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Apex Legends Mafia: Boosted GAME OVER Who won?


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
I'm not sure how much 'trying' was involved but you were generally producing quality content and was town-read a lot.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
Catch up part 1, pages 5-6 + Xivii's reads

So thinking it over some more, I actually do think there are things we can get from flavor claims. While alignments are randomized, roles are not. And some roles are likely to be a certain alignment. So a bad character isn't necessarily mafia, but a ninja is probably going to be a ninja. And a ninja is probably mafia.
If the alignments are randomized, then the roles cannot follow specific alignments. I have zero flavor knowledge and have not made any attempt to glean some, but I can imagine a variety of roles that could easily fit a character who is "ninja" archetype that is not actually the ninja role. Tracker, watcher, vig, roleblocker, etc. Or ninja could be a passive on some normal Town role if that character is Town. I don't think this is ever going to be a fruitful avenue to pursue. Even if they do happen to be mafia, this could just be coincidence.

interesting takes from the XKCD crowd here no vicarin's posturing re: mass claim and how it apparantly differs from the slots normal meta of pushing for claims. LaserGuy LaserGuy LaserGuy LaserGuy [IMG alt="somitomi"]https://smashboards.com/data/avatars/s/465/465338.jpg?1589200468[/IMG] somitomi I'd like you both to address each others takes here. Also bessie bessie bessie bessie I haven't seen you explicitly react to these responses and you mentioned in one of your posts that you thought is was strange that no one had addressed vic's normal meta re: claims
My recollection is that Vicarin did have a bad habit of rolefishing and I think this was also more or less NAI for him. I don't recall any instance where he was specifically interested in a mass claim though... more like he would just kind of poke people about anything that seemed vaguely role-related. Which actually, mulling it over more, it is maybe a bit weird that he ignored some of the things that look to me like they're people talking about their roles. I don't think bessie's point is entirely without merit, more that we're focusing on different aspects of his meta.

The point that I was making was that Vicarin tends to react with some hostility to unconventional play, i.e. the stuff that you would see BoomFrog or Xivii doing, and his discussion with Ryker more or less fits into that profile.

Wam also falls into this category, I've seen more effort from Wam in these first 5 pages then I think I saw from wam from D3 to endgame in Things I Like. I generally feel like Wam is actually digging here but the contrast from Things I Like bothers me considering he was town there despite looking hella scummy by play. I'm left wondering if he's overcompensating for a vulnerability he feels as scum!Wam
I have noticed this as well. Wam is one of those players who actually does often come across townier when they are mafia, so he is definitely someone I'm looking closely at right now.

vote: Xivii
What prompted you to naked vote here?

Laserguy - This place is scary. Hold my hand? Tell me how I should go about reading Bessie. FF is right in that the post he quoted was incredibly fluffy, but I don't have enough knowledge to understand if that's in character. How should I go about reading that slot? Can I also get you to weigh in and tell me where I should side with regard to Wam and Font?
bessie pinged me initially because she missed my secret townie handshake.

The fluffy posting is a bad sign for her though. She is a very analytical player and thinks very deeply about the game. She usually does not post very much, but her posts are very high quality.

fonti is probably the strongest scum player on the site (she may just be the strongest player overall because her Town game is great as well). I will probably be suspicious of her right up to the point that she either yeets mafia or flips Town. That said, I have a marginal Town lean on her at the moment as I was getting kind of a shady vibe from her for most of our last game (where she was mafia) that I am not getting here at this point.

Xivii's linked meta read on Wam fits well with my impressions of him. He tends to be quite lynchbaity as Town and somewhat less so as mafia.

Red Ryu - tone and questions being asked (my red ryu reads are very accurate)
Can you give me a bit more on this? RR is in my scum pool.

I will ask this on behalf of the spirit of BoomFrog... Why do you believe you can read fonti on tone? (That said, I actually kind of agree in principle with this read).

- not voting. interaction with ryker is strange
Why would you expect bessie to be voting at this stage? Do you agree with FF's assessment that bessie's content seems fluffy?

Wam - this is 100% scum Wam. He's being manipulative, he's invested, he's making his posts pretty (using capitalization and refraining from typos), and overall he's trying to take on the role of townie moving things forward. I posted wam's meta in the last game (Things I Like) and this is it.

Vote: Wam

I'd go either Sabrar or Wam. Sabrar is a harder battle though and Fonti and Frozen seem to also suspect wam.
I'm not sure if I agree on Sabrar but I haven't fleshed out my read on him particularly well. I agree about wam though.

