Hey all
Mikul you have my FE: Sacred Stones and I have yours.
SEAT3 vs OHN5:
OHN5 is all good and well, but keep these things in mind when deciding
-these top players from US are just that, so don't expect you're going to pull any miracle wins in a hurry.
-OHN5 is not a smash specific event, SEAT is, and as such you will get more for your money at SEAT
-there will be americans at OHN5 (that's a good thing in most peoples eyes)
-I'm really considering going to OHN5, so it's not like I'm saying it's a bad idea
-KO will sleep with Boozer pants optional
-I will not run SEAT3 if it's money out of my pockets coz I have better things to pay for :\
Basically many smashers will make the effort from within victoria to come to SEAT, but will not for OHN5 - Victoria being the best state in general at smash due to having so many events prior to this will mean a higher AVERAGE skill level. Unless there is strong reason to not hold SEAT3 I believe it to be a good warm-up event to OHN5, and those with pockets and skill large enough should go for both ideally. Otherwise decide for yourself, and I hope to see you at either or both
LOL everyone seems to have a different opinion of who the best AUS smashers actually are. Let me give my opinion on top smashers based on trouble they give me
-Emily (she was at the level the other people listed here are like 2.5 years ago :O)
-Cella+Bringer (cant decide, they both pull stuff I have NFI what hit me lol)
-Jon (his games stronger than just about everyones, regardless of his average tech skill)
-Freddo+Mark (Both moving along the tech side like crazy mans....just a matter of experience and advice now)
-Gloth(get that natural WD happening Gloth! - otherwise a **** good game and strategy)+Sloth (Unknown bum with nice ownage skills, can't say more)+CATS(Luigi wont work against me -_- = stick with Pika vs Fox)
-SADave(deserves a mention - I've got vs Falco experience more than probably anything else
but he's still got my two thumbs up)
There are of course people I can't speak of since I havent played them in AGES.