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I don't.attack on titan (who doesn't enjoy this?)
LOOOOL congratulations for being the first person I've ever known to NOT like attack on Titan! XDDI don't.
Oh damn lol that's a shame... ;-;![]()
The gore is stupidly gross and over-the-top, yet the show takes itself seriously.LOOOOL congratulations for being the first person I've ever known to NOT like attack on Titan! XDD
(...How comes anyway? I'm curious!)
I'm watching One Punch Man, Noragami, and Sakurako-san this season.Oh damn lol that's a shame... ;-;
Never mind though, what kind of stuff do you like then? ^^
Awwwh, don't say that! Real men watch clannad anywaysIn essence, I'm a piece of weeb trash
Awwwh, don't say that! Real men watch clannad anyways![]()
Speaking of clannad, could you imagine ibuki fuko to be a skin/costume for rosalina? She'd rock the starfish man, and her dash attack will involve her tumbling over hahaha xD
You prepare like any one should, watch with your pillows of choice and an gallon of ice cream.I've also heard that after story is just a train wreck of feels and emotions so I don't even know how I feel about that 0.0
You got this. Honestly, I wasn't able to cry (I have no heart, I know) during Clannad at all because all the people telling me I would cry my eyes out made me think I would but I didn'tI've also heard that after story is just a train wreck of feels and emotions so I don't even know how I feel about that 0.0
Cool Choice I finish Brotherhood which is one of the best anime series I ever seen I do think Brotherhood is way better than original what about you? in One Piece I'm in Enies Lobby arc Luffy Vs Lucci Cool Battle I might watch Fairy Tail in the future I heard that is good and DBZ I lost count how many time I watched I can count this one cuz I'm watching DBZ Kai What is your Favorite Saga?Top 5 anime? Mine are Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fairy Tail, and Darker Than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha.
Probably cliche answers but I gots a personal reason to like 'em all, I swear.
I agree, Brotherhood is better overall but the original still has it's moments where it stands out and is better than Brotherhood. Like the whole Nina thingCool Choice I finish Brotherhood which is one of the best anime series I ever seen I do think Brotherhood is way better than original what about you?
Luffy vs. Lucci is the gr8est anime battle, in my opinion. I'd also recommend Fairy Tail cause it's one of those 'feel good' animes, I guess? It has a lot of flaws and borrows a lot of things from One Piece but it's just a fun show to enjoy with friends.in One Piece I'm in Enies Lobby arc Luffy Vs Lucci Cool Battle I might watch Fairy Tail in the future I heard that is good
Dbz is my favorite anime, has been since I was a young, young, toddler, my favorite saga is the Android Saga just because it let's all of the Z-Fighters have their moment to shine, before everything was all 'Super Saiyan this and Super Saiyan that'.and DBZ I lost count how many time I watched I can count this one cuz I'm watching DBZ Kai What is your Favorite Saga?
*Cue "Suizen Reika ~komusou~" by Ishii Kouji from the Darker Than Black -Gemini of the Meteor- Original Soundtrack*Top 5 anime? Mine are Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Fairy Tail, and Darker Than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha.
Probably cliche answers but I gots a personal reason to like 'em all, I swear.
*Cue "Suizen Reika ~komusou~" by Ishii Kouji from the Darker Than Black -Gemini of the Meteor- Original Soundtrack*
Of the 5 animes you've mentioned, the emphasized one is the only one that I'm confident to say would NOT be considered cliche, for it's probably the most intelligently grounded series out of those 5 mentioned. Well, as grounded as you can get with rational-minded Contractors, whose superpowers can actually have significant prices to pay for using them (even in the middle of heated battles, which HAVE been shown to actively get in their way enough to lead to openings that get punished!), which helps make its numerous battles loaded with crafty strategies. Series like DtB are among my go-to examples for how prices for superpowers, including their direct impact on the users' performances in battles and other settings, should be handled in any story featuring them, since it adds weight, tension, and even the possibility that legitimately believable losses could actually happen to folks (both villains and even heroes!) to the fights.
Its setting, much like the Contractors' powers and how they use them, is also (darkly) creative, most notably with what the stars in that universe's sky REALLY mean....
