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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2014
I really hope we get a kirby newcomer, I think many people underestimate how large a franchise it really is and is certainly deserving of 4 reps.

Either way, if Bandana Dee isn't in this, I will consider him a Shoo-in for the next game.
I agree :) I will bite my tongue off if Bandana Dee isn't included in the Smash 4 roster.


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2014
Just signed up to say I am a HUUUUGE supporter of Bandana Waddle Dee. I think he's a great character. I keep getting annoyed at people thinking he's a mere enemy Waddle Dee when he's his own distinct character with a place in the Kirby world. He's also reoccurring and even playable. He's the next best representative for the series at this point. Huge fan of the Kirby franchise. Kirby has been around since 1992 and is as old if not older than quite a few of the characters. With over 20 games under his belt and a beloved series, he deserves another rep. Bandana Dee would be great. His spear would make him a unique fighter as well. I think is moveset should be mostly comprised of his spear and some melee attacks. I think adding other weapons like parasols might contribute to the problem he's having with being a distinct character and not just being any of the other Waddle Dee. I love the idea of Megaton Punch being his final smash. It would be an awesome reference for fans of KSS.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
Just signed up to say I am a HUUUUGE supporter of Bandana Waddle Dee. I think he's a great character. I keep getting annoyed at people thinking he's a mere enemy Waddle Dee when he's his own distinct character with a place in the Kirby world. He's also reoccurring and even playable. He's the next best representative for the series at this point. Huge fan of the Kirby franchise. Kirby has been around since 1992 and is as old if not older than quite a few of the characters. With over 20 games under his belt and a beloved series, he deserves another rep. Bandana Dee would be great. His spear would make him a unique fighter as well. I think is moveset should be mostly comprised of his spear and some melee attacks. I think adding other weapons like parasols might contribute to the problem he's having with being a distinct character and not just being any of the other Waddle Dee. I love the idea of Megaton Punch being his final smash. It would be an awesome reference for fans of KSS.
Welcome to the boards! :]

Glad to see another Dee supporter aswell. I agree with all of your points, especially the distinct character thing.. it's quite a silly argument for those who oppose Bandana Dee's inclusion. :/ He even has quite a bit of personality, anyone who has played Revenge of the King in KSSU should know what I mean.


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2014
Welcome to the boards! :]

Glad to see another Dee supporter aswell. I agree with all of your points, especially the distinct character thing.. it's quite a silly argument for those who oppose Bandana Dee's inclusion. :/ He even has quite a bit of personality, anyone who has played Revenge of the King in KSSU should know what I mean.
I feel like a lot of this criticism comes from people who aren't familiar with the franchise. Bandana Waddle Dee is such a distinct character that when mentioned, fans of the franchise, will know WHICH character you're talking about. The little guy who is Dedede's right hand man and spear captain. The guy who stuck by him when all else failed with his revenge, the character who joined you in return to dreamland, your ally in Triple Deluxe. I mean at this point Bandana Waddle Dee isn't just a Waddle Dee. He's growing strongly into the fourth representative for the franchise. In the up coming Rainbow Curse game he appears AGAIN. Possibly with a big role as well. I have a feeling he will be playable. The image posted from the Tree House event that includes him and other color versions of him seem to indicate the strong possibility of multiplayer. If Bandana Dee is only an ally than why do we need another 3 Bandana Dees? Why are they color coded in the same way that Kirby becomes in multiplayer? This color coding happens to distinguish players from each other. Also exactly four of them? I have a feeling that maybe Rainbow Curse will include the option of players joining in and playing on screen while maybe a player can control ball Kirby on the gamepad.... though this is speculation I can't 100% confirm atm. Either way his presence in the new game is just a continuation of his growing presence and importance. So having him be the fourth rep makes sense.
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Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2014
I feel like a lot of this criticism comes from people who aren't familiar with the franchise. Bandana Waddle Dee is such a distinct character that when mentioned, fans of the franchise, will know WHICH character you're talking about. The little guy who is Dedede's right hand man and spear captain. The guy who stuck by him when all else failed with his revenge, the character who joined you in return to dreamland, your ally in Triple Deluxe. I mean at this point Bandana Waddle Dee isn't just a Waddle Dee. He's growing strongly into the fourth representative for the franchise. In the up coming Rainbow Curse game he appears AGAIN. Possibly with a big role as well. I have a feeling he will be playable. The image posted from the Tree House event that includes him and other color versions of him seem to indicate the strong possibility of multiplayer. If Bandana Dee is only an ally than why do we need another 3 Bandana Dees? Why are they color coded in the same way that Kirby becomes in multiplayer? This color coding happens to distinguish players from each other. Also exactly four of them? I have a feeling that maybe Rainbow Curse will include the option of players joining in and playing on screen while maybe a player can control ball Kirby on the gamepad.... though this is speculation I can't 100% confirm atm. Either way his presence in the new game is just a continuation of his growing presence and importance. So having him be the fourth rep makes sense.
There's definitely a lot of truth to the unfamiliarity of Bandana Dee or the series in general, unfortunately.. It's just a bit bothersome how some people automatically assume he isn't of any significance. Regardless, Dee's going to be quite an important and significant main character to the Kirby series from this point on with how many large roles he's been given in the latest games, including Rainbow Curse like you mentioned. Here's hoping that his inclusion in Smash 4 (yep, I'm strongly confident that he's in at this point) will make his importance to the Kirby franchise much more known!


