That's cause you're a smegma head >:^(
LIVVERS, YOU DIDN'T SEND ME MEWTER'S SCORES OR COMMENTS. And I spent 10 minutes formatting this and will update it accordingly.
Ok, results! *fanfare*
1) Spire III
2) Matt4300
Congratulations to our winners and everyone else that entered
Critiques and comments
Adherence to Prompt
Well, I definitely see some passions in there.
Can definitely see your passions in this. Haha.
There are some parts of the painting where I see a great amount of skill” the perspective on the Gamecube and the drawing/highlighting of Sonic’s feet for example. But then there are a few other parts that aren’t as fine tuned: Robotnik’s head and neck stick out the most. Just feels some parts were glazed over while others had a bit of time devoted to them.
Colors and shading is nice, though a lot of shading on the couch doesn’t make sense. Picture has a lot going on, but manages to not look cluttered. You need to put some work into how you have objects drawn in relation to other objects. For example, Sonic’s feet look more like they’re going into the couch and are not in front of the couch. He creates no dent on the sofa. Girl and pillow on the right also seem to be sitting a bit oddly on the sofa. Your upper anatomy is good, but lower anatomy on the girls needs some work. I’m enjoying the expressions, btw.
You definitely have your own style! The reproductions of Sonic and Amy are very well done and while the shading isn’t complex, there is no need for it to be. I like the mish mash of a lot of your passions, but at the same time it does make the painting a little too chaotic (especially in the center).
While the plain drawing part of your piece is a style I have seen similar to before(like Sonic just looks exactly like Sonic always looks), the human characters do seem to take on a style of your own, and Robotnik even has a bit of your own flair going. Also, your coloring and shading definitely looks like it has your personality in it. I definitely think you should nurture these latter points, so as to stand out more(if that's your thing).
I do not like that massive empty space to the top left. It’s just this vacuum on the page that doesn’t do anything and makes the rest of the painting feel too compact (see above comment). All of the tones are also very close to each other except for Robotnik’s, which yields an uneven balance in the painting: empty blue space on left and heavy black space on right. Did you always plan for him to be black?
Overall very pleasing to look at. The expressions are great. I can feel the mood you are going for in this: It definitely feels like a bunch of friends coming together and having a fun night. The colors are nice, as is the composition. The Denny’s sign adds to the whole feel, I think.
I love eggman there. Haha. Great smooth colouring and lines. I find the piece lacking in focus, lacking a focal point, there's just so much to look at. I think you could've gotten rid of a bit of the space on the left and the top of the image, just to tighten the composition a bit. Otherwise, love all the little touches you've put in this.
Adherence to Prompt
Stars and dragons? I can dig it.
Passionate about technology, space, and dragons =D
There is definite skill in the dragon. I don’t know if the sketch look of the dragon or the slightly smeared watercolors were intentional or not, but they give more character to him. I’m assuming it’s a he. If it’s a girl too bad. The shading also isn’t too harsh or contrasting…but the background. I have a feeling you didn’t really have a fully envisioned picture of the background. The style of it just doesn’t fit and in fact clashes with the centerpiece: the dragon. The dragon isn’t perfect, and that’s why he works. He’s messy and shaded. The background (minus the stars/dust) is perfectly bland and makes it feel like fore and background are from two different paintings.
Because of the black specks covering everything, the deep blue color, and the way the blue streaks, it looks more like the dragon is underwater than in space. You also need to pay a bit more attention when you color in your piece. There are spots(like on the left hand)that aren’t colored in completely. I do like his design, as it is very unique. Also, if his blue lines are supposed to glow, they would really be much brighter.
I like the design of the dragon, but his appearance on the background is very lacking. Work on planning both fore and background from the beginning and making them mesh.
I like the different passions you combined into one. Also, as I said before, I enjoy the dragon’s design. He could almost pass off as a pokemon. I like how his pose gives you the feeling like he is flowing through the air.
Well, you’re probably tired of hearing about the nice dragon and the lacking background. It’s just too bland and empty to continually capture my attention.
Nothing really stands out and grabs your attention in this piece, as all the colors are kind of muted. I enjoy where the dragon’s placement is in the piece, though, and I like the galaxies situated behind it. Again, I believe the piece would be better if you brightened the dragon’s colors to make him stand out, and also darkened the background.
