Switching rule sets buffs/nerfs match ups compared to other rule sets...
When ICs vs MK is bad on Fregate/Delfino then thats your problem, just like DK is bad vs DDD on every stage. We dont say "Lets ban picking DDD vs DK".
No, you're just banning let the opponent have no option of switching from DK T.T
If my problem is getting screwed over by this rule set then yes it is, so let me deal with it right here.
Mastering more than one stage is a equivalent skill to mastering characters, how it should be.
It is what makes Smash unique, the Stages.
I agree, having a mastery of different stages is a great skill to have. However some characters are just inherently better/worse to an extent where we have bans so that the effect of the counter pick is turned down. You aren't adding the skill of using stages, you're just taking away the skill of using multiple characters.
This ruleset should strengthen that, you can either choose to stick to one chara and mastering all stages & MUs with it OR mastering multiple Charas.
The rule set doesn't strengthen it at all, or should you be punished for being able to play multiple characters and stages. Here's an analogy.
We're in a fight, you have a gun, and I have a glass of water. Sure it takes way more skill to use that glass of water but at the same time the person with a gun has such a large advantage that you're taking away skill required to win. With character/stage combinations is a vastly wider variety of scenarios to be able use.
In your example it could be like this:
ICs vs MK first match on CS or something.
Then the MK can pick Delfino / Fregate. But he could also pick Snake and they go to CS again. (Lets assume Snake counters ICs just for the sake of an example)
Then the ICs can either go to FD (If he prefers that) OR he could change the character.
So in other words you have a large counter pick when you lose... See above.
MK is in BOTH systems the ultimate safe choice, no matter what ruleset you have.
He is safe, but he is much much safer now that you are character locked, whoy would I bother playing Falco? I'll just get counter picked by Ics/Pikachu. Mk had no bad matchups before but why pick any character with a bad matchup when I know I'll just lose game 2.
I know that this system puts quite a big favor on Game 1, but thats not a problem, you have to see the set as a whole.
If you lose the first Match, thats your fault.
I see the set as game one right now, why? Because game 1 gives the victor a huge advantage that is extremely hard to come back from. There is no set here, just game one. People lose game one all the time and come back because they are able to adapt. Adapting is what makes brawl. Adapting is reads, getting through walls, learning you're opponents play style. This rule set destroys all of that and will literally kill brawl as we know it. The only characters you will see is MK, Marth, Diddy, and maybe Olimar. A set shouldn't just be game one.