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An In-Depth Guide to Advancing as a Diddy Main


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
If you plan on playing at the top level of Brawl as a Diddy main, you MUST utilize every tool at your disposal. That is the purpose of this guide, not to teach you spacing, or how to mindgame an opponent without fail. This is just a guide to the tools which will eventually allow you to do so.

Remember, practice makes perfect. You're not going to pick up this game and master all of these things in a day. That's not how life works.

Stage one: the Newcomer-

"How to Glidetossing? Wut's a character specific board? I BEAT MY FREND ALL THE TIME I'M THE BEST."

Little to no movement aside from direct reactions to attacks
Often rolls instead of glidetossing, due to a deficiency of tech-skill
Rolls behind opponents VERY often
Sometimes uses laggy aerials to grab bananas
Does not comprehend momentum
Incapable of controlling matches.
Believes Diddy is the single most difficult character to kill with
Nonaner, or uses one naner. Rarely if ever uses two
Rarely in full control of the one banana they use
Has yet to master the Barrel recovery
Falco is cheap

How/what to train:
Everything, every way. Well, to be more specific, the basics. Practice Glidetossing, a LOT. This is your bread and butter. Practice catching bananas only using z or airdodge (airdodge into the stage, of course, not when they're on platforms!) Remember, rolling isn't the solution to everything.
Remember, you're newer to this game than most of your opponents at the tourney scene. Be patient. The sky's the limit with Diddy, through hard work and determination, you'll be at the top in no time!

So, to sum it up, practice
NOT rolling
Spacing Diddy Hump

No Wii/Brawl available? Well, do you have a Gamecube controller? Practice Dashdancing, for starters. Next practice the inputs for Glidetossing, moving your hands as fast as possible. You'll eventually master the timing, but what you're building up for now is the sheer muscle memory and dexterity required to do so.

Stage Two: Your first tournament-

"Glidetossing is so nifty! ^^ I love the character specific boards., the Diddy boards have helped my game tons! I rarely lose to my friends, but I still know I've got quite a ways to improve o.o"

Decent amounts of movement, both thought out and instinctive
Rarely rolls instead of Glidetossing
Still rolls behind opponents quite often, but sometimes correctly
Understands momentum but still can't really do anything with this newfound understanding
Still believes Diddy is the single most difficult character to kill with
Mostly uses one naner, but sometimes experiments with two
Often times loses control of bananas
Hates floaties, has match-up experience against their best friend

How/what to train:
Again, everything. You're intermediate at all, a master of none. Keep practicing that Glidetossing, you're almost there.
From here out, you'll be learning the faster things. Dribbling and PGC > GT (Popgun cancelled Glidetoss) being two you should focus on for now. Dribbling is excellent for spacing, and PGC > GT can lure an overly aggressive opponent to their doom. Remember! Don't just throw out those naners for nothing, think before acting! Again, keep it up and you're going places.

Glidetossing down into a Dribble (GT backwards and down > pickup banana > repeat)
Diddy kick cancelling (ForwardB > Kick > airdodge to cancel lag)
Barrel Canceling ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAgtLVXEPVY
Popgun Cancelled Glidetoss (NeutralB > Charge > shield to cancel > GT)

No Wii/Brawl available? Again, practice getting the muscle memory and inputs down. At this stage in your career as a Diddy main, you should be able to input for a dashdance for a decent amount of time (10-15 seconds) before your fingers tire or you mess up.

Stage Three: I just won a local tourney!!!

"Dribbling hurts my fingers :( I wonder if AZ will let me into the Diddy Back Room some time soon... I wonder what people are saying about my most recent vid?"

Constantly moving when they're in control
Autopilot is their newfound worst enemy
Has mastered Glidetossing
Rarely rolls behind opponents, primarily to punish laggy attacks
Understands momentum, and has a fair amount of control over matches
Samus sucks at killing, holy crap!
Can play with nonaner, one, or both adequately
Still isn't completely in control of bananas, but only loses them against good players

How/what to train:
Dribbling, mindgames, NOT autopiloting.
You should be focusing entirely on keeping utter and complete control of those bananas by now. Z-catching, instant throwing back, instant throwing from platforms, the likes. Constant pressure is what Diddy's game is all about, so start applying it!