Vote: wam


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Xivii's linked meta read on Wam fits well with my impressions of him. He tends to be quite lynchbaity as Town and somewhat less so as mafia.
I'm not sure if I agree on Sabrar but I haven't fleshed out my read on him particularly well. I agree about wam though.
Do you feel like there could be a contradiction here?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Alright I probably won’t catch up tonight, a buddy came over. I only read up to page 3.

So far, I’m liking Rykers content, I like Vicarions content, and I don’t like fosian and to a less extent red ryu. Everyone else is null. I think the push on Vicarion is gross and I’m wary of Red Ryu because of it. I find Ryker and Vicarion a argument to be TvT, I lean towards Vicarion as I believe Ryker is just hoping the setup can be broken to cut down on tone and effort, he’s hoping for an easy way out. However, I still would be down for a mass claim, but certainly not at the start of day 1. I will almost definitely be claiming before the end of the day. I don’t see Ryker as scum unless it’s a crazy gambit which I doubt he would do with something as blatant as mass claiming. I’m not voting now because I have no idea where the game is at but if the game was just past page 3 I’d vote fosian for non content posting.

Vicarion certainly does not deserve to be lynched for opposing a mass claim and I can only hope in the next pages Ryker calls his lynch off and starts throwing shade at the people who jumped on it.

My Wallace the jailer comment is a meta joke and someone else in this website can explain it
This is probably scum.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
Catch up page 7-9 present:

I hope he claims mason. Then I don't have to read him.
A setup with both an IC and masons seems incredibly broken to me.

I didn’t even pay attention to the color, I tend to ignore all the font colors in posts. And I do not copy text colors into my notes. How can you be certain only town roles are in blue?
It shouldn't be hard to guess the reason that I believe this to be the case. But color-coding alignments is standard here. Green is more conventionally Town though. I just find it odd that when you weren't sure if that was Malakandra's role or flavor, that you didn't consult your own role PM to check.

Vicarin and I had a lot of conflict over sash claiming in B99, and I know that some people playing this game have read B99 recently (somitomi has asked for that game, and LaserGuy thanked me for posting it and said he would be reading it). One of the games though where Vicarin and I really got in to it was Stellaris Mafia, which is not yet in the xkcd game archive. But Wam, somitomi, Laserguy, Xivii, and and Sabrar played that game, and Xivii has read it recently.
Vicarin was scum in B99 and Town in Stellaris so it seems kind of a wash to me.

LaserGuy LaserGuy It's getting lonely and I think Bessie here is jealous of the bond we share. Is this sort of green-eyed reaction scum coming after me or a townie unable to control their nastier base instincts?
I think bessie is scum for other reasons, but I don't think that her giving you a hard time for not answering her questions or engaging with her is AI.

Oh, the inno child and mother ****ing Ruy. Life really changed that man if I don't have a read on him on page seven.
What do you make of Xivii having a strong Townread on him already?

Frozen, though, may not actually be town. And Wam's scummy af.
Why the change of heart on Frozen?

And I used the same defense in Secret Santa as Town. You can ask bessie, wam or LaserGuy. It's NAI.
Which Secret Santa are you referring to?

Do you feel like there could be a contradiction here?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I didn't take any opportunity, I couldn't care less at that point who was voting you. Post hoc, not propter hoc.
That doesn't change the fact that Eido's question was coming from a town PoV.
"if one of my strong town reads is Revenant, it invalidates the hypothesis and I should treat all claims as null"
Nah, that's not what I said.
@Vicarin: any plans to reply to this?
@All This is what I mean by active lurking. Sabrar is trying to pursue content that can keep him posting but isn't particularly relevant to the game. bessie bessie what are your thoughts on this.
And I usually don't do it but Xivii's actions screamed Lyncher to me.
You're just trying to play unto Eido's suspicions about the Revenant thing.
I normally would say wam but I've got one town-ping from him this game and my first choice for lynch wants him dead. That's enough to make me reconsider. I have no specific scum-pings from others, I think Vic is town and so are you. Eido is doing well for a newbie, fonti is differently town than in previous scum-games. I have no idea where Xivii gets his locktown read on Ryu, if I had to choose someone else right now it would be him because he's done nothing useful this game. And on that note
Most likely 2 of these town reads are Sabrar's partners. #HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame this is for you in the future.

Got similar vibes to Sabrar with the third party thing about Xivii honestly.
Read Day 1 of Completely Vanilla.