Also, DtB's OSTs (both the orignal & GotM, and even the Gaiden OVAs), to this day, still get a surprising amount of airtime in my playlist. Among the most frequent are:
Original (Yoko Kanno~): Highheel Runaway,
Water Forest (One of the greatest Ep Preview songs I've ever had the honor of hearing, ESPECIALLY because of the utterly philosophical-sounding narrator that profoundly BASKS in the spotlight of the majority of them, much like how Rika Furude/Tamura Yukari OWNED the Ep Previews for Higurashi Season 1),
Night Cruise,
abingdon boys school's "HOWLING" >:3
Thank you DtB, for having introduced me to the wondrously manly band that which is abingdon boys school, who have then gone on to bring us "STRENGTH." (Soul Eater's 4th ED), the peppy hype Sengoku Basara OP Single (including its remix, which is the B-Side of the next release that's tied to a certain potentially really hard to talk about anime that's smothered with Harsher In Hindsight, due to a certain real life disaster, the devastation from which is likely still lingering to this day), and their most personally/globally hard-hitting/feels-generating single, "Kimi no Uta", the OP for Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
*Takes a HUGE breath for having brought THAT series up* To be frank, it's really because of its association with the most globally important anime of Summer 2009 (In terms of how close it is to real life, how much flak one will probably get for DARING to speak lightly of its subject matter, and the intentionally incredibly high levels of serious impact that the creators wanted it to have, I'd put it in the same league as Grave of the Fireflies (which is my absolute most favorite Studio Ghibli film, above Only Yesterday/Omohide Poroporo at 2nd place and even Princess Mononoke at 3rd place, which MIGHT say something quite profound about me....) and Now and Then, Here and There, which are almost 10 years apart from each other in regards to release dates) that I find myself REALLY hesitating to publicly speak of that song, even for praising it.
Anyways, to bring the heavy air back down to how it was earlier, next song! Rie fu's "Tsuki Akari" (which trumps her performance for Bleach's 1st ED by a LONG shot! >:D)
Antic Cafe's whole 2 song album from their OP2 Single (both the actual OP2, "Kakusei Heroism ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~", and its B-Side, "Respect Mami ~Hito no Yaku Tatereba Ii Jibun no Toku na Koto de~") :3
HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR's "Mushroom" from their ED2 Single album "Dreams" (IMO, "Mushroom" is THEE song to do the Caramelldansen to, among a whole host of other dances. ;3)
GotM/Ryuusei no Gemini (Ishii Kouji, who, IMO, was able to admirably rise to the standards that Yoko Kanno set for this series): Savage Dog Cerberus (being amain with an aggressive rushdown style, it'd only be natural that I'd make use of this. :3 Though I've yet to actually use it.... Maybe when the Cloud boards get around to talking about DH, perhaps??),
Galaxy Train,
Suizen Reika ~komusou~ (Much like Water Forest, the Ep Previews were also among the highlights for this song, and skipping to the 01:52 mark of it is how you'll find the Ep Preview sections of it, and much like in Season 1, the narrators for this section SOLD this song with its profoundly philosophical remarks, though its more... emotionally tinged than it was in S1, perhaps due to Suou being the main focus of GotM, which I ADORED),
Yahweh's Forest,
and Stereopony's Tsukiakari no Michishirube (aka Moonlight Guidepost). Sorry abingdon, but your ED here pales in comparison to most of your other songs, including your 1st OP for the original DtB and Soul Eater's 4th ED (which came out before Gemini, right? If so....).
Gaiden OVAs: Morning Dew, Funny Trial, & The National Flower's Mist.
NGE is overhyped imoAnd because I love to cause more discussion... Dishonourable Mentions: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Another, The Haruhi Suzumiya series, Attack on Titan, and Clannad (not After Story) were not even close to as good as people say they are imo. (COME AT ME)
Is K-On any good, I've debated watching it but it sems a little pointless in some respects, like, generic moe-**** anime.I'm a closeted anime fan; I'm not all that eager to tell people in real life I watch it, mostly because of the kinds of perceptions that some people have about it and its fans. I know that's kind of silly, but I don't know that I have the patience or guts to defend it, so I usually just don't bring it up.
As for my favorite shows:
I mostly like simple slice of life stuff (Non Non Biyori Repeat is my current favorite), but I watch other stuff from time to time too. I'm looking forward to the new Digimon thing, since I've enjoyed watching the Digimon TV shows.
- Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (2009)
- Sketchbook ~full color's~ (2007)
- GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class (2009)
- Bamboo Blade (2007)
- Cardcaptor Sakura (1998)
- K-On! (2009)/K-On!! (2010)
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2006)
- Princess Tutu (2002)
- Non Non Biyori (2013)/Non Non Biyori Repeat (2015)
I should probably also mention Clannad, since that's where my signature quote is from.