Dribbling (Single and Double, it allows for perfect spacing)
Z-catching bananas thrown at you (it's a timing thing ;D)
Instant throwing (Consider it an aerial GT, you airdodge > C-stick VERY FAST)

No Wii/Brawl available? Borrow one! Visit friends more often! Do something! :p

Stage Four: I love Single Naner Locking Peopllllle-

"I never mess up Single Naner Locks... If only it weren't so hard to set it up D:< I think I should probably update my thread soon... Wish me luck at Genesis everyone!"

Constantly moving, in control or not
Autopilot is a rarity, but can cripple you at the worst of times
Glidetossing? Dribbling? That's child's play! Instant throwing? Meh, I don't need that...
Never rolls behind opponents, 'cause hey, you can punish with an oos GT > smash, dummy!
Understands and controls momentum through sheer amounts of pressure, and stage control
Naner locks are amazing for kill setups
Is like a fish out of water without bananas, not because they're bad, but because they're so good with them
Rarely loses control of bananas, due to uncanny ability to catch bananas on a whim
Weegee, I've got your number, punk.

How/what to train:
Now that you've mastered Glidetossing and Dribbling, you've gotta broaden your horizons and up your game. Practice instant throwing bananas instead of just catching them when thrown at you (the timing is the same as that of catching, just a different input, airdodge > C-stick any direction).

Again, instant throwing. MASTER IT
Grounded Naner instant throws (Jump > Airdodge > C-stick)
Single Naner Lock
SH double naner throws from platforms

No Wii/Brawl available? Seriously man, get a Wii!!! When all else fails though, practice the inputs for Single Naner Lock.

Stage Five: Diddy's Top-Tier for a Reason, Baby-

"Can't talk, thinking of setups."

Never sitting still, unless if taunting after sending an opponent careening to their death
There's only room for one pilot
I dare you to throw a banana at me, I love instantly throwing them right back
Opponent rarely has a chance to even use laggy attacks, let alone get punished for them
Momentum's my middle name
Forced spike traps at low percents are amazing, hell, I'm amazing
I'm always on my game, banana or no
You may be holding that banana sir, but I assure you, it knows its true master
MK, I'm coming for that top-spot, girl, I hope you're ready for me

have a friend throw bananas at you while you instantly throw them back, catch them, mix it up. This is maintainence training, you're a master. Don't let your fingers get slow!

How/what to train:
Match-ups. There's no better way to learning a match-up, than just playing the bejesus out of it.

Dribble Backwards > Grounded Instant Throw
Unstoppable tech chases using Grounded instant throws
Single Naner techchasing (learn to read them opponents!)

No Wii/Brawl available? Yes, I know I don't own a Wii. Has that stopped me from progressing to being a **** good Diddy main? I just borrow one from friends who don't use theirs, and consistently get better. So can you!

So, with this in mind, where are you?


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
I should've won a local tournament by now :'(

I wanted to make a thread asking what order a beginning Diddy main should learn what he needs to become a competent player. This is a good start.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2009
Melbourne, Australia.
Great thread!

I believe I'm at the level up stage, as I only recently decided to main Diddy. Still need to work on my tech skill and the like. Good luck to others at a similar level.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
in between "I love single nanner locking" and "diddy's top tier". got alot of both in me :3 thing is i love instant throwing and i get into my autopilot super aggressive mode at the most desperate times :\ (usually last stock high % ugh) its seriously a bad habit, i would love to fix it but meh i like being hardcore for the time being =P ill get out of the phase xD

i like this "guide" it shows where the diddy main is at.

and the quote for diddy's top tier is so me xD. my friends get pist at me for not responding back to them while im in the middle of creating baits for meh traps! =P


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
I'm level 3 \o/
Except for Luigi tho :V

"constantly moving, in control or not', is what I'm training at atm. That, and figuring out how you're supposed to use the instant throwing. I've been one of the firsts to use it, but not the right way if you feel it's that good lmao


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Most of the high end symptoms are pure bull****, unless your playing against people who are worse then you.
"Opponent rarely has a chance to even use laggy attacks, let alone get punished for them" for example, means that your playing pure garbage players.
And i like it how you say a "Rank" is clearly determined if you know a tech or not, like single banana throwing, instant ground throwing . They are good techs , but its at highest 10% game even if you have mastered the tech completely.

