy of DREAMland
The slight problem is that in the Japanese version, Dream Land is not so named, but is instead "Pupupu Land" - a name apparently derived from the first syllable of "puyo", a Japanese onomatopoeia referring to things that are soft and squishy, in line with a rule set down in the book from which the series' original naming scheme apparently spawned (a French book titled "Made in OuLiPo - Le Popopo et le Dedede et La Tortilla du Ciboulot").

It's only a small detail, but the importance of dreams isn't contained in the region's name in at least one country - in fact, this might be a good reason why Nightmare hasn't yet returned. ;)

The fact of the matter is that, regardless of what we know him as, many people see BWD for what he literally is: A Waddle Dee wearing a bandana.
Instead, the supporters constantly speak of BWD as if he is the next K. Rool or Isaac or something.
I absolutely agree with this. Whilst Kirby is one of Nintendo's biggest series, some of the characters in it and details about it simply aren't all that well-known outside of those who already love the series.

To give an example: We still see confusion as to whether or not Dedede is a villain (which he isn't), and that sometimes even comes from fans! Given this, it's important to bear in mind that people outside of that core probably won't know these things - and that extends to Bandana Waddle Dee, as well. When you look at it this way, it's easy to see why some folks may not understand why he would be requested at all!

Create a slogan
And remember that these work best when kept catchy and family-friendly. A slogan needs to catch the attention of as many people as possible, and not put them off.

and why he should be alongside them
I think that the answer to presenting this particular detail may be found in some of the adorable artwork that got posted several pages ago! (Particularly the falling from the sky image, and the "Dee Pile" one, which was so sweet that I swear it almost gave me diabetes.) I mean, it gets across an impression of a band of close friends who can't be broken up by anything: Not even the Smash roster. ;)

This may be a good starting point if anyone with the ability works on some artwork, as it's also in tune with the general vibe of the Kirby series, as well. Personally, I quite like the idea of "not breaking up the dream team" as a focal point for this very reason.

Create a Twitter account just for Bandana Dee propaganda and advertising
Create a Hashtag on Twitter and other media, such as how Takamaru has #SlashTheVote and King K. Rool has #KrocTheVote. How about we have something like #SpearTheVote or #DreamTheVote or #Dream4DeeLC or #Bandana4DeeLC.
Don't forget about Miiverse, either. A posting to the Kirby Super Star community, featuring a captioned screenshot from Megaton Punch mentioning a wish for Bandana Waddle Dee for Super Smash Bros. via the ballot, might catch the eye of potentially-interested people who might have otherwise missed it, for example.
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Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
OK, guys... today I received a private message from an old and really productive Bandana Dee supporter: God Robert's Cousin.
He is worried about this thread and its future, and most importantly... he is worried about the future of Bandana DeeLC.
I'm sure he will not mind if I post the message here, I just want you to see it and I also want to know your opinions and if you have any ideas about how to improve.

It's a bit of a read, but bear with me.

Let me start off by saying I really want BWD. I'm a supporter 100% and have been since the start of Smash 4 speculation, so know that any and all pessimism is done in good intentions. That said: I feel like the BWD thread has become wasted potential.

Take a moment to step backwards and get a perspective of your followers. Do they love BWD? Absolutely. But is it that all they have, though? Where's the initiative? Where's the organization? The well-thought discussions? The right tools to equip around detractors? Anything besides the high-praise I constantly see in what has effectively become a Kirby series social thread, basically. I feel like more should be done to get the BWD supporters into a better mindset.

1.) BWD fans are showing too much pride. There's nothing wrong with being confident in a character you like, but it's gotten to the extent where it's become pretty friggin' vain. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of what we know him as, many people see BWD for what he literally is: A Waddle Dee wearing a bandana. Ideally, a little humbleness wouldn't hurt us that much.

I definitely am hoping he gets in. People don't give him a lot of credit, but he is my dark horse candidate.
Click to expand...
Instead, the supporters constantly speak of BWD as if he is the next K. Rool or Isaac or something. All these "I can feel good news coming up soon" and these "I hope BWD has ___ when he's in Smash" posts speak as if he's already a shoe-in. While he's definitely plausible, just assuming he's going to be in doesn't bring us any closer to make sure he is. He's a potential 4th character to a series that arguably doesn't need one. Our priorities should be on breaking down BWD's potential, not hyping it up as this massive thing to start with. Which brings me to my next issue.