*Cue "Kakusei Heroism ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~" by Antic Cafe from the Darker Than Black OP2 Single, which I have been rocking out to for a LONG while (I'm talking for a couple hours in a row here~ 8O), over the course of a few days now, due to a VERY special fan script involving that song and my ambitiously-in-perpetual-development fic series, Shimmering Eyes, that I'm VERY pleased to showcase here tonight~* 8D
*Cue "Kakusei Heroism ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~" by Antic Cafe from the Darker Than Black OP2 Single*
In the interest of sparking some sort of activity here, I would like to share a fan anime opening music video script for my ambitiously-in-perpetual-development (fan)fic series, Shimmering Eyes, that I recently wrote up earlier this week, using the above bumped up song as the audio basis for the fan opening. I personally LOVE writing up these sort of sequences, but this is the first one that I've actually managed to completely finish.
Before I begin, I would like to warn you that, as the very name of the (fan)fic series might imply, there will definitely be a solid focus on a certain E-Sports friendly liquid, which a considerable amount of the cast of Shimmering Eyes will invoke for the effects of sympathetically defensive moe and even hot-blooded offensive strength.
<Kehtas the male orangewith blue suede shoes> What Splooshi's trying to say here, in other words, is that me and my buddies are going to be crying an awful lot during this OP, so if the teary-eyed text imageries of me, my Animal Buddies, and a Waddle Dee brandishing the Shimmering and even Raining Eyes for various reasons are going to bother you, there is still time to back out of the rest of this post.
<RL Me> You just namedropped the Shimmering and Raining Eyes without explaining what those mean. Care to elaborate for the audience who don't have access to my Jarte rich text files?
<Kehtas> Sure~ ¦D Just make sure to provide the example images when I ask for them, OK?
<RL Me> Already got 'eem~
<Kehtas> Wonderful. ¦) Now then, this is an example of the Shimmering Eyes:
<Kehtas> And this is an example of the Raining Eyes:
<Kehtas> These photos should be enough to answer your question, Splooshi.
<RL Me> I would like to think so, myself. Thanks. :D
<Kehtas> You're welcome. =)
<RL Me> Now then, for those of you who are still here after the warning and photos as terminology exposition, allow me to finally share that fan anime opening script here:
*Cue the TV Size version of "Kakusei Heroism ~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~" by Antic Cafe from the Darker Than Black OP2 Single*
Which is located in the Spoiler below:
*NOTE: Syndicate's English fansubs were used for the translation to this, the lyrics from which will be provided after almost every time stamp, including both that fansub's english translation & the original romaji included in that fansub.*
*NOTE 2: While I've taken as much care as I could to keep certain aspects accurate to how they actually work in the series, I've still taken some liberties at certain points, since there ARE anime openings that depict events that never actually HAPPEN IN the show, such as the Last Exile OP. X3*
OP Start:
*Cue footage of a dazzling quick-traveling sequence through the caverns of Onion Ocean, fueled by actively running waters, that alternates between going above and under water at various points*
"Saikou gasu wo buchiyabure"~
"Slam the gas pedal to the floor."~
<Kehtas the male orangewith blue suede shoes appearing as a Rainbow Curse styled submarine, with Kowi the cerise colored Chuchu-styled female Octopus (with twin pumpkin colored bows) and Yait the jungle green colored Kine-styled Sunfish appearing as they normally are> *All dramatically swim downwards as they graze past a whole seabed's worth of bubble-encased mines fired from Crabbos*
<A Horde of Green Blippers> *Attempt to chase the Trio through the bubbled minefield, only for a bunch of them to literally get blown up by the mines*
"Minareta keshike wo kegashi--
"Pollute the view you see every day."~
<The Remaining Green Blitter Horde> *Continue to chase the Trio!*
<Kehtas, Kowi, & Yait> *Physically split up from each other upon reaching a forward dead end with three possible directions (left, right, and up), with each taking a path almost of their own (Kehtas goes left, while Yait & Kowi go right), yet they don't REALLY commit to traveling down either path just yet...*
<Kehtas> *Deliberately starts generating LOADS of bubbles with his rotors towards the junction!*
<Yait> *Encases Kowi in a large air bubble that travels upwards, then blows more large bubbles in front of her to support Kehtas's bubble collection*
<Kowi> *Grins while narrowing her eyes at the approaching Blitters and smugly waving her arms towards herself, beckoning their attention*
"Sekai ga gyaku ni kaiten suru~"
"The world's changing, so why shouldn't you?"~