Also, why NOTHING about spacing? Spacing is by far one of the best terms of a top player coupled with mindgames and you also forgot to mention knowing when to be on defense, offense and when you NEED to sit still ( always moving isnt good , moving to space and set up traps is ) and overall having good knowledge of the game.

Do you think that melee was dominated by the people who know how to perfectly waveshine ( "single nana locking " ) or how to power shield punish every mistake ? ( instant nana throwing back at people ).
Do i really need to explain more?


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Awesome guide but a little bit more emphasize on more abstract concepts like mindgames, observing, and punishing would be better. I like how learning MUs is the final level.

I am definitely level 4. I never autopilot but I occasionally roll. Im also started to adapt to peoples habits. I need to learn to set those spikes up too :laugh:<

800th Post :)


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Tech-skill is the only thing that someone could truly judge themselves with. As stated by leffen, just because you've got the tech-skill, doesn't automatically mean you're pro.


I see plenty of videos where Diddy mains out there don't utilize instant throwing, or even dribbling (a tech ENTIRELY used for spacing, which you greatly emphasize on).

These things alone could drastically up the level in which these people are playing the game.

How often do you instant throw? I GUARANTEE YOU, that once you master this tech, it will feel like you learned to GT all over again. You'll be overwhelming your opponents (not through out the entire match, but when you land a banana, you will have a GUARANTEED follow up, even against Weegee).

As for quantifying spacing... How would I go about doing so? Spacing, being a MUCH more abstract idea than "can you dribble across FD flawlessly?" would be quite difficult to describe. Not to mention, one wants to space differently according to match-up. I want to be on top of ROB, but not within tilt range. Yet when matched against MK, the ONLY time I'm on top of him, is when I've tripped him. As for Snake, it's a bit more tricky, as he has traps just like ours, except his cause 10% at the very least.

To put it another way, I left spacing out solely for the reason that SPACING CAN NOT BE TAUGHT. Spacing is something one learns through their own matches and mistakes. It's not something that can be developed through reading one thread.

@Leffen- Perfectly Waveshining isn't the same as Single Naner locking, and you know that. The same with your analogy about "perfect shielding every mistake..." a banana being thrown at you isn't that difficult to catch, and the timing to instant throw is EXACTLY THE SAME, except with more inputs. Perfect shielding an attack on reflex though, is extremely difficult to time (though, I could easily power shield any naners thrown at me, if I wanted... Though the banana doesn't bounce properly in order for me to catch it and retaliate if I do).

Also, at high levels of play, opponents DON'T use laggy attacks, unless if they trap you into it. Even then, for fear of being punished, they might throw out a faster attack, just to guarantee that it won't backfire.

Laggy attack = punishment

I like your enthusiasm, but honestly, you don't seem to know what you're talking about.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Ok I see what you mean. In that case, its perfect; at least you mention mindgames in the guide ^_^

Its very true that all those techs will whether you have mindgames or not, help you get better but you still need to know how to use them. Maybe you could add something in the beginning that says something along the lines of; Dont just practice in training mode. Learn to use the techs in ACTUAL matches before considered yourself ready to go to the next level.

Just an idea.:)


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
If I were to record stuff as demonstrations for everything listed in OP, who would have an anti-trip wii that they could record it for me on?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2009
I don't own a Wii let alone brawl. So wat I always have to do is wait til I go to a tourney or for college to start up to play and practice Brawl. Seeing as i main Diddy Kong and can't keep training, I'll take the advice and just pick my controller and practice my movements. Basically everything label in the guide. Hopefully it'll keep me warm and convert it to muscle memory which will be for the best.

Good and Helpful Thread:)


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Tech-skill is the only thing that someone could truly judge themselves with. As stated by leffen, just because you've got the tech-skill, doesn't automatically mean you're pro.

Nope, you could judge urself with various other things like asking players better than yourself and thinking about matchups ( for example, i know DDD / MK matchup very good, and i can often beat players more "Skilled" who have more tournament wins, better score and better known cause of it , but i lack in Snake and falco which often means i can barely beat players who are playing those chars, even if i outskill them in tech skill because they know the matchup better )
So for example you could put on one "rank" something like ~make sure you know most if not all of the high tier matchups, study them and try them against different players of same char and then improve them etc.

