Nice use of spaces -.-
What I meant was the majority of mario games are spin offs. I don't mean Kirby doesn't have any... Examine the amount of legitimate mario games we get to Kirby games we get. Especially on handhelds. Also I could argue kirby's epic yarn was not a spin off. Neither is mass attack if anyone was thinking that. Heres a list of non spin off mario games in the last 5 years: Super Mario 3DLand, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros Wii, super mario bros all stars 25th anniversary edition.... so that would be 4, a remake and also 2 more are being released this year. Here are all the spin offs in 5 years I will be abbreviating these. Mario Tennis Open, Mario Party 9, Mario Kart 7, MS London 2012, Fortune Street, Mario Sports Mix, Mario vs. DK mini-land mayhem, MS Olympic Winter Games, Mario & Luigi BIS, Mario Power Tennis (new play control), Mario Super Sluggers, Mario Kart wii, Dr Mario express, Dr Mario online RX, MS Olympic Games, Mario Party DS, Itadka Street DS, Mario Strikers Charged, Mario Party 8, super paper mario. Thats 20.... isn't that just gross? a 5:1 ratio of actual games to spin offs?