2.) BWD fans aren't constructively approaching others. I always see the same thing. When talking about BWD, people are always either this:

Is there anything else we can do to get the word of our lord and savior,bandana dee out there?
Click to expand...
Or this:

I'd rather have hatted goomba
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There's hardly any middle-ground, it seems. The BWD community here on Smashboards does a good job at making sure it's hard to speak badly of BWD and go unanswered due our great numbers, but that isn't enough. We should be teaching the followers to educate others about BWD, notpreach to them. I'm talking things like the actual merits of BWD would bring to Smash itself. Not everyone is going to see fighting with a spear or adding another lightweight as enough to be unique gameplay, or that he'd bring a lot from the Kirby series that the main 3 don't already, or that his increased usage in recent Kirby games have made him an essential Nintendo figure. We need to focus less on using things like popularity and other subjective reasoning and focus more on bringing out the merits that stay absolutely core to BWD. That means we need to look into the benefits and flaws of BWD as an included character, and understanding the latter, learn how to manage backlash that will inevitably ensue and the best ways to handle it tactfully. Analyzing BWD and embracing his quirks while accepting his limitations will not only make the support-base smarter for it, but others will learn to respect us more all for it. If you ask many of the Smash 4 Speculation users places where they won't get chewed out by the great number of Dee fans, many of them, including myself when I want BWD in the first place, will say that this has become a cult more than anything. BWD deserves better than to be seen as someone with a rabid fanbase. To be blunt, it makes us no different than those who have to shove their love for something down others' throats. Not as toxic mind you, but definitely very clique compared to the other boards I've seen. We're not rude about it, but the BWD supporters definitely don't try hard enough to empathize with our detractors or even those in the middle-ground. Our efforts should go into making as many of us as possible be seen as the magnificent Dee himself: Modest, sensible little-people that devote our lives to supporting our dearest companion by keeping to the sidelines and letting people judge for themselves of how great that companion can be.

3.) And finally, BWD fans should be trying to organize their support.The BWD thread has become a Kirby Social at this point, let's face it. We have all these numbers, all this passion, yet none of the tact nor organization to really do anything with it. Sure, we have a Facebook group and a few other outlets, but unless our message is cohesive, we're just a congregation asking for one character and nothing more. This also plays back to when I was pushing for us to take charge of asking for BWD for DLC. I got few likes and responses, but the thread's attention ultimately wandered and nothing was accomplished, instead simply getting more "Bandana's coming to the Wii U version, I know it!" posts like we usually do. Again, this rides off of the pride issue from before. We can't just assume that liking BWD is enough to confirm he'll be in the game. We need to get in touch with other communities and push for some of their characters as well. To communicate through as many channels as possible while all staying on the same page of what it is we like about BWD (as easy as it is to flood the hundreds of little things to like about him instead). Again, I can't say it enough: It's not enough to just be popular in heavy doses, we have to spread the good in BWD throughout as many places as we can. The reception needs to have a high ceiling and a high floor, because otherwise we'll just be drowned out by the detractors. Hearing arguments against him and not countering them or trying to shut them down, but rather reasoning out our own perspective so as to say "That's a very valid point, but could you also consider this about him?"

*Pant* I haven't typed this long in a while.

The point of all of this is that we should try to change the direction of things in the BWD thread. There's a lot of untapped potential in our numbers, we just need to condition them into better representing Bandana Waddle Dee, you know?

I personally think he is right, this thread is now a Kirby social and no, that's not a bad thing, but like our friend said, it's wasted potential because this thread is one of the biggest in Smashboards. And also, we are very rude with the deetractors... maybe we should try to change their opinion about the character with some arguments and good words instead of just saying "Get out of here you stupid deetractor" or something like that.

We will also need to make more Bandana Dee propaganda. When I say "Hey guys, you should try to ask Omni to smashify Bandana Dee", "Try to post Bandana Dee comments in the Kirby/Smash/Nintendo videos in Youtube", "Try to comment Nintendo's and Sakurai's posts in FB/Twitter/etc with Bandana Dee propaganda" or "We should ask in other Nintendo websites for more supporters"... I'm serious... so yeah.

We need to start changing our mentality because... the ballot is our last chance.
If Bandana Dee has not enough propaganda and supporters we will have to wait 6 more years, SIX.

What do you think? Do you want to improve?
Because I want.

God Robert's Cousin also said that he will be glad to help.

Any opinions? Ideas?

I agree with God Robert's Cousin.

I've been on this thread for a very, very long time and I think that it has regressed a bit.
Back then, we were making progression. We got our word out, we got vocal, we defended Bandana Dee to the bitter end. We may have seen a few detractors, but we had some decent counterarguments.

Now, I see some de-evolution into basically a Kirby social. I don't think that's necessarily terrible; it's on-topic with Bandana Dee at the very least.
However, when we are at the peak of DLC, now is not the time to do nothing.

