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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2013
I know, it was my horribly sad attempt to try to get Mt. Dedede as a stage on the Wii U, as I'm likely not getting a 3DS. At least I have Wily's Castle, Windy Hill, Mario Galaxy and Skyloft to keep me entertained.

Also, a bit off-topic, but I think it's best I put it here.

[collapse="Spoilers for Kirby Triple Deluxe"]
Masked Dedede is back in the game. Now, I haven't played it, but does anybody else (who has seen the footage) feel a bit... ripped off? Masked Dedede represents the vengeance he had for Kirby, and the desire to finally end a long rivalry. To have this symbol of Dedede's villainous side used as a facade by a villain who isn't even really a villain seems wrong. What's the point of Masked Dedede, the embodiment of Dedede's hate for Kirby, just being another costume for super fun time Good Dedede? I can deal with him in some less antagonistic roles, but come on! We need a Kirby game where Kirby actually fights Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandanna Dee again! Then in the hard mode, replace Dedede with Masked Dedede, except stronger! Heck, I wouldn't even mind Dark Matter fusing with Dedede for a Dedede Soul or something! But to see Masked Dedede be beat so easily, and trade in his mask and hammer for a battle axe (which, if the hammer TRANSFORMED into a battle axe for some attacks, would be freaking amazing) but I just miss Kirby vs. Dedede, when it kind of WAS "I want to clobber dat dere Kirbeh". Now, Dedede, MK and Bandanna Dee are heroes. It doesn't feel right to me. Anybody else feel this way?
I imagine they were just using Masked Dedede to portray him as a "powered up" version of himself so the player would feel intimidated. Perhaps the "villain" (I haven't seen any spoilers in video form) saw this particular personification of Dedede and decided to use it against Kirby? *shrugs*

Anyway, I believe the time for our heroes to be villainous has passed. To me, the Masked Dedede fight in SSU was the final real battle between Kirby and King Dedede to settle their grudge once and for all; to go back on that would actually make me feel a bit ripped off, personally. I mean, Dedede declares that the final battle between the two of them, sets aside their differences, fights alongside him, and then turns around and says: "Nah, I still hate you dude."? I feel like he's gotten passed that stage, and is just a "lovable jerk" of sorts with a bit of a rivalry still going on with Kirby.

As for Meta Knight, I've never seen him as the type of guy who just wants to fight Kirby for the sake of it, and it would feel very out of character for him to start that now. He's much more friendly and less ambiguous than he used to be, and now seems like Kirby's "cool guy" buddy that does things independant of the other characters on occasion. I think the fact that they've brought in characters like Galacta Knight and Dark Meta Knight supports this, as they likely wanted to somewhat preserve Meta Knight's unique fighting style without being forced to constantly make up situations in which he would face Kirby.

And our good ol' buddy Bandana Dee... he just follows his Great King, so there isn't much to say about him. :p

All in all, if this means that we get to play as these characters often, while not being prone to facing the same boss over and over again (Mario), then I prefer it this way. I can respect your opinion though. :)


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
I kind of get the feeling Kirby and Dedede's relationship is a lot similar to Sonic and Dr. Eggman's. They were enemies over the years. But Sonic and Eggman had to team up on the occasion to deal with a greater threat. Kirby teamed up with Dedede (and who may or may not be Bandana Dee) to deal with the Dark Matter. So both pairs stopped really being enemies and became rivals.

Speaking of Waddle Dee's identity in 64, I wonder why HAL came to the desision to mold Bandana Dee in a full-fledged character? Did they see that Bandana Dee was already made for Megaton Punch and just run with the idea?