Mewter, I love dragons too! I really like the style of the dragon, but I think it could've been done more justice with some cleaner lines and more defined colouring. If it's something you're passionate about it would've deserved more care no? ;B I also didn't really realise it was in space until I read your statement. The background could have used more contrast and detail to make it seem more spacey.
Adherence to Prompt
Surfing isn’t a passion! Wait…maybe it is. OK, full credit.
You love surfing. I think the little smile enhances this.
My eyes keep dying to see definition on anything, but it’s not there. The muscles on his chest are a little off and his left hand feels completely 2D. I complimented some other works on not having too harsh of contrasts, but yours needs them. Otherwise the piece just clumps together. From a moderate distance, I can’t decipher anything about his body other than it’s flesh colored. The gradient of the clouds in the background is nice, though I wonder where he is that the clouds are that low in the sky!
You need to work on shading. The hand, the board, the shorts, etc really lack in shading. It makes the piece look unfinished and flat. The hair is also a bit messy. The proportions on the person are very nice, though.
You have your own style, but it still needs work. You need to practice the overall color composition. Looking at your picture, what are you drawn to? The answer is not really anything. The only diagonals (which are used to move eyes around the painting) go from one side straight to the other without tantalizing me with something else. The scruffy hair is just an island up there and sticks out of the whole blue scheme. Practice drawing attention to areas and planning how colors will clash/blend with others.
Thought it had a nice, cel shaded feel to it.
Well, I kind of went into this in the other comment. Oh well! The body and subtly and not so subtly stick out and clash with the background. The color scheme of the pants is also so close to the background that they blend in, making it look like just a flesh colored stroke in the middle of the page with nothing around it.
Colors are very pleasing. The clouds give a nice,“soaring”, airy type of feel.
I like the take on the hair, really gives it a good surfy feel. I think the skin could use some darker tones, some aspects still look a bit flat, such as the hand and fingers and I think his pecs have a little too much shadow, you have to keep in mind where your light source is. The surfboard could also use a little bit of shadow as well to give it some depth.
Adherence to Prompt
Passion has a connotation of something active in my mind, though I can kind of see it here.
Surrounded by passions. Nice
Obviously you have skill. The shading on the face/hair/items on the desk are very good and instantly recognizable. The feet and right arm are a little off when compared to the rest of the whole, but still good.
Very well done. Black and white can be very difficult to draw properly. Good job on that. Folds in the clothing look very nice. Only part of the drawing that looks like it could be iffy are the legs.
The style matches your passion: low key, dull in some areas but fascinating in others. There is also a good balance to the painting: no one side or color completely dominate and pulls it down.
Love the style. I enjoy the smudgy sketchy texture.
I wish you spent as much time as you did on your face on everywhere else. I don’t know if it’s due to the deadline or what, but the detail that you gave me as an appetizer overshadowed the main course. It’s still good, but it could have been even better!
Overall a very nice picture. The shading, detail, and composition is great.
Great use of tone, I think I like it better that you didn't colour it. The black and white really gives this a nice depth. I like the lighting from the fairylights too, very cute. Good work. :]
Adherence to Prompt
Violence and videogames! Woo! *fires rifle into the air*
You playing your phone(which you love)full of things you love. Lol.
The first thing I noticed was the hands. They look like the edges of a cave if you squint. Practice working on detail: even small strokes of dark or light can give depth to a flat surface. Hands are also notoriously hard: I’d say practice drawing them over and over again (in the margins of our notebooks during school if you are so inclined). Practice makes perfect. The actual screen is 2D and flat…but it’s supposed to be. Work on the hands and highlighting/lowlighting to give depth!
The hands actually aren’t bad. You just need to pay more attention to finger lengths and how and where they bend. I like the phone’s perspective. The explosion and the fire is on the right track for looking nice, too. I like the way it fades from yellow to orange.
There is no background. That’s a bit of a problem. While yes, it does isolate the game and the hands, it does it with too much clash. But also, there is no focus in the game: we see it, but no part is appealing. All of it is reddish and blending together. Work on the composition as a whole. Test out what colors work and which don’t before settling.
I think it’s a cool idea to have your passions playing on another one of the things you love.
It’s just not that appealing, both from a distance or up close. There is no draw and no lingering attraction. Work on shading/lighting and full compositions.
I think the set up for this picture was very cool. I feel like it needs a background, though. The lack of makes it feel unfinished.
