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Arizona Grand Challenge - Results!


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Tucson AZ
**** Light's moving to CO? He should give Menounderwater some Peach (Brawl) tips, and spice up their Smash scene by dominating the **** out of everyone in Melee :D
YOU should play melee. I don't mean quit brawl and play melee, since you're obviously **** at Brawl, but play melee too son.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Coastal Bend, Texas
Light was like my first rival at Brawl since the beginning we always had to play each other in tourney hes one of the reasons why I play so safe but really aggressive and improving my overall game

you better **** CO in melee and brawl Light <3

oh and all you OoS are lucky I didnt go but good job everybody ;P

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
that's in the process. we have one for the 3rd. but we might push it back a month or two, 3 regionals *counting CO that's coming up* is insane.

its the recently stickied, TGWP that i am hosting id really rather not push it back... the 3rd i can garuntee itll happen but after october i cant be certain, as many of the utah players already know I may be moving to cali or nyc at some point for my work (hope not utah smash is the best in the states ;D)


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
So much anger TDM hahaha. Sharing is caring =]

And Utah is not the best smash state. Gotta give it up to NM. Ask Sinz =]


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
So much anger TDM hahaha. Sharing is caring =]

And Utah is not the best smash state. Gotta give it up to NM. Ask Sinz =]
tw1n you know i love you, but you know our state can wipe out any of your smashers besides dekar, well actually yaz 3-0 him in winners bracket, so it looks like their pretty close skill wise, but yeah we gotta lot of smashers that are harder, better, faster and STRONGER :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: v

Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
tw1n you know i love you, but you know our state can wipe out any of your smashers besides dekar, well actually yaz 3-0 him in winners bracket, so it looks like their pretty close skill wise, but yeah we gotta lot of smashers that are harder, better, faster and STRONGER
lol at casey sandbagging in winners. lul

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
There was a kirby player in Brawl using my ejaculating d*** tag at the tourney.

stop it.
no that was a chode not a **** <.<
tw1n you know i love you, but you know our state can wipe out any of your smashers besides dekar, well actually yaz 3-0 him in winners bracket, so it looks like their pretty close skill wise, but yeah we gotta lot of smashers that are harder, better, faster and STRONGER :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: v
its true even dekar agress utah>new mexico


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Look Gkirbz you're a great guy and ima let you finish, but people usually pay money for dekar to give them permission to suck his ****.

Lol the only time I've seen Dekar go all out was against Mike Haze. I'm sure theres been other times as well but at this tourney there definitely was not anyone that pushed him that hard. Kenny MIGHT have been able to threaten him in GF's but alas Kenny wasn't there. Yaz is a great MK, as well Utah is pretty legit, but Dekar sandbagged the entire tourney. Yes even in Grand Finals, when he was having conversations with us, all while reading and beating Yaz's MK.

However a states skill isn't determined by one player but by all, I still believe that NM is top tier tho :D Dekar probably just said you were better so he could get your hopes up. He's usually nice to, well people like you. Now go and run along my very special friends, and don't forget to put on your helmets and don't take candy from strangers :p

Haha jk Utah is pretty alright.

And X you're a great guy and ima let you finish, but... um... I can't think of an insult so <3


Dark Shifter

Smash Ace
May 1, 2008
Schertz Texas
4 corner states tier list
5 1/2. twins again
6. neil

this is states as wholes, not individual skill.

dekar needs to drop diddy for falcon. deeeeeeeeeeeew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
El paso will always be Texas, no matter what the *******s at the weather websites say!


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
4 corner states tier list
5 1/2. twins again
6. neil

this is states as wholes, not individual skill.

dekar needs to drop diddy for falcon. deeeeeeeeeeeew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep my brother and I do hold enough awesome apparently that we make up half a state ranking each (or 1 and a half). It's ok though because we've learned to share our awesome and teach it to others. Why do you think X is so cool, because he teamed with Everett who's learned how to be awesome over time. But it's ok, we learned how to be awesome from someone else:



Alright enough sucking him off :p

And el paso should be up there in terms of coolness.

Coolness rankings:
1. NM
2. AZ
3. tie between UT and EP
5. everyone in those states that no one likes (come on we can all name a few here lol)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
hey darklink do you know a kid named mikey (espio) I heard he ***** you getting 3-stocked online is worse than getting 2-stocked offline thats what he said


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
General comments before shoutouts:

Tourney was fun, but I don't think I like OoS. Lot of money and time goes into just for crap and general gayness to happen (it didn't affect me personally, but jesus, less snake and Mk team combos please.).

That said, having that many people present, and almost all of the SW there was legit and fun. Venue was crowded tho, and the seeding and disorganization provided many headaches, but not bad.

@Car Sexy-Holy ****, that car was sexy, I'm glad we got that to work. Set up was cool, Tetris Attack was cool, talks were hilarious...next time, lets have all seat buckles though...and next time (note to self) no 156 or 81.

@AZ (the state) You're too hot for me, I'm from North Dakota, your heat is too hot. I think I actually got a migrain the night we got in.

Dekar -Good job on putting the other states in their places and making a small fortune in MM's. Sorry for the 81, god I suck. Lotsof lulz and gay jokes. You and JT have quieter sex next time tho, jesus.

