Smash 64 has reached 154 entrants!
New York: Troyfullbuster (Goku), e.e.k., TMJ Lewith, STB | HectoHertz, Horbie, keeff, Blackjack, Hope, Andrewajt62, Face, Fez, Suarez, Catastrophe, sunnyb, Koroshiyo | Czar, TAG3913, Koroshiyo | Skyfire, Koroshiyo | KeroKeroppi, Caveman, Jank, Ssgiants27, Asylum, Firo, Stranded@UrGirlsHouse, Babyslayer, Na-Insoo, Koroshiyo | Maliki
New Jersey: Four, MGFC Chain-Ace, Zenith|KoRo?, Kabal, Cobrevolution, weedwack, TMJ Pachter, DFX, Bird↑, Justice For Persona, Melee Hell | Joefz2, ibelieve, Melee Hell | Shaark, Sir Frederick, Heemlo, smash jesus, LampGoron
Canada: Fine Yoshi Pie, tR3g The Z, JMF pidgezero_one, Nikademiks, BunMe, NugS, Cemo, YBOMBB, Revan, Warchamp7, Snorlax, Thord, DatRubberDuck, AB_Limeee, SuPeRbOoMfAn
Illinois: Annex, KnitePhox, Cosmo, Smallsquatch, battlecow, Combo Blaze, I LOVE SMASH, bloodpeach, Altra, joeisfatal
California: Kyle Tree, Connor Asada, Tmakk, LAS | SotoH, LAS | Madrush21, LAS | Wookiee, LAS | Hero pie, eggmode, PLG | Mr baninawi, Tetsu0
Pennsylvania: dota_box, Filet, Napkins, Loafboy, THE_MAAFIA, Spikytorn, Breakthrough, vlush, amarks815, alexmon27
Florida: MrMarbles, MattNF, greginator, Monkey, COG | Wizzrobe, Alt$, Altsizzle
Connecticut: Fireblaster, Miggs, Treborok, Killer, OWN YOUR MAMA, Pikaboy2k
Virginia: MOR | ChuDat, clubbadubba, CheezyPhil, Launchy, Justin
Texas: bowl, Beesy, mandino, tacos, DJ Fliphop
Maryland: Shears, Bark Sanchez, TTP, DarkHorse, Fox
North Carolina: lord narwhal, Dr. Iampy, Sedda, kaylumsey, Kong199123
Brazil: Dindro, Aisengobay, MVG | Banze, CabeLo
Massachusetts: Apparition, Squible, Glory, Thoraxe the Impaler
Michigan: Andykins, Will, McBlunderson
New Hampshire: Yunque, Splinter, Yoonzee
Wisconsin: Zeppelin, TLO
Minnesota: d.LENS, Bur
Ohio: OG Kain, 86
Mexico: XTR | JaimeHR, Mariguas
Puerto Rico: ET | Tawkos, Kratos_Galileo
Kentucky: Amida
Tennessee: ArdentRage
West Virginia: Garm
Oregon: Tom Bombadil
Nevada: TR3G | Hipstur
United Kingdom: Jam
Norway: Jonnis
Chile: Shalaka