Wild DaisyBoo appears
btw daisyboo I am growing weary of dealing with the vast ignorance you people constantly put on display...
Jash beat me when I went all Ike that tournament, yeah. You should know that match-up is extremely in Toon Link's favor. Rykoshet, a pretty knowledgeable Ike main, informed me after the set that he believes it's 80/20 in Toon Link's favor, and Jash then said he agrees it's somewhere around there. I don't know why people are making a big deal out of me losing when I used absolute trash bottom tier.
I beat them all, too. What's the difference? If you face M2K, me, Dojo...you will lose. Hard.
Jash, Chip, Hyro, Jerm, Quivo, and Santi are widely considered the top six Toon Links. No other Toon Links produce consistent, good results and earn real accomplishments on a regular basis. Quivo, if I recall correctly, just came out of retirement and is busy catching up, while Santi is still in retirement. Izumi is the next best after them, most likely. He's certainly far above your level, good sir.
I recently lost to Shadow and Atomsk in MK dittos because they both exploited a weakness in me and I did not overcome it. Ally beat me by being just plain better and stepping it up game three. Keitaro did no such thing; he caught me at an awful time, which is the only way a better player can lose in match-ups his character wins.
To end this daisyboo you are a disgrace of a player and even though you have different views than me, i hate you and i never wanna speak to you again