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
The San Diego Comic Con kicks off soon, and the Smash tournament is Thursday. Hopefully we'll see something!

I agree about the misconception around him. Most folks assume he's an ordinary Waddle Dee that has a cloth wrapped around his head. He's basically the Robin to Dedede's Batman. :p


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
Guys! I found a leak!
[collapse=Super Secret Stuff of Super Secret Secrecy.]



TOTALLY Didn't make it myself. Nope, nope, nope.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2014
Playing through Kirby Returns to Dreamland, with my girlfriend. She is Bandana Dee and I'm player 1.

I secretly wana be the Bandana but she isn't very good so I don't trust her to be player 1.

So, I hope Bandana makes it into Smash 4!

Sign me up as a supporter.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
Supporting! Gotta help out the Dee.

The first time I played RTDL, and played Bandana Dee, I thought his moves were already perfect for smash. And as one of the main four series of smash, I think it's completely reasonable that Kirby get another rep. Sometimes I think people forget just how important the Kirby series is in general. It is one of the main Nintendo franchises, y'know...

People can be so ignorant sometimes...;) Anyways, add me to the list!


Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2014
Saturn Valley
I support! Even if there is 4 Kirby characters at least it's the 4 main one's of the Kirby series. Add me to the supporters list! :happysheep:


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Just signed up to say I am a HUUUUGE supporter of Bandana Waddle Dee. I think he's a great character. I keep getting annoyed at people thinking he's a mere enemy Waddle Dee when he's his own distinct character with a place in the Kirby world. He's also reoccurring and even playable. He's the next best representative for the series at this point. Huge fan of the Kirby franchise. Kirby has been around since 1992 and is as old if not older than quite a few of the characters. With over 20 games under his belt and a beloved series, he deserves another rep. Bandana Dee would be great. His spear would make him a unique fighter as well. I think is moveset should be mostly comprised of his spear and some melee attacks. I think adding other weapons like parasols might contribute to the problem he's having with being a distinct character and not just being any of the other Waddle Dee. I love the idea of Megaton Punch being his final smash. It would be an awesome reference for fans of KSS.
You know what, I'll bite. I'd probably like Bandanna Dee getting in, so sign me up as a supporter I guess
Playing through Kirby Returns to Dreamland, with my girlfriend. She is Bandana Dee and I'm player 1.

I secretly wana be the Bandana but she isn't very good so I don't trust her to be player 1.

So, I hope Bandana makes it into Smash 4!

Sign me up as a supporter.
Supporting! Gotta help out the Dee.

The first time I played RTDL, and played Bandana Dee, I thought his moves were already perfect for smash. And as one of the main four series of smash, I think it's completely reasonable that Kirby get another rep. Sometimes I think people forget just how important the Kirby series is in general. It is one of the main Nintendo franchises, y'know...

People can be so ignorant sometimes...;) Anyways, add me to the list!
I support! Even if there is 4 Kirby characters at least it's the 4 main one's of the Kirby series. Add me to the supporters list! :happysheep:
Thanks for your support! :D
Oops double post. Sorry. Not sure how to delete.
No problem!
Guys! I found a leak!
[collapse=Super Secret Stuff of Super Secret Secrecy.]