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Wonder what his voice would sound like? Deeper than Meta Knight's? The funny New York accent Waddle Doo had? :laugh:
Probably a "cute" voice or maybe no voice XD
My wish: A voice similar to Captain Waddle Doo's japanese voice.
(Is like the third time we discuss this XD)
I wonder why HAL came to the desision to mold Bandana Dee in a full-fledged character? Did they see that Bandana Dee was already made for Megaton Punch and just run with the idea?
They probably wanted a fourth playable character with a different weapon, Waddle Dees use spears.
But they would not put a normal Waddle Dee as a playable character, so that's why they chose the Waddle Dee with an unique personality, look and the most important role, Bandana Dee.
And obviously The Revenge of the King helped...a lot XD

(Sorry if I wrote something wrong or with no sense, I'm a little tired and you know english is not my first language XD, well, good night guys)
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Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Seems like he had no bandana in the game's early stages. Or HAL just used a placeholder.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2013
I kind of get the feeling Kirby and Dedede's relationship is a lot similar to Sonic and Dr. Eggman's. They were enemies over the years. But Sonic and Eggman had to team up on the occasion to deal with a greater threat. Kirby teamed up with Dedede (and who may or may not be Bandana Dee) to deal with the Dark Matter. So both pairs stopped really being enemies and became rivals.

Speaking of Waddle Dee's identity in 64, I wonder why HAL came to the desision to mold Bandana Dee in a full-fledged character? Did they see that Bandana Dee was already made for Megaton Punch and just run with the idea?
I imagine they wanted someone for King Dedede to converse with in SSU, and seeing that Sailor Dee already had portraits made up plus the fact Bandana Dee was already in the sub-game, he was perfect. As for the reason they added him in RtDL, I think that because he's very similar in stature to Kirby had a lot to do with the choice. There have been playable Waddle Dees before, so I guess they figured now that they have an established original one, they might as well use him. He's become pretty popular after that, so now they have no reason not to use him.
Probably a "cute" voice or maybe no voice XD
My wish: A voice similar to Captain Waddle Doo's japanese voice.
(Is like the third time we discuss this XD)
This has been my headcanon for a while now. So cute!


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
I think it would be funny if they got Ted Lewis to voice Bandana Dee. He voiced both Dedede and Escargoon, so having him voice another one of Dedede's lackeys might be suiting.

Deleted member

Wonder what his voice would sound like? Deeper than Meta Knight's? The funny New York accent Waddle Doo had? :laugh:
I assume that he won't have a voice; he didn't have one in Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

Speaking of Waddle Dee's identity in 64, I wonder why HAL came to the desision to mold Bandana Dee in a full-fledged character? Did they see that Bandana Dee was already made for Megaton Punch and just run with the idea?
I assume it's because Bandana Dee wouldn't take up too much development time to create due to similar body structures that Waddle Dees have with Kirby. I guess after looking at KSSU's Revenge of the King, he seemed like the perfect candidate for another playable character.

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
Happy late birthday Chandelure !

Sorry I ditched you guys, I wanted to take a break from foruming if I may create another word to get works done on several of my fan fictions !

Did anything significant happen tou our lovely Waddle Dee while I was gone ? I was just hit by pictures of Lucario (*cries moans whines* kidding lol, it actually reassures me a little for Jigglypuff), so hopefully nothing bad has happened to the sexy Waddle Dee.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I don't know why but I imagined that Waddle Dee would have a tea cup and he would throw hot tea to his opponents XDD
Probably thanks to this XD


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2013
I've always been a fan of Waddle Dees and also a spear character would be very unique. I support this idea!


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Spears would at a lot to Smash! What's more fun than poking something with a pointy stick? :bee:


Smash Lord
Jul 5, 2013
When you're not looking, I'm there.
I feel like this will be a combo of every sword style since N64. With an attack of throwing the weapon. No, just kidding. This could be a generic "Get to know the game" character. With range, a weapon, and combo heavy. This guy could easily be the next Mario.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I feel like this will be a combo of every sword style since N64. With an attack
of throwing the weapon. No, just kidding. This could be a generic "Get to know the game" character. With range, a weapon, and combo heavy. This guy could easily be the next Mario.
Is possible, but Sakurai is more creative this time with the movesets and also Waddle Dee can use other things to represent his species (parasol, explosives, mine carts, or even food or I don't know...cleaning products XDD (That because he is a server) XD
And about the generic "Get to know the game" character, that's so subjective, is an opinion, any character can be that if Sakurai wants.
You don't know if Sakurai wants to make a character balanced, a fast but weak character, a slow and powerful ,etc.
Just look at Jigglypuff that pink balloon has one of the strongest attacks in all the series and a character like Wario is surprisingly fast.
Sakurai is unpredictable.
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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Final Smash confirmed.
That does bring up an interesting topic: What would Bandanna Dee's FS be?

