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Atlanta Revival Monthly Feburary 20 Atlanta, GA Whatchu mean the hype don't stop!

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Atlanta Revival Feburary

This is the last month before Final Round which means one thing! We must protect this house next month. Our last tournament's hype was way out somewhere in the stratosphere. With that said we are going to run this back one more time before Final Round. We have a new venue that's way larger than before that you guys will love! No more $10 parking fees! Although I will miss the within walking distance CNN Center food court :(. However, if this works out, we will definitely stay at this venue. If not, we can always return to the Congress Center at a later point. The last thing is I want everyone to know that Atanta Revival is a monthly tournament. It will be every month. Make sure to
keep updates with us at impactclashrevivals.com.

(Suite F)
2144 Hills Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30318

The link to directions:

The venue is located in a suite of office buidlings If you have any
problems call us at (404) 954-0243 for directions

Directions by Marta
- Ride to Midtown Train Station
- Take Bus 37 (Defoors Ferry-Marietta blvd.)
- Get off at Defoors Ferry Rd@Hills Ave
- Less than one minute walk to Hills Ave NW you'll find the venue

If you have any problems reaching the venue by bus call (404) 954-0243 for help

Venue Fee:

10 a.m.- 1 p.m.

If you are running late and need to be added to the brackets call us
directly at (404) 954-0243! We want to start on time.

Start time:
2:00 p.m.

Equipment Waivers:
Full set up meaning tv and console. entry fee will be waived
1/2 set up meaning console/tv, half off entry fee

If you plan on bringing a setup make sure to arrive early. Once we
have enough machines we will not be accepting anymore.

Smash Brothers: Brawl
Double Elimination Bracket Best 2 out of 3 matches
Winners Finals= 3/5 matches
Losers Final= 3/5
Grand Finals=3/5, the player from the losers must win 2 sets of 3/5

3 Stock, 6 MINUTE TIME LIMIT for singles

All items OFF (including Smash Balls)

Doubles Team Attack is ON, LIFE stealing is allowed.


All decisions made by tournament officials are final.

Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Stage List:
Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Yoshi's Island

Brinstar, Castle Siege, Delfino, Frigate Orpheon, Lylat Cruise, Halberd, Pokémon Stadium 1

75m, Big Blue, Bridge of Eldin, Corneria, Distant Planet, Flat Zone 2, Green Hill Zone, Hanenbow, Hyrule Temple, Jungle Japes, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Bros., Mushroomy Kingdom I, Mushroomy Kingdom II, New Pork City, Norfair, Pictochat, Pirate Ship, Rainbow Cruise, Rumble Falls, Shadow Moses, Spear Pillar, The Summit, Wario Ware, Green Greens, Mario Circuit, Onett, Pokémon Stadium 2, Port Town Aero Dive, Skyworld, Yoshi's Island (Pipes)

- At the beginning of a set, each player may strike 2 stages from the available 11. Of these, only 1 can be from the 4 Neutrals listed above. You may however choose to strike 2 counterpick stages.

- 1st match, characters are chosen with double blind picks. After that, advanced slob picks- Loser of 1st match pick stages, the winner of the 1st match picks character, then loser of 1st match picks character. Continue this as necessary until the set reaches completion. Standard sets are best of 3, finals or semi-fianls are left to the discretion of the tournament host, although best of 5 is recommended for time constraints.

- All forms of stalling are banned. Stalling- The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. This includes MK infinite cape, excessive edge stalling, or any form of stalling under the stage (DK spin, sonic charge B, snake infinite down B teching, etc).

- Any suicide KOs on the final stock resulting in sudden death will result in a loss for the user of this tactic. If it would be a suicide KO and the match screen shows a decisive winner, go with that instead. A Bowsercide final KO results in a win for the Bowser player.

- If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. In the event of a sudden death, both players are to suicide IMMEDIATELY. No fighting with bombs @ 300. At the results screen, regardless of what the screen says, the player with the higher DAMAGE TAKEN is the loser. No exceptions. In the result of a tie, the match will be discarded and played over, same characters and stage. For teams, if this should ever happen, add the damage taken instead for both teams.

- Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.\

Smash Brothers: Melee
General Tournament Rules

4 Stock, 8 minute time limit for both singles and doubles

Games are best of 3, Finals will be best of 5.

