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[ASL] HASL II Results


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL

1. AML - how do I do better in a terrible match up for Pit than a great matchup for Snake. I dont get how i play this game. tbh I really dont ever fight G&W so I have no idea what I'm doing when I fight him. you've got a good handle of the character.

2. Spade - Probably Pit's worst matchup in this game imo I hate fighting marth more than metaknight lol. I may need to pull out a secondary, but marth like beats everyone so i dunno. the matches were still fun. You've gotten quite good at this game. its only a matter of time before you're upseting the great players of the region. Also, you know how to SDI, which SEVERELY lowers my damage output lol

3. Cam - how do you fight pikachu yo? I know this matchup less than maybe any other. Probably because I never play pikachu in friendlies or anything. I dont even know the properties of his moves and ****. anyway you really know your character. i really like watching you play. one day I will take you out.

4. JMIX - you make Mario seem like he doesn't suck as a character. you space that f-smash perfectly against pit. I may have to break out a different character against you next time. Also im pretty sure you're the friendliest person of all time.

was will that tlink player? he was pretty good. set up some great walls with zair and projectiles.

geo thanks for driving, micaelis and chas thanks for the little advice you gave me. what happened to picking up falco to counter ddd? cheap your wario is like already good wtf.

good to see the hville people, sorry i didnt get to play much melee.

fun tournament. Ive realized that i just need more practice against good players. I have too many bad habits and i dont know any matchups very well. its all a matter of experience.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2007
Atlanta, GA
1. AML - how do I do better in a terrible match up for Pit than a great matchup for Snake. I dont get how i play this game. tbh I really dont ever fight G&W so I have no idea what I'm doing when I fight him. you've got a good handle of the character.
Honestly...I'm not sure :( Unfortunately for you, the random times I play this game are with probably one of two friends who both main Pit haha. We'd probably just have to play more often so that you get used to Game and Watch's weirdness. Once you know how to get around his basic strategy, there's not much else you have to worry about with the character.


Smash Lord
May 18, 2010
State College, PA
We've got all the replays ready to go, but apparently no one is uploading them :( I'm confirming with the ASL Committee about allocating leftover funds towards 2-3 capture cards. It might take us a week to vote on it, order them, and have them arrive. In the meantime, does someone with a capture card want to step up?

M.C. Pee-Pants

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2009
Norcross GA
We've got all the replays ready to go, but apparently no one is uploading them :( I'm confirming with the ASL Committee about allocating leftover funds towards 2-3 capture cards. It might take us a week to vote on it, order them, and have them arrive. In the meantime, does someone with a capture card want to step up?
Seagull told me he would be happy to upload some replays if you send some of the replays to him


Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2008
Madison, AL
So is anyone uploading these replays then? Hahahahaaaaa. I just realized I could just put the sd cards in my Wii and watch them. Can't upload them though. :(

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