If the alignments are randomized, then the roles cannot follow specific alignments. I have zero flavor knowledge and have not made any attempt to glean some, but I can imagine a variety of roles that could easily fit a character who is "ninja" archetype that is not actually the ninja role. Tracker, watcher, vig, roleblocker, etc. Or ninja could be a passive on some normal Town role if that character is Town. I don't think this is ever going to be a fruitful avenue to pursue. Even if they do happen to be mafia, this could just be coincidence.
That's fine. It was mostly just a hunch that I couldn't get out of my mind.
Can you give me a bit more on this? RR is in my scum pool.
I cannot.
I will ask this on behalf of the spirit of BoomFrog... Why do you believe you can read fonti on tone? (That said, I actually kind of agree in principle with this read).
I have no reason not to believe I can.
Why would you expect bessie to be voting at this stage? Do you agree with FF's assessment that bessie's content seems fluffy?
It was clear that Ryker was going to be her tunnel so I wasn't sure why she hadn't voted yet. If I recall from Things I Like, she was ready to vote Kary from page 1. And RVS didn't last long.

I'd rather lynch Sabrar than Wam.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Nah, that's not what I said.
In other words, if one of my strong town reads is Revenant, it invalidates the hypothesis and I should treat all claims as null. (This doesn't go both ways though. If a scum read claims Revenant, it doesn't confirm the hypothesis).
It is literally what you said. I just copied your quotes on two separate lines to make my point clearer.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
The one that you modded with PW and I spent the entire D1 memeing.
Okay... I can't say I remember you saying that specific comment in that game, but it's plausible from what I remember of your play. You were playing a very different style that game from anything I've seen from you before though.

I cannot.
Okay. Can you give me your 1-10 then?

I'd rather lynch Sabrar than Wam.
I'll get back to you on this one.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Okay. Can you give me your 1-10 then?
7.5 I just have a lot of experience with him and I've come to read him in a way that's difficult to articulate. It's like how an AI learns to distinguish things through machine learning, but no one can actually explain the steps it's using to get there.

That's your only comment?
I don't know what more you want from me, it's a silly argument.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
You're just trying to play unto Eido's suspicions about the Revenant thing.
Your timeline does not add up. I explain my reason in #228, Eido first brings up Revenant in #248.

I don't know what more you want from me,
To explain "Nah, that's not what I said."
What did you think I was implying? What was that you wanted to imply?
You don't get to walk away and just say it's a silly argument.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
“You and Me, let’s take this win.”

Vote Count 1.2:
Vicarin(2): Ryker, RedRyu,
RedRyu(1): FrozenFlame
Wam(2): Fontisian, Laserguy
Xivii(2): Sabrar
Sabrar(2): Eido, Xivii
Ryker(1): Bessie

Not Voting(4):
Vicarin, Somitomi, Maven89, Malakandra
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Xivii - first to post goes beyond

Malakandra - cleared

Red Ryu - tone and questions being asked (my red ryu reads are very accurate)

Fontisian - tone

FrozenFlame - tone/easygoingness, bringing up things that I was also thinking

Eido - scumhunting, questions sabrars after voting me indicating objectivity

LaserGuy - somi read, bessie push, reasoning seems solid (as compared to midnight where his reads on the first few pages didn't have any ground)

Somitomi - laser's read. easygoing vibe that appeared to be indicative of his town play last game. Made an intro post without reading, then went back to read. I think scum somi would have wanted to catch up before posting. Or he would have used the haven't ready yet excuse to further lurk.


Vicarin - too friendly opening; wasted time on mass claim thing, hasn't posted a single piece of content

Bessie - not voting. interaction with ryker is strange

Ryker - all for one. mass claim thing is weird. interaction with bessie is strange. interaction with vic is strange. im not really seeing direction here. innocent child = mafia being stacked line was strange.

Sabrar - 1. active lurking, seriously this is the same Sabrar as Sumting Sumting Mafia. He isn't doing anything. 2 Being too open with crumbing his role. This is opposed to Things I Like Sabrar where he provided no indication that he is a PR. This is similar to SS where he had a powerful vig claim as mafia and was able to just sit on it without really having to contribute much. 3. He's giving a play by play of where he's going to vote like he needs to lube things up before getting in there. Refraining from leaving a voting trail. Again this is Sumting Sumting Sarbar. This style also helps him keep his vote of his partner since it's established that he will not bus.

Wam - this is 100% scum Wam. He's being manipulative, he's invested, he's making his posts pretty (using capitalization and refraining from typos), and overall he's trying to take on the role of townie moving things forward. I posted wam's meta in the last game (Things I Like) and this is it.

Vote: Wam

I'd go either Sabrar or Wam. Sabrar is a harder battle though and Fonti and Frozen seem to also suspect wam.
Plays changed for 2 reasons. 1 I am trying a bit harder to come across better as lylo with me was doomed from day 1.

