Dash Rendar is where it's at Luke Skywalker would be a little too unbalanced. Come on a Jedi vs. a plumber? At least Dash has only a blaster at his side rather than some hokey religion and ancient weapons. Plus it would be difficult to select what time period of Luke's life would be in the game. Like Tatooine or Endor, because those are big differences. Don't even get me started on the fact that he couldn't even sense a Tusken Raider sneeking up on him, where as Endor Luke would have not only sensed him but probably used the force to put him in a state of confusion, then with a cool hiss and a mellow hum his lightsaber would strike him down using form 4 Ataru or "way of the hawk bat,"But we dont need to get into too much detail.
Dash Rendar would be a more likely character to include in Super Smash Brothers because his use of a blaster excels that of Fox even, and all the weapons he would have at his disposal would make him more of a long ranged character rather than a melee character. Without the speed of Fox the player would have to rely on the intelligence shown by a calm bounty hunter in positions where brute force would not suffice. Also, should the player have to engage in hand to hand combat, Dash's strength, as shown throughout Shadow's of the Empire when the character has to engage in exhausting maneuvers such as running from Wampas and escaping from Bubba Fett.
His taunt would include rather harsh words towards the opponent such as "scum" or other words used in the local Cantina because of his fiery personality.
His ship, the Outrider could also be featured int he background of some Star Wars level... but that is an entirely different discussion. Plus, with all of the places to choose from, such as Kashyyk, Tatooine, Alderaan (Pre-New Hope of course lol), Taris, Kuar, Dantooine, Endor, Mustafar, Hoth, An asteroid field, Manaan, Mygeeto, Bespin, Rhen Var, Yavin, Coruscant, Naboo, Ennth (Of couse this could prove an interesting level considering the fact that you would be able to either select the outrageous event that occurs every eighth year where the system undergoes serious ground quakes and volcanic eruptions that cause mass destruction to the entire surface. this could be used as one of those little annoinces that occure while your trying to defeat three level nines using a pichu lol, or when the planet is a calm and lucious environment of rebuilding from the eight year of course and harvest.)
This is only the very tip of the Iceberg that would be hit should Star Wars be included in the saga. I stick by my gut feeling that Dash Rendar would be a perfect addition to the Smash Brothers Family. Although I don't want to insult him by saying he is with a low-class plumber, a giant monkey, a little kid who hasn't mastered the force but only mediocre psychic powers, and a man who dresses in all green and brandishes a low-budget sword rather than the powerful lightsaber. But I digress, Dash Rendar should, and will be included in Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
May the Force be with you.