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Atlanta Revival II Monthly: July 11th


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2007
Hiram, GA
Just got back from this. It was a lot of fun even though it took for ****Ing EVER lol.

The results i remember are?


Those are the only results i remember but anyways this was still fun and great experience.

Ill do shout outs in a bit i guess.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
I'm disappointed. A few people didn't show even though they said they would. That wouldn't have been so much of a problem if the people that did come had actually brought TVs and setups. Just like IC4, my setup with the dinky little TV that a number of you complain about was used to run most of the tournament again. You'd think a waiver saving you $10 would be enough for one to provide equipment. With the shortage of TVs, we were initially forced to do a round-robin format tournament, which ended up taking an EXTREMELY long time because of 1 TV for Brawl. On that note, most of the people that showed up for teams left, and we couldn't even have fun with that.

It might be a bit selfish, but this was the ONLY tournament since TGMT that was so close to my house. To have the experience diminished by lack of people and setups after I had initiated at least SOME hype is really making me angry right now. Due to how it was run, no one really even wants it to count toward PR rankings.

Fortunately enough, I'm cool with my general Smash community, so I can at least say I had some fun being around my friends, but that doesn't appease my current attitude. Anyway, shoutouts:

Lounis - Good hanging with you, as always. We would have wrecked teams. No contest.

GTR - Finally got to meet/play you. Your Snake was nice. I look forward to seeing how well you do with him.

D0N - I already hated Marth vs DK before I played you. Way to add to the rage. Good games man.

Albino - You play a gay character, and as such, will continue to get gayed by me.

Deo - 8am - 3pm. And that's assuming my little brother isn't a snitch/I feel like having people over/My mom isn't off work/My dad isn't off work. We'll find some way to Smash every now and then, I suppose.

AFK - Way to lose to a C tier. You better man up and win next time we match up in brackets.

Scatz - Nice round robin record.

Juan - Too bad we didn't get to play in brackets. I have a habit of extending the courtesy of a real match in brackets if I ever sandbagged someone in friendlies before hand.

Anyway, I'll see you scrubs at the next tournament I'm able to attend.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
That DK costume on Scatz wii grew on me lol. My name for that is Demon Kong. And the texture hack for yoshi's on umby's wii looks way better than the original. Thanks for bringing wiis, this would not have been possible otherwise. I ussually always bring mine to tourneys, but I dont have it anymore and we didnt have a tv for it anyway... My shouts:

GTR: I still want a rematch. oh well, good games, you got me. Nice meeting/playing you. Nice snake.

Deo: Can I get a box? lol Nice meeting/playing you.

AFK: That D3 stage spike.... so wierd. ggs

Lounis: Cool hanging out with you. Its always fun to play your aggressive style, win or lose. Thanks for the sagat lessons in SF4, I won made sure I won that match today lol.

Alby: lol remember your life lesson for the day. ggs

Scatz: Always nice to see someone who can use a low tier so well. Way to win that 5$, you won where it counted.

Umby: Nice marth. Nice sonic too. A really generic shoutout, but seriously, sonic had me scarred and marth I win because im use to the matchup.

Juan: I wanted to play your yoshi :(


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2008
Boca Raton, Florida
soo yea...the tournament kind of sucked lol XD

one tv isnt enough...even if there was only like 10-11 people

brackets wouldve been done a lot quicker...but i guess things come up unexpectedly

also i noticed while i was there no one really played seriously...even i was getting owned more than usual today lol


Lounis = ...wow...completely owned my yoshi with snake and my snake with luigi XD

Umby = friendlies was fun...wish we couldve brawled in brackets but i had to leave early because my friend's mom was my ride to food depot, which i would then get picked up to go back to decatur :[

Scatz = Fun yoshi ditto....DARN THAT COMEBACK OF YOURS XD ... i finally got to brawl you irl, coold dude :]

Don = I wanted to brawl your Donkey kong D:

that falco player that brawled against scatz ( sorry didnt catch your name at the tournament lol ) = we have to brawl, you and scatz had a little bit too much fun in that match >.>

( might be forgetting other people....tell me if i have :/ )


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2007
Hiram, GA
scatz is pretty good at sandbagging
He's getting there 8) nobody sandbags in friendlies like me and umby though
So true, you did win our captain falcon sandbagging contest.


Deo: Nice diddy dude i could tell that you reallywerent used to playing all that much yet but i barely got by ya. Nice games

AFK: Same man, I think you are one of scatz friends that is at GSU and look forward to playing with you man, you were pretty good.

Juan: I dunno if you remember me lol but you had a good yoshi, hope to see you at the monthly. Good games.

Scatz: Man i want some more matches with you, your yoshi is so good man. Look forward to playing with you more in the future. Nice matches between us man. Good job on wining 5 bucks from D0N lol. It was cool finally getting to meet you.

D0N: Man like you said i want some rematches vs your DK. We played some really good games and Good job on 3rd lol. What day are you leaving? I know i asked this already but i forgot :/ will you be at the monthly? If so we gotta play again dude. Nice finally meeting you also, your a cool/funny guy to hang around.

Umby: It was awesome finally getting to meet you man and have a nice marth too. Matches could of gone either way no lie. At the monthly we really need to get some friendlies in and stuff.

Alby: Captain Falcon Dittos. At the monthly we have to run that back. MM? $3 2/3? :)It was cool hanging out with you again too man, even though i still need to play your D3 with my snake to see how he does. Hope to see you at the monthly on saturday dude.

Lounis: Why are you so good? It doenst make any sense lol. Nah but for real your a really cool guy to hang out with and it was cool meeting you again. Sorry im too scrubby to give you a challenge lol I just kept forgettting that one down throw and thats a stock. Nice idea with the round robin lol :laugh: It was a lot of fun and really good experience too. Hopefully we can smash some time if you get off of work.

Sorry if im forgetting anyone but this was fun just hanging out and playing smash even though the turnout was **** :/ anyways GG's to everyone.

Impact Clash

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Guys I don't know what incentive I can give you to bring equipment to the tournament. And no LCD Tvs. you guys gotta know that those never work for tournaments. Everyone will complain about playing on them and the lag. Anyhow I had a great time hosting this event I just hope that in the future more people will come through with full setups. Or hopefully some people can coordinate and maybe a person brings a TV and another person brings a setup or something.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
Lithonia, Georgia
I would have been at this and I could have brought a setup if not for 2 things:

1. Wiimote Johns
2. My best friend's bday.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
GTR: Im leaving from here the day of the monthly, so ill be on the road while the tourney is running :ohwell:. Ill be in Atlanta again eventually though, so if were still playing smash by then It would definately be nice to play you again.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I'm late, but my shoutouts:

BigLou: Gratz on winning money again. Stop getting salty @ the waiter for your drink ;)

GTR: Nice seeing ya man. You got a fun Snake, and I can tell that we're gonna have fun when we play at GSU.

Juan: Fun Yoshi bro. I had mad fun at the dittos. Deo is my roommate so we were having the fun we used to have at our college lol. Next time we play dude, I'ma do another big comeback on ya ;)

Don: Sick DK dude. it was hard trying to keep a hold on him. Plus, it didn't hel pthat you got Yoshi exp before me lol. :( Thx for the 5 bucks though! :)

Umby: **** your Marth. I hate him :( I'll learn that MU so I won't be losing by that margin again. Also, LOL @ the Raichu sounds while I was playing XD

Alby: Salty bro. You should've went D3 on me on that last game if you wanted to win your money back, but it's w/e. I had mad fun with our set, and don't let me get close to 3 stocking you again. Yoshi's shouldn't be able to do that XD
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