<The Remaining Green Blitter Horde> *Swim headstrong into the bubbles, recalling too late that there was a solid wall beyond the bubbles, their rushing zeal being what makes them crash into that wall face-first*
<Kowi> *While still encased in the bubble, gapes far ahead of both the left and right paths, spotting giant holes at the ends of both paths, which turn out to be housing giant eels that are NOW LUNGING towards Kehtas & Yait, ALARMING her abruptly enough to widen her eyes in shock as she fearfully rallies for the duo's attention with her cries while frantically motioning her arms upwards!*
"Nichijou wo tobikoe~"
"Break free of your normal life."~
<Kehtas & Yait> *Upon hearing Kowi's harried cries, are shaken out of their bubble-blowing stupor, and immediately look up at their frantically waving companion and the upper opening, where they RACE towards with enough speed to not only escape the giant eels' gulps (causing them to inadvertently collide with each other while their mouths were open, spooking and sparing the Remaining Green Blitter Horde!), but also pop the bubble that Kowi was encased in upon actually reaching her!*
*Title card of the name of the series, "Shimmering Eyes", bubbly pops up from the bottommost side of the screen, along with the subtitle, "The Bubble Bursting Chapter", and said text stays at the bottommost side, keeping the delightfully swimming Trio well within focus at more than just the top half of the screen*
"Oshioseteku fuan ga mada kutsuu wo umidashi--
"Feel the constant, painful sense of apprehension."~
Wriss (the fully carrot orange colored Rick-styled Hamster with dodger blue suede shoes), Teyin (the fully dark orange colored Nago-styled Cat), and Sirt (the azure colored Coo-styled Owl) are all overlooking the splendor of the ocean under the yellow Mr. Bright-lit night, when the Trio from earlier (Kehtas, Yait, and Kowi) all wash up ashore, presumably unconscious, before their very eyes!
Tobe (the robin egg blue Pitch-styled Bird) runs towards the scene from the left side of the beach, right on time to witness JUST the sight of the Animal Trio crowding over the sunfish, octopus, and Batamon, prompting him to anxiously call out to the Trio, which greatly shocks them all to the point of their eyes shimmering with tears of worry, especially Sirt!
"Nigetai hodo tsurai toki mo keshi--
te hitori ja naieee~"
"I know I'm not the only one who wants to run from his pain."~
<Kowi> *Awakens quietly until she tries to move her arms, the unexpected aches from which jolt her wide awake with strained wails, leading to her eyes welling with tears!*
<Teyin> *Squeezes the Batamon's sides, intending to eject any liquids he may have injested*
<Wriss> *Horizontally lies down to physically line up with the sunfish and gathers his breath before exhaling said breath inside the sunfish's mouth*
<Sirt> *Tearfully flies towards Tobe, who's now flying towards his friends as quickly as he can, and cries out to him, symbolized by a shaky speech bubble (looming at the top part of the screen, above everyone in the scene) containing the line, "We vow to you on our Shimmering Eyes....!"*
"Yasashiku tsutsumikomu kaze ga tatakau yuuki~"
"The gentle breeze gives me the strength to fight on,"~
<Tobe> *With Kehtas holding onto his talons, flaps his wings with a bit more speed than usual to safely descend onto the wooden pier*
<Mote the turquoise Waddle Dee with a teal bandanna> ^^ *Waves at the duo who just arrived*
<Kehtas> *Lets go of Tobe's talons upon his feet reaching the road, and soon after letting go, feels Tobe resting atop of his head for a bit* :o
<Mote> *Giggles upon such a sight*
"Majiri kusuo ga~"
"As fantasy melds into reality."~
<Tobe> *Just as quickly as he briefly respited atop of Kehtas, he departs upwards into the blue sky with a few clouds here & there*
<Mote> *Cheerfully waves good-bye to the soaring Tobe*
<Kehtas's 1st Person POV> *While waving good-bye to the departing Tobe, he delusionally imagines a light pink Batamon with a tuft of hair on the forehead, cat-like ears, and a straw hat with a blue ring in the middle of it, gracefully floating down from the sky with open arms, eyes, and mouth....*
((AKA,after copying
's ability))
"genjitsu ni kawaru~"
"As fantasy melds into reality."~
... Only for said imaginary Batamon to LITERALLY go up in smoke as a sneakily intrusive Wheelie (with a bright red covering) deliberately emits ACTUAL smoke from its exhaust pipes pointed towards the imaginary Batamon.... and a return to the 3rd Person Perspective as both Kehtas & Mote become covered in that smoke as well, causing them to cough (just Kehtas, really??) with their flippers in front of their mouths, also making their closed eyes reflexively shimmer*
"Saikou gasu wo buchiyabure"~
"Slam the gas pedal to the floor."~
