In any case, from a 'game design' point of view, having no completely hidden stats is actually often pretty bad. if a player knows this then it reduces the amount of fun. Take a first person shooter. A carbine might shoot just slightly faster than an assault rifle but then the carbine may be just slightly less accurate. A player who knows this who is good with accuracy will then just pick the carbine and go nuts. It changes the way players play and this can be to a game's detriment. I can't say I think it's a great thing that a Ganondorf will pretty much always lose to a meta knight (at top level play), although to be fair this was worked out by the players. There are exceptions but still, even competitively it just reduces variety between, for instance, characters you will see and verse (in the case of brawl) or guns you will be shot at with, etc etc.
This is a ridiculously stupid argument because a weapon's stats can be easily tested and found out, and they generally are in all games, and in a lot of games they do in fact just straight up tell you the stats. This is absolutely nothing like a ****ing level stat you have to grind to be perfect that has a few weird rules to it and can't be seen and thus is hard to measure unless you start from level 1, and online guide, and some paper to write down your ****in' ev's.
Not only that, but you're saying players being ignorant to which gun is better means it kills variety, meaning it is a detriment? What the ****? Welcome to EVERY COMPETITIVE GAME UNDER THE SUN.
If you know exactly how long it will take you to level from one to another assuming you just grind, you're probably not going to play that game for very long. Part of the challenge is working these things out for yourself.
You shouldn't have to grind. There is no challenge in grinding.
What the **** is wrong with you.
Also in pokemon your hidden element to game wasn't your stats, it was your enemy's stats.
I like how now you're trying to make your defense of hidden **** even more vague when I already said it's ok for certain things to not be as explicit, although in the case of pokemon enemies, hiding the stats is one hell of a ****ing arbitrary way of making the game harder.
Yeah you may have a rough idea that fire blast is pretty powerful but back when red and blue were released, you had the stats but you didn't even know what the power modifier on any given attack was DOING to your actual attack. Maybe your attack didn't come in to it at all. These were things I wondered as a kid and had a lot of fun just having the vague idea in my head with.
Being unable to get a good idea of how much damage you can reliably do is an awful idea. Don't ever bring this kind of **** up and expect to be taken seriously.
Also i'd like to point out that you can discredit what I say about the community but in essence its the people that play a game that determine what is good game design and bad game design. It's the audience that developers need to cater to, not just themselves.
This is a ridiculous statement. So, according to that, how large the audience is means that it's well designed. I guess with that being said Jack and Jill was a better movie than anything that didn't do as well as it did. I guess Skyrim is really well designed. I could keep going but I'm not going to.
I'd love for you to show me the sources, exact ****ing sources, for these "design textbooks and courses", especially seeing how I can't really take them seriously because there are zero majorly respected schools for game design. Also, you realize they largely teach you the nuts and bolts of how to make a game over actual design philosophy, right? That's kinda why Egoraptor manages to point out **** most people PAID TO ****ING DO DON'T SEEM TO NOTICE.
Seriously **** you for taking this much of my time, your arguments are so weak it's not even funny.
I'm gonna repeat this again:
Hidden stats that affect outside factors can be good for a game, like for random stuff, thus creating new scenarios for replay value. Hidden stats that are constant and are a must to know are ****ing ridiculous, the fact that such a thing was never fixed bugs the hell out of me.
And stop ****ing confusing the devs not giving you a tutorial on everything ever for INVISIBLE STATS YOU CAN'T SEE AND MOST LIKELY WOULD NEVER NOTICE being a huge part of the competitive metagame.
Stop arguing with me til you can actually make me at least kinda think before I answer, this is stupid.
Also lol@ Dre. Yeah make personal statements against me because your argument failed and now Teran is ****ting on you as well. Look at me, being so irrational and depressed, weeeeee.