TOTALLY Didn't make it myself. Nope, nope, nope.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
What's interesting is that this isn't the first time HAL took a minor character and raised them to importance with recurring appearances. *coughMETAKNIGHTcough*
I also agree that a lot of people undermine the Kirby franchise by not recognizing how big it is.

Here's a picture I found and wanted to share. It's about who helps Bandana Dee tie his namesake.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Another important factor for BD is the amiibo figures. Wouldn't it be cool to have BD as your own helper?


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
What's interesting is that this isn't the first time HAL took a minor character and raised them to importance with recurring appearances. *coughMETAKNIGHTcough*
I also agree that a lot of people undermine the Kirby franchise by not recognizing how big it is.

Here's a picture I found and wanted to share. It's about who helps Bandana Dee tie his namesake.
That is the most adorable thing I have seen... possibly ever!:grin: I never considered that his arms would be too short to do that himself!;)


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
To the new supporters, well, this thread doesn't have a list of supporters, it has a poll.
If you vote YES, you are a supporter, if you vote NO, you will be exterminated you don't support.
If you want to see who are the supporters/people who don't want Bandana Dee, you will have to click the number of votes in the options YES/NO.



Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
To the new supporters, well, this thread doesn't have a list of supporters, it has a poll.
If you vote YES, you are a supporter, if you vote NO, you will be exterminated you don't support.
If you want to see who are the supporters/people who don't want Bandana Dee, you will have to click the number of votes in the options YES/NO.

I needed the excuse to be on topic and post this.


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2014
I'd also like to mention that Bandana Dee's growing presence can be attributed to director Shinya Kumazaki. He's worked on all the best recent Kirby games after Sakurai left. He understood why Sakura's Kirby Super Star was so important for the franchise because of it's powers having movesets. He recognizes the KSS influenced titles are action titles as well. He's worked on Kirby Super Star Ultra, Return to Dreamland, Kirby's 20th Anniversary Dream Collection, and Kirby's Triple Deluxe. In all these games Bandana Waddle Dee is seen or plays a greater role. Shinya Kumazaki is an awesome Kirby director and with him we also got other trends in these recent games such as keeping the movesets, true arena modes, and soul bosses.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2014
I'd also like to mention that Bandana Dee's growing presence can be attributed to director Shinya Kumazaki. He's worked on all the best recent Kirby games after Sakurai left. He understood why Sakura's Kirby Super Star was so important for the franchise because of it's powers having movesets. He recognizes the KSS influenced titles are action titles as well. He's worked on Kirby Super Star Ultra, Return to Dreamland, Kirby's 20th Anniversary Dream Collection, and Kirby's Triple Deluxe. In all these games Bandana Waddle Dee is seen or plays a greater role. Shinya Kumazaki is an awesome Kirby director and with him we also got other trends in these recent games such as keeping the movesets, true arena modes, and soul bosses.
and I called my self a Kirby fan this is really cool he still kept the spirit of Kirby alive and not make it a mess like a certain M game >.>


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
The San Diego Comic Con kicks off soon, and the Smash tournament is Thursday. Hopefully we'll see something!

I agree about the misconception around him. Most folks assume he's an ordinary Waddle Dee that has a cloth wrapped around his head. He's basically the Robin to Dedede's Batman. :p
OMG, I couldn't agree more! Bandana Dee is totally the Robin (Not sure which to compare him to, can't decide between **** Grayson and Tim Drake:chuckle:) to King Dedede's Batman! As a matter of fact, the exchange between King DDD and Bandana Dee right before B.D. offers to fight Kirby on his own just so he can protect King DDD and buy him some time so the King can perfect some "last-minute additions" and "touch-ups" to his new "secret weapon" always seemed like such a "Batman/Robin" conversation to me! Basically, here's the conversation:
Waddle Dee: "Great King! Kirby made it here! W-what do we do?!"

Dedede: (...We're done for...Only one option...)

Dedede: "...O-Ok then. I guess it's your turn."

Waddle Dee: "B-but, Great King, I can't do it alone!"

Dedede: "...Fine, you can go. You've been spared."

Waddle Dee: "Don't go, King!"

Dedede: (...I'm sorry.)

Waddle Dee: "Great King!"

Dedede: (It's time for my secret weapon...)

Dedede: "Now you pay, Kirby!"