I like how you've compacted all your passions into one little screen! Good shading with the hands, pretty good shape for hands in general too. It's a shame everything is so small, since all your passions are in that little screen, it may have been better to have it bigger to showcase it better. It might've also been nice if the screen actually looked like a mobile phone to better reflect that passion and maybe something in the background, it all looks a bit stark when it's just white.
Adherence to Prompt
I have a passion for books. Maybe not pear shaped people on clouds, but you can!
Books and being taken away to fantasy places, or making ou feel in heaven. Like it.
Though it looks childish, I can see the skill behind it. It’s more so in the composition than anything else. Yes, it borrows a lot from Japanese styles, but it also feels like it’s your own. I would practice more shading character form, though.
Nicely done. The clouds, the girl, the books overall look very nice. The one part that seems off are the book “steps”. The purple, green, and blue ones don’t look the they are ascending. If you look from the blue book to the red one, there is a indent that signifies that the red book is higher up than the blue one. The other books lack this.
I really like the style. It’s cartoonish, but still detailed and showing of character. There is something about her body that I like: the vibrant colors play off each other well and the design on her dress adds another light hearted aspect to the piece.
Love the style. Very whimsical and I enjoy the sketchiness of it.
I would like a background, even if it is very faint (fainter than the clouds). Otherwise, the painting is just a floating island: it needs to be anchored somewhere that frames it and bounds it to the page. Try to incorporate that in next time.
Again I love the whimsy. The colors and composition are great. The colors definitely help add to the feel. I love how it seems like the main of the picture is coming out of a book. I also like the peach outline.
Very cute, I love the colour palette. I really like the girl and the cloud and what not, but I think it'd be nice to see a little more...development or something from the book at the bottom of the image. I'd imagine it open or something, to more effectively show how reading the book opens you up or brings you to heaven. :]
Adherence to Prompt
Candy is definet- OH MY GOD, YOU’RE A GIRL!
You looove candy =)
The color scheme is great: all of the toned down vibrant colors are very appealing to the eye and mesh together well. However, the shading on them is very flat. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but it just feels like you were very tentative about it.
Looks very clean and the colors are great together. Looks like you did a beautiful job coloring in with the colored pencils. The picture does seem to lack some shading, which I believe would have enhanced the picture.
“Candyland” instantly came to mind. The piece is cute and sweet, which is exactly what you aimed for. However, like a lot of other pieces, there is no background. Even if it was very faint and just the simply outline of anything (Chocolate mountain?) it would frame the picture and give it a good foundation.
Love the idea of a collage of treats, and the style is bright and colorful, just like most sweets.
I enjoy looking at this: it pulls my eye in…but it doesn’t keep it there. It just doesn’t sustain any attention because it is so isolated. A background with diagonals that pull you back into the picture once your eyes drift off would be incredibly helpful- OH MY GOD YOU’RE A GIRL!
Again, colors are great together. I think the way you arranged the candy is great. Especially fond of how the “stick” type candies are flaring out on the left.
Your style very much reminds me of an artist i follow on deviantart. :] Which is a good thing! Love the colour, love how crisp and clean it is and it certainly looks very deliciously sweet. I like the varying line widths, really makes it poppy and fun. I'm a mega sweet tooth myself so I can completely relate to this image!
Adherence to Prompt
and environments are certainly a passion
Love for this particular tree, and mythical worlds. Looks good.
You definitely have skill. It’s not photorealistic, but that doesn’t matter: it’s a fantasy world. Yes, edges could have been sharper and little things like that, but they don’t take much of anything away from the whole.
You are extremely skilled at lighting. It looks great here and enhances the mood of the forest. Color is great. Detail is great. I particularly like the coloring in the planks. My only criticism is that I’m not sure what’s happening with the tree branch from the left. Is it supposed to be attached to the main tree? It looks like it could be one or the other.
The second I saw it I thought of Endor and Lothlorien (Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, respectively). The branches are more gnarled and there is gloom in the air. The green background gives adds to that eerie feel that some thing sinister is near or below. Shading is good as is color choice: nice example of dull colors being used to set a pessimistic, draining atmosphere.
Nice realistic style. Mixed well with the fantasy-esque scene you have going.
I really like this picture. I’ve stared at it several times and still gone back. The diagonals pull my eyes around the frame and make me want to go see the little caveats and details that are between the branches. Very good.
I love the atmosphere in this picture. The composition is great. Makes me feel like I’m in a forest, and I love the mood.
Gorgeous work, I like how you've not just created a world, but you've related it to something else you love, being the trees. Colours and perspective are fantastic as well.