Pools will be done first if neccessary, followed by brackets. Both singles and doubles will be DOUBLE ELIMINATION.

Doubles Team Attack is ON, LIFE stealing is allowed.

BYOC: I dont think this should be a problem anyways.

In the case of a GameCube/TV malfunction, the game will be restarted from the beginning, no matter what time it crashed.

All decisions made by tournament officials are final.

Players must conduct themselves in a reasonable manner. Permanent ejection of a player from the tournament is at MY discretion.

Any sign of cheating will also result in forfeit of the game.

Any intentional forfeiting or conspiring to manipulate the brackets will result in ejection and possible suspension from future tournaments.

Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.

The stage for Game 1 will be selected at random unless both players/teams can agree on one.

Double Blind Rule: For the first game of a series, a player may call for a double-blind pick. This means that all participating players must tell a judge the character they will use for that game. Each player is required to use that character in the game.

Singles random select stages: Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Fountain of Dreams, Dreamland 64, & Pokemon Stadium

Doubles random select stages: Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Dreamland 64 & Pokemon Stadium

Stages not listed on the random select list that are not banned are open for counter picks by the losing player.

Stages banned for Doubles Only: Fountain of Dreams and Mute City.

Stages banned for Singles & Doubles: Yoshi’s Island (Pipes), Fourside, Hyrule Temple, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom 1, Mushroom Kingdom 2, Venom, Yoshi's Island 64, Peach’s Castle, Kongo Jungle, Onett, Great Bay and Green Greens.


After characters have been selected for the first game, each player/team may choose one stage from the available tournament list that won’t be used during the series.

Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect. (The loser/counterpicking player may NOT choose to counterpick the stage they last won on in the set.)

After each game of a series, the player who lost the previous game may choose the stage for the next game or elect for it to be chosen randomly. After the stage has been selected, the winner of the previous game may change characters. After the winner has chosen their character, the loser of the previous game may change characters.

Tekken 6: $10
3/5 rounds
2/3 matches
3/5 winners finals
3/5 losers finals
4/7 grand finals

Street Fighter 4: $10
2/3 rounds
2/3 matches
3/5 winners finals
3/5 losers finals
4/7 grand finals

Blaze Blue: $10
2/3 rounds
2/3 matches
3/5 winners finals
3/5 losers finals
4/7 grand finals

Marvel vs Capcom 2: $5
2/3 matches
3/5 winners finals
3/5 losers finals
4/7 grand finals

Street Fighter 3rd Strike: $5
2/3 rounds
2/3 matches
3/5 winners finals
3/5 losers finals
4/7 grand finals

Power Stone 2 $2
2/3 matches ,
3/5 Grand Finals
Winner keeps same character, loser stays

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
I meant to write we are not going to have a Revival in March since that's Final Round's month. We will have on in April however. :)

Also would someone do me the favor of posting this over at allisbrawl.com. I don't have an account there. :(


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
$10 fee for smash ?
and what about doubles? 10 per person?

If I can ride/team with someone i might go


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia

SFA2 needs to happen this time, and not after SF4 and T6 grands so people actually play.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Soooo...is anyone coming to this, I dont see any replies, not good.
Last month we had around 14 people for Brawl I think. This is a monthly tournament series so most people do not post, they just show up for the most part.

$10 fee for smash ?
and what about doubles? 10 per person?

If I can ride/team with someone i might go
As far as doubles, that's up for the people who come to decide but generally we do it $5 per member of the team.


SFA2 needs to happen this time, and not after SF4 and T6 grands so people actually play.
Atlanta Revival is a monthly so you can expect one each and every month. We dropped Alpha 2 in place for Power Stone 2. Lastly, yeah we'll make sure to knock out the other joints before we do the main events. The hype was lost afterward the finals. :(


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Hey is anyone willing to give me a ride to this? I can help pay for gas and stuff. since there is not going to be a waba monthly i want to come to this. I really want to show up to this. I live in johns creek

Also: if anyone is in need of a team mate i can take you up on that offer. I just need to get there first.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA

Is anyone actually going to show up to this?
Whats the head count. i dont want to show up and have to play a fighter game i dont play.


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2009
Loganville, Georgia
Yeah I had a great time. I probably won't make it to final Round but I should be at the next Atlanta Revival my friends will be coming back too. I think I saw you at the tournament Shiri? You did really good was disappointed I didn't get to play you in the tourney.
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