I see plenty of videos where Diddy mains out there don't utilize instant throwing, or even dribbling (a tech ENTIRELY used for spacing, which you greatly emphasize on).

I never said the tech were bad but no tech in the game is as good as spacing, you never mentioned using glide toss to space etc only to use the tech, mind you this is an "IN DEPTH guide " not "Oh look some pointers but you probably know the more in depth stuff so nvm omg instant throwing <3<3<3<3<3"

These things alone could drastically up the level in which these people are playing the game.

No, you are totally wrong.
New tech can give ROOM to improve (ofcourse, SOME teches always improve your playstyle a little powershielding is always "good", but if you dont use the reduced lag to punish and / or space yourself properly is just a trick) , for example glide tossing is not nearly as good if you dont know how to space it and setup traps.
A tech alone can never ever improve someones level of success and single naner locking = very very hard to hit with if your opponent is spacing carefully.

How often do you instant throw? I GUARANTEE YOU, that once you master this tech, it will feel like you learned to GT all over again.

LOL, more of the ignorant <3 instant throwing <3, instant throw is rarely the best choice as ADHD said @ his set vs Atomsk " I rarely use instant throw back bananas, only if it has a big chance on hitting " and in his videos and most of top diddys none of them use ******** , ******** techs like dribble back -> instant ground throw ( WTF WHAT IS EVEN THE PURPOSE OF THIS **** ) or even use instant ground throw at all / single naner lock.
Why? Instant nana throw is rarely the best option since ur unable to do anything good from the ground and in the air where ur heavily disadvantaged against many chars ( MK, do i need to say anything else ? , falco reflector , Snake Nair , DDD Bair ). The point is that while moving via GT you either move out of range ( back GT ) or in your opponents face ( forward GT ) which allows you to pressure your opponents even if they dodge the banana and you have way more options to follow up / punish his shield / spot dodge )

After instant ground throwing you basicly gave up everything about more options and if ur close when you instant throw = air attack which catches it and hits you and if your far away if it hits then you cant follow up.

You'll be overwhelming your opponents (not through out the entire match, but when you land a banana, you will have a GUARANTEED follow up, even against Weegee).

And when you dont, then you get punished, can you say the same about glide toss?

As for quantifying spacing... How would I go about doing so? Spacing, being a MUCH more abstract idea than "can you dribble across FD flawlessly?"

What about , always reading your opponent and knowing the tip of your moves ( and your opponents, read about matchups... )

would be quite difficult to describe. Not to mention, one wants to space differently according to match-up. I want to be on top of ROB, but not within tilt range. Yet when matched against MK, the ONLY time I'm on top of him, is when I've tripped him. As for Snake, it's a bit more tricky, as he has traps just like ours, except his cause 10% at the very least.

Exactly, its different to matchups, thats why i said HAVING GOOD OVERALL KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME / MATCHUPS, which you ignored or notice ofc.
Yeah its way more important too "HOHOHO IM A TRUE MASTAH OF BANANA HOHO" and the crap you put all over the place.

To put it another way, I left spacing out solely for the reason that SPACING CAN NOT BE TAUGHT. Spacing is something one learns through their own matches and mistakes. It's not something that can be developed through reading one thread.

Can be taught? I thought this was a guide to ADVANCING as a diddy main, not A guide teaching you how to be pro like me i <3 instant throw <3 lol<3?<3?
Even if you probably didnt mean it, then teach me how to "always moving" or "Always punishing every mistake" or "becoming the true master of bananas"?
Thought so.
But you can say " Focus on reading your opponents moves and always act accordingly, randomly thrown in attacks without knowing the purpose of your own attempt to pressure is meaningless "
What do you think will teach most`, the former or the latter?

@Leffen- Perfectly Waveshining isn't the same as Single Naner locking, and you know that.

You're right, the only difference that waveshining is 100x more useful and does not rely on your opponents making wrong moves / spacing with ******** stuff that leave you open.

The same with your analogy about "perfect shielding every mistake..." a banana being thrown at you isn't that difficult to catch, and the timing to instant throw is EXACTLY THE SAME, except with more inputs.