X -Holy ****, a viable Sonic?! Unheard of!! You're pretty **** cool man, lulz at tapping peeps on the shoulder and ducking. I should actually consider researching the Sonic matchup now (and remember that Pit's multihits>almost all of his attacks). But **** you're good with him, it makes me glad as hell to see low-mid tiers get some love. Cometo NM next time, dammit.

Wobbles-Good to see you again man, your Wario provides inspiration for my own...it's **** crazy. You're always cool to talk to and stay well grounded, even after getting a loss. I dig the penguin, too. Also, I'll make sure we mail your cord out (if Molly hasn't done so already).

Golden Glove-I don't know which wassexier: the Kirbycide of JV2 stocking Ken. Eithr way, way to represent, and good job beasting in doubles. We need to play more, too.

Darklink -(insert short joke here) nah JK, I'm short as hell, too. Didn't really get to talk to you much...ugh...good placing.

Kira -Next time, let me MM BEFORE we do Pit dittos. Nice to see another Pit tho, and the fact that you also play ROB is lulz/cool. Respond more though, and I wish you'd MM me :(

Sinz -Nice to seeyou again, good job in rankings. It's hard to think of you as a Utahian (?)now...just remember you're origins.

A.B-Nice to finally meet you, you semed legit(as well as all of El Paso). I wanted to MM you, but I guess we just ran out of time.Next time?

Furious Duffman -Dear jesus, sexy G&W. Watching you play wasfun, and El Paso is legit.

Z-Man-I let you place higherthan me??? JK, holy crap, way to represent and beast it. You taking on that Marth with us yelling=MASSIVE lulz. Nice jobs in teams....almost man. Too much Snake/MK is gay, indeed.

Jeff (Axe)-See, when you told me you played Melee and didn't know I could arrow loop, I decided to sandbag our MM (although the announcing was fu!). But after seeing your placing and watching you play, maybe you were sandbanging, too? Not bad stuff man, andlulz on you're name. Seriously, with me (Ax), you (Axe), X, and Maxpower, I was mindgamed into never know who was talking to me. Good stuff.


Boyt (Goyf)-LOL your name. Fun stuff seeing you as always, I'm sorry I didn't get to seeyou play. Good rankings and I agree, I'm burned out on Brawl as well. But we had some lulz moments.

JT - Less gay sex, plxthxbai. What the hell happened to you in teams? Ah GGs-this is whyyou and I need to return to our sexy dominace. Next mathnasium, for sure.Good placing, jokes, time, and your town house was ****. Thank your mom/aunt/whoever for car, town house, etc.

Dark Shifter -DUDE. We barely talk, which makes me sad. You're a sexy MoFo and NM at heart, I believe. Massive LOL at "plug this in your bellybutton" (seriously WTF?). Nice placing...sorry, but Kirbcide was kinda lulz. :D. But at least we got to play once before I left-close as hell again. I think we'regona be rivals.

gangstarkirby-Congrats on being the first to hand Dekar some money. hahha jk, you seemed cool enough.

Isaccard -Yeah, I know I know, I have no idea what happened. I'll try not to repeat that failure. But freaken good job yourself, especially in teams. And looks like you were racking up the MM's. Let the SW know Pika-Pika-Pikachu is something to be feared!

Mars -*grumbles somethig about not knowing the Sheik matchup* Nah jk, GGs. Good **** man, it's also good to see someone rocking the Zelda/Shiek. Next time I won't kill myself...by flying...right into your chain..goddammit -_-

Twister -Dude we suck in teams, hahha. Nah it was real fun, we picked up rythem later on. Oh well, we still placed better than JT and Casey. *wink* Stop leaving the shower door open, and good placings. Also, you **** lucky for not becoming another 81.

Tekkie-AH! Redhead! *executes* haha, so glad you came, you completed team sexy car. Funny ****, talk more **** though, and have more...er...less gay sex. Also, nice job beasty in tourney, and I saw you ****** that Falco.

Hades-Dude, I don't know what happened in tourney; I'm sorry, I just wasn't in the game. But ****, that's a sexy Yoshi. I was mindblown that there was a legitiment Sonic there, but a Yoshi? Nuts, I tell you, but that's **** cool. Thanks for the MM, I'll try to repeat that in a tourney next time -_-

49 Ax(myself)(aka Mr. 156)-Dude, you suck...what the hell happened? You did better in MMs then actual tourney! Learn2not lose focus/choke/or whatever happened. And Just play gayer.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
AZ is the best corner state as a crew

I really dont think that can be debated
but Utah is better if its just like top 3 against top 3

NM can beat any of the 4 corner states in top 3 vs. top 3.

Of course, everybody is going to say that their own state wins. Everybody except maybe the Coloradoans...


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
hey darklink do you know a kid named mikey (espio) I heard he ***** you getting 3-stocked online is worse than getting 2-stocked offline thats what he said
You don't know anything about brawl in general, especially wifi. Getting 3 stocked on wifi literally means nothing at all.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Of course, everybody is going to say that their own state wins. Everybody except maybe the Coloradoans...
Hey! We'll see you all at No Koast then.

I'm sooooooooo sad I missed this. D:
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