<Kehtas & Mote> *Rather than draining their stamina by attempting to give chase to the Wheelie that is CLEARLY racing circles around them, they hold their ground while standing back-to-back, ADAMANTLY REFUSING to wipe away ANY of their free-flowing tears, which allows them to INTENSELY focus on WHERE the Wheelie currently is AND is going to be at!*
"Minareta keshike wo kegashi--
"Pollute the view you see every day."~
*Camera Angle switches to a 1st person view from both of their perspectives, changing to the other as the Wheelie races out of sight of one of them, whose visions are DEFINITELY blurry from the tears still nestling in their eyes, yet are able to actually keep up with the Wheelie's movements (when within their viewpoints, that is)!*
"Sekai ga gyaku ni kaiten suru~"
"The world's changing, so why shouldn't you?"~
<Wheelie> *FINALLY drives towards Mote!*
<Mote> *Grasps Kehtas's left flipper with her right flipper, allowing her to keep facing the Wheelie charging towards her as she makes a daring leap towards the Wheelie, with Kehtas in flipper behind her!*
<Kehtas> *Is completely caught off-guard by her sudden jump timing, causing him to panic scream aloud as he is lifted into the air by Mote!*
"Nichijou wo tobikoe~"
"Break free of your normal life~"
<Mote> *Lands on the Wheelie's covering, feet-first, and then firmly seats herself & grabs the left handle with her left flipper before letting go of Kehtas to grab the right handle*
<Kehtas> *Lands on top of Mote's head, head-first, and then tightly clings onto the tied back portion of her bandanna for dear life, as his whole body is helplessly flopping about in the air!*
<Mote & Kehtas> *Both leave a stream of tears in their wake as they drive down the wooden pier on the Wheelie!*
"Noore no karada to sono subete wo~"
"Your body, your mind, and all that you are"~
*Camera switches to a horizontal semi-close-up of Wriss late at night, sitting at his desk with various open books at his sides and a jumbled collection of seemingly random thought bubbles floating around in the air around him, containing both visuals and words hovering over his head, as he bewilderingly frowns with his head facing down at what APPEARS to be a written report with several sentences already written on it, which he moves onto one of the open books.*
His frown gradually flips upside down as he sheds tears onto the desk itself, which is also when the hovering thought bubbles begin to connect and fuse with each other to form a coherent mental image with complete sentences.
"Sonzai igai was sasenai~"
"cannot free you from your existence."~
*Camera switches to Teyin bartending at Steins;Keep, where he is mournfully gazing at a teary-eyed turquoise Waddle Dee with a teal bandanna (a female named Mote), who was shakily ABOUT to absorb ((Thanks anime, for showing off how Waddle Dees consume food & drink~ XD)) a non-alcoholic cocktail called Cinderella (orange + lemon + pineapple juices + ice), only to regretfully put down the glass to the side and climb atop of the counter to firmly hug Teyin (who hugs her back), the both of them now openly weeping*
"Sora wo tobenakatta nagai hiyou wa sekai wo miryou suru~"
"Those long days of halted flight throw your worthless life into sharp relief."~
*Camera switches to Sirt carefully tending to one of Tobe's wings (atop of a palm tree at a beach near thee Onion Ocean with a long, straight, and thin top that can serve as a platform), which Tobe forlornly stares at with Shimmering Eyes of nervousness as Sirt tests its movement ranges. Upon making certain movements with Tobe's wing, Sirt empathetically winces as sudden jolts of pain are triggered within Tobe, causing him to yelp aloud as his eyes transition from Shimmering to Raining!*
<Sirt> *With Shimmering Eyes of his own (due to empathetically hearing Tobe's pained yelps that he technically DID cause to an extent) and a determined look of concern, he positions his own wings at ground level, so Tobe can walk on top of them, and then he lifts him up onto the top of his own head*
<Tobe> *Sports a strained smile as he lets his tears trickle down his cheeks without wiping away any of them, as he hangs onto Sirt with his good wing*
01:26 to 01:29 (THE END)
*Camera angle pans upwards as Sirt cautiously soars into the early moonlit distance with Tobe atop his head*
I like K-On! a bunch, especially the second season and movie. I know the series gets some flack for being pandering moe fluff, but I thought it was fine and really didn't pander to otaku as much as some have suggested. There's not really much "fanservice" at all, for example, especially compared to something like Love Live!. And the second season has some pretty heartwarming stuff that I personally really enjoyed.Is K-On any good, I've debated watching it but it sems a little pointless in some respects, like, generic moe-**** anime.
I don't know about best, but it was a really good series. I read it a while back and I loved it. I think things like JoJo are exactly what anime today is missing.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is the best anime ever, no contest.
Fight me weebs :^)