I agree that they arent the same, but its very funny how you compared them " its exactly the same except with more inputs ( not exactly the same ). Powershielding is not hard, esp if you have been playing melee and i didnt mean powershielding itself i ment canceling the shield instantly and then punishing ( The same, shielding and punishing, just faster )
Perfect shielding an attack on reflex though, is extremely difficult to time (though, I could easily power shield any naners thrown at me, if I wanted... Though the banana doesn't bounce properly in order for me to catch it and retaliate if I do).

You dont powershield on reflex lmao, you shield when you predict the opponents attack and CATCHING naners thrown at you can be good, but instant throwing them is just as quoted very meaningless if it does not hit and ur in perfect position to follow up ( almost never ) then its just better to wait and use GT or other tech's after hitting the ground and setting up a good position and spacing.

Also, at high levels of play, opponents DON'T use laggy attacks, unless if they trap you into it. Even then, for fear of being punished, they might throw out a faster attack, just to guarantee that it won't backfire.

Laggy attack = punishment

This was probably the only thing you were so wrong about that i laughed out loud irl.
Watch M2K Vs Ally Apex or Genesis.
Notice how ally constantly uses Nair ( VERY LAGGY ) Bair ( even landing with it , aproaching
M2K when hes in air ), Upsmash is laggy btw, so is Downsmash ( mortar + mines are laggy ) He even uses Fsmash sometimes during the set and ofc he get those Fair spikes often.

Why didnt he get punished and if he got, why did he still do them?
Spacing. Mindgaming Risk = reward

Ally uses Nair but never rushes in with it but always try to predict how M2K is gonna move and answer accordingly. Spacing and mindgaming.
Bair is risk = reward and spacing which makes it harder to punish and since he also predicts how M2K is gonna move it has reduced chance of getting higher. Same with Fair.

Upsmash = Mortar slide and when M2k is above / a bit far away or off the edge, then he can protect himself with it while the mortar is coming down and together with Dsmash and mines / grenades it reduces M2Ks options.

Notice how he falls to grenade -> grab and ally reads him perfectly every dthrow techchase.
Thats just because how good he is at mindgaming .

... Do i really have to say same rules can be applied to Diddy too?

(Fair is laggy, fsmash diddy hump etc )

I like your Instant throwing<3, but honestly, I don't seem to know what the **** I'm talking about.
I think that if you really record a movie for the pointers , include the things i have said and its pretty **** easy to figure out some pointers from the above.

Otherwise good guide, you just need to take away the bullcrap and add more about really improving


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Tech-skill is the only thing that someone could truly judge themselves with. As stated by leffen, just because you've got the tech-skill, doesn't automatically mean you're pro.

Nope, you could judge urself with various other things like asking players better than yourself and thinking about matchups ( for example, i know DDD / MK matchup very good, and i can often beat players more "Skilled" who have more tournament wins, better score and better known cause of it , but i lack in Snake and falco which often means i can barely beat players who are playing those chars, even if i outskill them in tech skill because they know the matchup better )
So for example you could put on one "rank" something like ~make sure you know most if not all of the high tier matchups, study them and try them against different players of same char and then improve them etc.

I see plenty of videos where Diddy mains out there don't utilize instant throwing, or even dribbling (a tech ENTIRELY used for spacing, which you greatly emphasize on).

[I]I never said the tech were bad but no tech in the game is as good as spacing, you never mentioned using glide toss to space etc only to use the tech, mind you this is an "IN DEPTH guide " not "Oh look some pointers but you probably know the more in depth stuff so nvm omg instant throwing <3<3<3<3<3[/I]"

These things alone could drastically up the level in which these people are playing the game.

No, you are totally wrong.
New tech can give ROOM to improve (ofcourse, SOME teches always improve your playstyle a little powershielding is always "good", but if you dont use the reduced lag to punish and / or space yourself properly is just a trick) , for example glide tossing is not nearly as good if you dont know how to space it and setup traps.
A tech alone can never ever improve someones level of success and single naner locking = very very hard to hit with if your opponent is spacing carefully.

How often do you instant throw? I GUARANTEE YOU, that once you master this tech, it will feel like you learned to GT all over again.