We need to:
  • Create a slogan
  • Be more active in the community
  • Give Bandana Dee a nice presentation on how he can be different from the main 3 and why he should be alongside them
  • Create a Twitter account just for Bandana Dee propaganda and advertising
  • Create a Hashtag on Twitter and other media, such as how Takamaru has #SlashTheVote and King K. Rool has #KrocTheVote. How about we have something like #SpearTheVote or #DreamTheVote or #Dream4DeeLC or #Bandana4DeeLC.
  • Get more people interested in the character. Catch a YouTuber's attention or perhaps even a professional Smash player who would say, "Yeah! That sounds cool!" and they could spread the word. Hell, even ask ArtsyOmni to create a Smashified for Bandana Dee.
We have an opportunity now. If we don't take it, we might need to wait for a few more years to get him playable... and anything can change in a few years.

I say that we start doing this now. We have to.
We are a passionate group on Smashboards! We should use that passion even more so!
Wow, a lot of users are here at the moment... this is awesome XD

Anyway, what is being described a bit is what has been happening to other support threads lately: Lets just call it Campaign Burnout.

Lets face it. Eventually, we are all going to end up running out of productive information to contribute to the thread. General campaign propaganda can only be stretched so far. Eventually you end up with a lot of information already covered: Moveset pool, alt costumes, why they should be in, yada yada yada.. before you know it the thread is having to rely on general news outside of the thread to keep things going. Add to the fact that we are in the middle of an information drought (Sure, we might get some info from the direct coming up, or possibly E3, but after that, we are probably going to have to push through FOUR MORE MONTHS of silence...).. and you have a problem. This is happening to a lot of other threads as well as this one. People are running out of things to talk about, and are starting to socialize during the long wait. That part can't be helped. What "can" help though is finding a way to hold us off during these periods of no news..
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Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
I been going on youtube with smash related videos on the youtube comments spamming this does this help?

"Vote Bandana Dee for smash 4 DEELC https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ why you ask HERE WHY! http://smashboards.com/threads/band...im-on-smashbros-com-deelc-can-be-real.324430/ remember *****es Bandana Dee has the BIGGEST DEE!!!" what do you all think?
If we're going to promote the character, it should be done in a professional manner that's not too far removed from what a large company might come up with to try to make something appeal to a mass audience.

Look at how family-friendly movies, games, and so on, are promoted for some pointers.
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Sure, I will be the "leader" XD
Then we're already off to a good start. Right Reverend Deacon Father MarioMeteor, at your service. I'm sure we've already weeded out the weak ones, so I think it's safe to assume that everyone here is willing to put in work and/or contribute to the Dee Movement, is it not?
But before we get into all that ****, I must admit that Godfather has one point: we aren't very organized. It's mostly been people randomly shouting out ideas. Some structure wouldn't hurt.

Deleted member

If we're going to promote the character, it should be done in a professional manner that's not too far removed from what a large company might come up with to try to make something appeal to a mass audience.

Look at how family-friendly movies, games, and so on, are promoted for some pointers.
"Vote Bandana Dee for smash 4 DEELC https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ why you ask? click on this link here and Mister Chandelure will tell you all in full details http://smashboards.com/threads/band...im-on-smashbros-com-deelc-can-be-real.324430/ remember Bandana Dee he is NOT a "goomba with a bandana" he is his own character that deserve too be in smash 4 please help and support bandana waddle dee".....is this better?
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Anything but #SomethingTheVote. We don't need to copy King K. Rool like the Takamaru fanbase did.

I think the problem on this thread is 1: lack of information. It's an epidemic that's caused even the Wolf thread to get off topic, and they are really organized. 2: We kinda get mad at each other for bringing up topics again. When somebody brings up a topic about Bandana Dee, the usual response is "We just talked about that." and nothing more.

I'm sure we've already weeded out the weak ones, so I think it's safe to assume that everyone here is willing to put in work and/or contribute to the Dee Movement, is it not?
That brings me to what I'm uneasy about. I'm not really sure if I'll be much help to you guys. I can make more pallet swaps on Microsoft Excel (And on this my ideas are limited), and I can revise my Bandana Dee moveset, the one you guys didn't like because I called him Waddle Dee. That's about it. I have little knowledge about any games pre-Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and I didn't care about Kirby Rainbow Curse, so I didn't pay any attention to it. Sometimes I don't post here for a while because I don't have anything intelligent to add to the conversation. I could attempt to draw campaign posters, but the camera on my phone no longer works, so I wouldn't be able to get them from the paper to Smashboards.
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Deleted member

So does that mean we are going to use my library plan? just in case you all don't know we can use the library computer to vote spam bandana waddle dee for smash 4 for DEELC first we go on one computer then vote bandana waddle dee then logoff go on a another computer rinse and repeat.
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