2 there are rl changes that mean I'm more awake when posting.

I hope he claims mason. Then I don't have to read him.
Not true easily have scum masons.

Sabrar seems different to things. I'm torn on if its scum different or town different.

I'm not seeing the xvii case?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Wam Wam help me lunch Sabrar. And for the record, masons is a term reserved specifically for town aligned players. Scum masons would be considered *******.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Wam Wam help me lunch Sabrar. And for the record, masons is a term reserved specifically for town aligned players. Scum masons would be considered *******.
I have history of that exact argument. Ask boomfrog!. Summary basically tracked him to the nk town still didnt believe me when I flipped town tracker and he won the game. So I get paranoid!


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Wam Wam help me lunch Sabrar. And for the record, masons is a term reserved specifically for town aligned players. Scum masons would be considered *******.
I'm thinking about sabrar will come back to you later.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
I feel Xivii is getting desperate if he wants wam's help to yeet me while he himself is voting wam. He's not even reacting to the points I made.

I'm not seeing the xvii case?
  • he wants flavor claim with an argument that makes no sense and for which there is no town-motivation
  • he lives in the moment and doesn't have progression from his past self. This is shown a) by him discarding entirely his page 1 read on bessie in favor of a 'not voting' sus (which he should know from Sumthing - that he likes to bring up - is not relevant) and b) by not remembering what his earlier stance on the claiming was.
  • he misrepresents my attack on him by wanting to get favors with Eido (wrong because timeline). Also Malak independently had the same suspicion as me and because of that this should be taken as a legit read. However he's not acknowledging that, he treats Malak gently because he's confirmed but he's attributing malice to me.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Vote xivii

I havent seen a case that thourpigh my sabrar day 1 as town for a long time. So I'm convinced 1 of them is scum. Good news if XV flips scum sabrar is town.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
“You and Me, let’s take this win.”

Vote Count 1.2:
Vicarin(2): Ryker, RedRyu,
RedRyu(1): FrozenFlame
Wam(3): Xivii, Fontisian, Laserguy
Xivii(2): Sabrar
Sabrar(1): Eido
Ryker(1): Bessie

Not Voting(4):
Vicarin, Somitomi, Maven89, Malakandra
I'm on Sabrar I believe.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
To clarify, that post is hella grody. However, Maven always looks hella grody to me because Maven is almost always caught in a time warp from six pages back.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
What do you make of Xivii having a strong Townread on him already?
Xivii's process of gathering reads is very different from mine. He and I both are willing to read based off of town, but I mostly do that when I have another player online responding to me in real time. I'm much less willing to hand them out wily nily. It's not outside his wheelhouse to put down reads like that this early. He also is more than willing to change his reads at the drop of a hat, so I'm fine with the entirety of his read list atm.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2020
Me too. And with Sabby hinting at it, I want to see a claim. Especially since I claim Town Mason.
1. I asked you not to call me Sabby. Did you even read that?
2. I already showed my power you just have to know where to look.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2020
Also, it's just weird that he decided to pick on me "active lurking" when I was just straight up lurking. Like, did he see a post that made him think of me? Why was I even someone he was thinking about? The most likely scenario is that he had to go back over the massclaim posts when he was asked which people specifically he disliked, and that led him to see my posts again, which in turn led him to notice my lack of content. That's moderately scummy, actually, because it meant Wam had to refresh himself on the thread to figure out his suspects and didn't already have some thoughts on specific people being scummy in mind when he made that "scum could be using the massclaim talk" post. I may not be explaining this well, if you don't get it, ping me and I'll try again.
This part looks unclear to me. Can you re-write this? You seem to know Wam well.

Sabrar Sabrar Are you able to talk about why you held your vote for as long as you did? One other thing:

Because that was what could be 'disproved' without any additional legwork.
Why did you need to disprove it? Particularly at someone who is a top suspect of yours.

So I had the same thinking initially as you and Malakandra about Xivii's search for Revenant. I'm into Apex lore and there are storylines that could fit.

But Xivii replied saying he could just be more subtle about it. That makes sense right now.

LaserGuy LaserGuy The above is what caused me to naked vote Xivii ^

Wam Wam Thoughts on Fonti's words about you the last page? Do you know her well?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Why do you bother making reads on the first page if you're not going to stick to them 2 days later?

That's how mafia is played, Sabby. Being afraid to change your reads is a thing scum do because they're scared of how it looks. Town are more concerned with making sure their opinions trend toward correct.
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