LOL, more of the ignorant <3 instant throwing <3, instant throw is rarely the best choice as ADHD said @ his set vs Atomsk " I rarely use instant throw back bananas, only if it has a big chance on hitting " and in his videos and most of top diddys none of them use ******** , ******** techs like dribble back -> instant ground throw ( WTF WHAT IS EVEN THE PURPOSE OF THIS **** ) or even use instant ground throw at all / single naner lock.
Why? Instant nana throw is rarely the best option since ur unable to do anything good from the ground and in the air where ur heavily disadvantaged against many chars ( MK, do i need to say anything else ? , falco reflector , Snake Nair , DDD Bair ). The point is that while moving via GT you either move out of range ( back GT ) or in your opponents face ( forward GT ) which allows you to pressure your opponents even if they dodge the banana and you have way more options to follow up / punish his shield / spot dodge )

After instant ground throwing you basicly gave up everything about more options and if ur close when you instant throw = air attack which catches it and hits you and if your far away if it hits then you cant follow up.

You'll be overwhelming your opponents (not through out the entire match, but when you land a banana, you will have a GUARANTEED follow up, even against Weegee).

And when you dont, then you get punished, can you say the same about glide toss?

As for quantifying spacing... How would I go about doing so? Spacing, being a MUCH more abstract idea than "can you dribble across FD flawlessly?"

What about , always reading your opponent and knowing the tip of your moves ( and your opponents, read about matchups... )

would be quite difficult to describe. Not to mention, one wants to space differently according to match-up. I want to be on top of ROB, but not within tilt range. Yet when matched against MK, the ONLY time I'm on top of him, is when I've tripped him. As for Snake, it's a bit more tricky, as he has traps just like ours, except his cause 10% at the very least.

Exactly, its different to matchups, thats why i said HAVING GOOD OVERALL KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME / MATCHUPS, which you ignored or notice ofc.
Yeah its way more important too "HOHOHO IM A TRUE MASTAH OF BANANA HOHO" and the crap you put all over the place

To put it another way, I left spacing out solely for the reason that SPACING CAN NOT BE TAUGHT. Spacing is something one learns through their own matches and mistakes. It's not something that can be developed through reading one thread.

Can be taught? I thought this was a guide to ADVANCING as a diddy main, not A guide teaching you how to be pro like me i <3 instant throw <3 lol<3?<3?
Even if you probably didnt mean it, then teach me how to "always moving" or "Always punishing every mistake" or "becoming the true master of bananas"?
Thought so.
But you can say " Focus on reading your opponents moves and always act accordingly, randomly thrown in attacks without knowing the purpose of your own attempt to pressure is meaningless "
What do you think will teach most`, the former or the latter?

@Leffen- Perfectly Waveshining isn't the same as Single Naner locking, and you know that.

You're right, the only difference that waveshining is 100x more useful and does not rely on your opponents making wrong moves / spacing with ******** stuff that leave you open.

The same with your analogy about "perfect shielding every mistake..." a banana being thrown at you isn't that difficult to catch, and the timing to instant throw is EXACTLY THE SAME, except with more inputs.

I agree that they arent the same, but its very funny how you compared them " its exactly the same except with more inputs ( not exactly the same ). Powershielding is not hard, esp if you have been playing melee and i didnt mean powershielding itself i ment canceling the shield instantly and then punishing ( The same, shielding and punishing, just faster )

Perfect shielding an attack on reflex though, is extremely difficult to time (though, I could easily power shield any naners thrown at me, if I wanted... Though the banana doesn't bounce properly in order for me to catch it and retaliate if I do).

You dont powershield on reflex lmao, you shield when you predict the opponents attack and CATCHING naners thrown at you can be good, but instant throwing them is just as quoted very meaningless if it does not hit and ur in perfect position to follow up ( almost never ) then its just better to wait and use GT or other tech's after hitting the ground and setting up a good position and spacing.

Also, at high levels of play, opponents DON'T use laggy attacks, unless if they trap you into it. Even then, for fear of being punished, they might throw out a faster attack, just to guarantee that it won't backfire.

Laggy attack = punishment

This was probably the only thing you were so wrong about that i laughed out loud irl.
Watch M2K Vs Ally Apex or Genesis.
Notice how ally constantly uses Nair ( VERY LAGGY ) Bair ( even landing with it , aproaching
M2K when hes in air ), Upsmash is laggy btw, so is Downsmash ( mortar + mines are laggy ) He even uses Fsmash sometimes during the set and ofc he get those Fair spikes often.