You tell me that doesn't sound like something between the Dark Knight and his sidekick! I'm telling you all, King DDD has also been coming off to me recently, as somewhat protective of Bandana Dee. (Or maybe I'm just getting too into it.:p)


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
OMG, I couldn't agree more! Bandana Dee is totally the Robin (Not sure which to compare him to, can't decide between **** Grayson and Tim Drake:chuckle:) to King Dedede's Batman! As a matter of fact, the exchange between King DDD and Bandana Dee right before B.D. offers to fight Kirby on his own just so he can protect King DDD and buy him some time so the King can perfect some "last-minute additions" and "touch-ups" to his new "secret weapon" always seemed like such a "Batman/Robin" conversation to me! Basically, here's the conversation:
Waddle Dee: "Great King! Kirby made it here! W-what do we do?!"

Dedede: (...We're done for...Only one option...)

Dedede: "...O-Ok then. I guess it's your turn."

Waddle Dee: "B-but, Great King, I can't do it alone!"

Dedede: "...Fine, you can go. You've been spared."

Waddle Dee: "Don't go, King!"

Dedede: (...I'm sorry.)

Waddle Dee: "Great King!"

Dedede: (It's time for my secret weapon...)

Dedede: "Now you pay, Kirby!"

You tell me that doesn't sound like something between the Dark Knight and his sidekick! I'm telling you all, King DDD has also been coming off to me recently, as somewhat protective of Bandana Dee. (Or maybe I'm just getting too into it.:p)
I like that idea, but there is one thing. Bandana Dee is just as protective of Kirby, as he is DDD. Maybe instead, we can get a veteran in the mix. It would make more sense :) (If you want this as a trailer)
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Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
What's interesting is that this isn't the first time HAL took a minor character and raised them to importance with recurring appearances. *coughMETAKNIGHTcough*
I also agree that a lot of people undermine the Kirby franchise by not recognizing how big it is.

Here's a picture I found and wanted to share. It's about who helps Bandana Dee tie his namesake.
I can't handle the cuteness! CUTENESS OVERLOAD!


Banana Waffle Deed

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2014
The first time I heard of the idea of Bandana Dee being a newcomer in SSB4, he instantly became my most wanted newcomer. Add me to the supporters list! :)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
Woah where did these supporters come from? It's nice to see this level of support from the new users. As they say, the more the merrier. :happysheep:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2014
I dunno if I've ever asked to be added to the supporters list, but if I haven't, count me in!
Banadana Dee's been my number 1 choice for quite some time now. Now that Robin is in, B.D. is all I need for this to be the best game ever.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2014
Who the Heck Knows
I dunno if I've ever asked to be added to the supporters list, but if I haven't, count me in!
Banadana Dee's been my number 1 choice for quite some time now. Now that Robin is in, B.D. is all I need for this to be the best game ever.
At the time of posting you have 69 posts.



Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
All the newcomers have had a trailer so far. But each one has had them in different art styles. Robin and Lucina got an Awakening-inspired trailer, and Palutena had hers done by the same studio who made Palutena's Revolting Dinner. My question is, what do you think Waddle Dee's trailer will look like?

Hopefully, they'll make his trailer in the style of the cutscenes from Return to Dream Land or Triple Deluxe. They could even go the extra mile by having it animated like an episode of Right Back at Ya.

Banana Waffle Deed

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2014
All the newcomers have had a trailer so far. But each one has had them in different art styles. Robin and Lucina got an Awakening-inspired trailer, and Palutena had hers done by the same studio who made Palutena's Revolting Dinner. My question is, what do you think Waddle Dee's trailer will look like?

Hopefully, they'll make his trailer in the style of the cutscenes from Return to Dream Land or Triple Deluxe. They could even go the extra mile by having it animated like an episode of Right Back at Ya.
If they go with a Return to Dream Land style, I feel like there's probably going to be a dual reveal and they'll reveal Meta Knight along with Bandana Waddle Dee. If they go with a Triple Deluxe style, there's probably a chance they'll reveal a new Kirby-themed stage relating to Triple Deluxe. As for the trailer being like Kirby Right Back at Ya, I'm not sure. Bandana Waddle Dee wasn't in the original series, so I'm not sure how they would implement him.

(Especially when there's a character that already took his job.)
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Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
They could throw us completely off by having it open up with Escargoon. :p

"I can't believe they actually invited me to their fighting tournament."
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