I'm getting a little frustrated about the lack of updates here too. Not to mention the lack of stock...
DP and Pal are releasing here next month, so we should have dates for these by now. Not that it'll help anything, but I'd like to know if I should start trolling eBay to get an import copy or if it will be possible to get them locally. Same with ROB/GnW/DHD since evidently they're shoved into the Wave 6 group - I notice Europe has those three down for Sept. 25, so is that our day for BJ/Ganon/ZSS/Olimar/Doc too? (Not to mention the German page also lists a load more Animal Crossing amiibo, but I'm not interested in them)
Also, what's with the Yoshi plushies? Again, haven't heard a thing about them yet. I thought they were making a bundle for Wooly World with the green plushie, but I can't find that anywhere.
Nintendo is really holding out on the US on the amiibo front