Why didnt he get punished and if he got, why did he still do them?
Spacing. Mindgaming Risk = reward

Ally uses Nair but never rushes in with it but always try to predict how M2K is gonna move and answer accordingly. Spacing and mindgaming.
Bair is risk = reward and spacing which makes it harder to punish and since he also predicts how M2K is gonna move it has reduced chance of getting higher. Same with Fair.

Upsmash = Mortar slide and when M2k is above / a bit far away or off the edge, then he can protect himself with it while the mortar is coming down and together with Dsmash and mines / grenades it reduces M2Ks options.

Notice how he falls to grenade -> grab and ally reads him perfectly every dthrow techchase.
Thats just because how good he is at mindgaming .

... Do i really have to say same rules can be applied to Diddy too?

(Fair is laggy, fsmash diddy hump etc )

I like your Instant throwing<3, but honestly, I don't seem to know what the **** I'm talking about.
I think that if you really record a movie for the pointers , include the things i have said and its pretty **** easy to figure out some pointers from the above.

Otherwise good guide, you just need to take away the bullcrap and add more about really improving


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Didn't need to quote the wall of text leffen :p

Bullcrap? It's a guide to mastering the tech-skill that's required to be a Diddy main.

A Diddy without tech-skill is much along the same lines of a Melee Fox without tech-skill- they get *****.

As for writing a guide on spacing, I already explained to you why that isn't explained/delved into, spacing is MUCH more abstract than tech-skill.

"Can you space aerials properly?"

"Can you dribble?"

Which of those two questions would be more easily answered by a newer Diddy player?

Spacing is something you learn from match-ups, this isn't the match-up thread.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I have to ask...

How useful is dribbling? I find myself rarely using it. I find it nice to cross over shields with it, and maybe as a mindgame intending to provoke the opponent into doing something, but overall I don't see how useful it is.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
-crossing over shields
-baiting a response
-staling both of your bananas at the same time (if you're dribbling between two bananas)
-being more unpredictable
-moving your bananas to retreat, I suppose

It's good but not THE MOST USEFUL THING EVAR LOLS. I probably U-throw GT as much as I dribble, although I find both are good. Unpredictability and baiting seem to be the two things I use it for most. When you're only using bananas to throw at your opponent, it's easier for them to guess the optimal time for you to throw it at them and possibly aerial to catch and punish. When you're dribbling and not being as straight-forward, they aren't so certain. You can bait an aerial or air-dodge then quickly punish.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Dribble back > Grounded instant throw

Rocks Peach's world. Woo boy. Marth too. They're forced to catch the banana (both of their airdodges blow) and then POW right in the kisser.


Smash Cadet
Oct 21, 2009
im lvl 2 going to a tourney the 14th and ima gonna get rocked so hard
o yea is barrel cancelling good for messing with falcos who try 2 just throw their nanars back at me or should i just instant throw back


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
im lvl 2 going to a tourney the 14th and ima gonna get rocked so hard
o yea is barrel cancelling good for messing with falcos who try 2 just throw their nanars back at me or should i just instant throw back
You're level 2 but you know how to instant throw? :O And confident of it, from someone else throwing it to you?! :O How is that? :confused: You know you're probably not just level two, even if you haven't gone to a tournament.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Lol this isn't about determining where you're at, those different levels are just a sort of tool for knowing what you should be practicing to up your game :D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2008
Mississauga, Canada (Hobs crk)
Lol this isn't about determining where you're at, those different levels are just a sort of tool for knowing what you should be practicing to up your game :D
Yeah, I think he got confused by some of your 'standards' so he automatically thinks he's level 2 for the tourney thing, and might think he needs to practice old stuff. Which, of course, is highly unlikely true if he can instant-throw that well.

That's a lesson kids: Don't do drugs take it too literally.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Awsome thread, i don't own a wii either and i have progressed so much thanks to SB... I need to win me a local tourny... i need to work on my instant throw still but i've master'd most of Diddy's AT's :)
and my autopilot rarely turns on... and peanuts... i need more of em

GJ Dekar :)
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