I'm on the boat of two options:

A. Give him Waddle Dee Army, and let Dedede have Masked Dedede.
B. Transform into the Waddle Doo from Kirby 64.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
I think they should do something with Megaton Punch. It was his first appearance, and punching the ground with extreme force sounds like a great Final Smash. Or maybe he could summon Landia, and then ride him around the stage?


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Maybe he could summon an avalanche in reference to Kirby's Avalanche? Idk that kind of thing might happen considering it is Sakurai we're talking about.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Waddle Dee was the first opponent in Kirby's Avalanche.

Speaking of that game, I think that game's the source of Kirby's "Hi!" taunt. Kirby says it during the credits in compressed SNES voice clip goodness.
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Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
So, today I started thinking about my statement earlier about Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandanna Dee being heroes, and not having the same feeling anymore of fighting your rival, it's now a penguin on strings.

Then I got a volleyball to the crotch, which ended that quickly. But afterwards, I thought about it more.

Yes, we can truly consider Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandanna Dee heroes now. But, I would still like to see a game where the face off against Kirby, instead of being best buddies all the time. What I mean by this is manipulation by the main antagonist. Not puppetry or possession, manipulation. Think Magolor (I'm assuming we don't need spoilers for RtDL anymore), who manipulated the heroes into doing his dirty work.

So, I propose that, in at least ONE game, the villain does something evil (let's say takes the food supply, or breaks the Star Rod). The villain, in it's normal form (once again, like Magolor and Marx) convinces Dedede that Kirby is behind the mayhem. Dedede is enraged by this betrayal, and sends out his army to stop Kirby at all costs (including Bandanna Dee, who has no quarrel with Kirby, but must fight him). Meta Knight, suspicious, watches carefully. The villain manipulates Kirby to try to protect the land by reclaiming whatever is needed. Eventually, Meta Knight, who is trying to collect the plot devices before this villain, is faced against Kirby. Meta Knight tries to convince Kirby, but the villain is too persuasive. Eventually, the two dual it out, and Meta Knight loses. He warns Kirby of this danger, and flies off. Then, a similar encounter with Dedede. Dedede has half of the plot devices, Kirby the other. Both being told by the villain that the other is doing damage, they duke it out. Dedede loses, and swears he'll make this right. Kirby flies off with the plot devices, only to be pursued by Dedede's army. Kirby makes it to the Fountain of Dreams and attempts to rebuild the plot device, only to find Masked Dedede, with Bandanna Dee in the background. They fight. Dedede loses again, and the game "ends", only for a new game to start. In this game, it starts with Meta Knight arriving AFTER Dedede's defeat to swoop in and take the plot device, and the villain shoots him down, takes the Dragon Ball Chaos Emeralds Sprixies of Power or whatever and power himself up. Then, the final world feels justified when Dedede, Meta Knight and Bandanna Dee join your party.

I feel this works because they're fighting Kirby with their own will, not controlled. Dedede's attacking because of misinformation, Meta Knight to stop the villain, Bandanna Dee because it's his sole duty. Then, when the heroes find out Meta Knight has been right this entire time, they join forces. Thus, Masked Dedede is actually a symbol of vengeance against Kirby, it's not a facade, it's actually Dedede wanting to stop Kirby.

And writing this, I had another idea. The extra modes (A Dedede Mode with Bandanna Dee co-op, and a Meta Knight mode) actually describe their journey to find the plot devices, facing other bosses in the same locales, except the final worlds being respectively Mt. Dedede and the Halberd, facing off against Kirby. Then the three storylines merge into the final game.

Does anybody like this idea?
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