Scrubs - With what argument you put up you're only encouraging Dedede to be totally banned, not stages. If thats what you want come out and say it..
I don't see how, at all? By your analogy - and view of melee, why don't we ban Peach on Dreamland and Marth on both Yoshi story and Battlefield at RAMBO. Its never to late
Cronos_Rainbow said:
The pedophile example is fine
I can see what you were trying to do the analogy, but using a real-life example isn't best used in an argument about video game rules. As one could discuss the analogy itself about morality principles, rather then thinking about the argument.
Cronos_Rainbow said:
You're saying a stage is a stage when you have just been arguing for pages of this thread about why Dedede on Eldin for instance is imbalanced.
Dedede was one of the glaring problems with Eldin. It was like a shining beacon to show the problem with walk-off stages. The fact they promote camping above all due to zero % kills off the side.
I can't say I look forward to Pit vrs Pit on Eldin just firing arrows at each other, scared of a b-throw for a 0% death. - note I know its an extreme example, it helps emphasis the problems.
EDLIN TALK OUT. I am willing to see how it goes at RAMBO seeing as I cannot change your mind. But I will ban it for any QLD hosted tournament, until some rule sets are put into cement stone, engraved and chucked in the bible for good measure.
Cronos_Rainbow said:
You also Mentioned the ability for some characters to do better on Corneria with low ceiling. Terrain advantage is a fundamental part of strategy - denying this is going against age old tried and true evidence.
Scrubs raises a good point. The idea to ban a -character on a stage- due to one minuscule problem means the character misses out on the other aspects on which it can be used as a counter-stage. This is pointed towards the next-to-wall grabbing.
Equations are silly. :O :O As they directly assume a UNIQUE play between character on character with a certain stage. no.. every stage!
Now to address the problem at hand:
Removing a character's ability to play on a stage isn't the way to go .
I think we need to look at a new way changing characters after they want to change stages. Lets say you won IC vrs Dedede, they want Eldin, so I change to Pit. This negates the idea behind counters I KNOW I KNOW. But we should think of rules like this.
Or remove certain stages that have problems to begin with.. hint hint
Basically, I don't have my own solution yet, however I will continue to think about possible scenarios, but the path that the 'dedede rule' follows is one we shouldn't pursuit.